One Night in Miami... Redeye Episode

The Flyover crew takes a redeye flight for One Night in Miami... directed by THE queen, Regina King.
We're stepping off the plane at Wilcox Field and headed to the Hampton house for One Night in Miami... in our earliest recorded episode ever, we kick off conversation with some 6:30am banter and then head to the tarmac to take flight into discussion about Amazon Prime's latest hit. The film is based on a play by Kemp Powers, writer of Disney+'s Soul, and directed by the fabulous Regina King. It's about a fictional encounter of a real-life night wherein Malcolm X, Sam Cooke, Cassius Clay, and Jim Brown argue for the whole night, and it's just as good as it sounds. Nearly every aspect is excellent, especially considering this is King's big screen directorial debut. We can't recommend it enough. Tune in to hear more about One Night in Miami, and also a preview for some fun episodes coming soon!