Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning - Part 1

MI7 Transcript

[00:00:00] It's good.

[00:00:04] Okay.

[00:00:05] Isaac: 3, 2, 1, record. All right. Check,

[00:00:10] Olivia: check. I'm recording. Check, check, check, check,

[00:00:13] Isaac: check check. Dun dun, dun dun. Is that gonna be our cold open? Maybe. Maybe Walter can cut it right there. Then do the theme song or just do the mission impossible theme song. Yeah, we could just do that one of the all time great theme songs.

[00:00:31] Olivia: It really is also, I was thinking about it last night. It definitely inspired the score for the Incredibles. Oh, a hundred percent. Yeah. A hundred

[00:00:41] Isaac: percent. So good. Okay. I can take a beat or we can take a beat and then I can introduce and kick us off. Great. And we'll just, let's just, you know what, let's just dive right in.

[00:00:52] Dive right in. Okay.

[00:00:57] Welcome to Flyover Film Country. I'm Isaac Sims. I'm Olivia Clement. And today we're discussing Mission Impossible, dead Reckoning, part one, the Seventh Mission Impossible movie. Olivia, you stoked?

[00:01:12] Olivia: Yeah, I'm stoked. Honestly, I've watched, this is the fourth Mission Impossible movie I've watched Period. Ever, but also the fourth one I've watched this week.

[00:01:22] So, nice. Really excited about it,

[00:01:25] Isaac: isn't it? Isn't it something like watching, watching two back to back, but like, let alone four.

[00:01:31] Olivia: Yeah, it really is. So yeah, so we'll be talking about Mission Impossible. We're also gonna hit on the writers and actors strike that's happening in Hollywood right now, which we

[00:01:41] Isaac: have not talked about at all.

[00:01:42] So we have

[00:01:43] Olivia: not talked about. But you may have heard about it. And so we're gonna talk about. Why they're doing it, what that means, all that. And then we're gonna follow it up with us just chatting about what we've been up to. Yeah. What we've been watching. So that'll

[00:01:58] Isaac: be good. What else is going on? We can check in Olivia, with your a m c A-list stubs Yes.

[00:02:03] Journey. Yeah, that's right. Even though it's been, yeah. Two weeks, I guess since you started it, right.

[00:02:08] Olivia: It's been, it's been about a month now. Okay. Actually, as of like this recording, and I guess probably when this, this comes out, it's probably been about a month.

[00:02:17] Isaac: Yeah. So Nice. Yeah. Well, let's, you know what?

[00:02:21] Let's just

[00:02:22] Olivia: dive right in. Let's, let's jump off a cliff and pair off a motorcycle. Ride in,

[00:02:28] Isaac: yeah. Into a train down into a water cooled vacuum that Yes. Yeah. Holds

[00:02:37] Olivia: a goober. That holds a goober. The whole time I was like, this is just a goober, the whole thing. Every time it's just a, every, every movie, it's just a goober.

[00:02:45] Isaac: I wonder if we can, if we combine our collective brain power, if we can remember exactly how many different people's pockets the cruciform key Oh is located in, throughout the movie. It was in so many pockets. Yeah. Yeah. So many pockets. Okay. So this movie Seventh kind of starts its own story and like there's some returning characters, but Mission Impossible, rogue Nation and Mission Impossible Fallout are kind of almost two parts of the same story because they include the same villain played by Sean Harris.

[00:03:24] And so concludes Mission Impossible with them saving the world from nuclear disaster. And there's a new villain in this one, and it's ai.

[00:03:38] Olivia: AI is, is the true villain of, of our world right now. Let's

[00:03:42] Isaac: just start there. Isai Morales plays like kind of the the face of like the true apostle of this ai called the entity.

[00:03:51] They call it the entity throughout the movie, they say the entity like a little bit too much the entity. I don't know if you thought that entity but yeah. But what else were they

[00:03:59] Olivia: gonna call it?

[00:04:00] Isaac: Yeah, I, I thought they, I would rather them call it something like that instead of ai, so, yeah. Yeah. Pretty different pretty different approach in terms of like having Iam Morales is a pretty formidable villain, but AI and this kind of like unknown force that seems to be interrupting the team's tactics throughout the entire movie.

[00:04:25] It's pretty interesting. So I, that's kind of where I wanted to start with you. Mm-hmm. We're gonna get to all the fun stuff, but let's, let's talk about the plot a little bit. How did you feel about the plot based, now that these four are fresh on your mind? Mm-hmm. One, so did you watch one?

[00:04:40] Olivia: I watched 1, 5, 6 and seven.

[00:04:43] Five, six, and seven. Yes. Yeah. So rogue Nation Fallout and this one Dead Reckoning part one. So, here's the thing. I really feel like none of the plots in these movies are just like stellar, you know? Sure. Like, like, I, I think if you're going in with like, it's gonna be a fun action movie that's, that's gonna feel a little heisty, then, then that's what you get.

[00:05:13] And so I don't think that this plot is much different than any of the other plots. It's. It's a Uber. You gotta get and keep it outta the hands of the bad guys. And if the bad guys get it, it's gonna be the end of the world.

[00:05:31] Isaac: And the good guys are trying to get you too.

[00:05:34] Olivia: Yeah. And the, and the good guys are also trying to get you,

[00:05:37] Isaac: I texted you and you had texted, you had texted me about that.

[00:05:39] Olivia: Yeah. I thought that was pretty funny. Yeah. I was like, so is every Mission Impossible movie, just Ethan Hunt getting framed by his own government and the rest of the world for something he absolutely had nothing to do with. Yeah. And it is, that's essentially the plot of every Mission Impossible movie, which is great.

[00:05:58] So what do you think about it?

[00:06:01] Isaac: I thought so. I think that, well, first of all, before we get to that which out of the ones that you've seen, what, which one was your favorite? Which one was your favorite? And which do you think is the best? Hmm. If those are, if those are mutually exclusive.

[00:06:18] Olivia: That's a good question.

[00:06:22] Oh man, I hadn't thought about that. I hadn't thought about that.

[00:06:25] Isaac: While you're thinking I'll kind of, okay. I'll kind of elaborate on the, that question and the thought, the, my thoughts surrounding it. This movie has an interesting kind of red con of Ethan's motives and Simon Morales has a role. There are flashbacks with him killing an agent.

[00:06:45] We don't know for sure, but we see, we assume that he's part of c i a and he loses his partner, EAI Morales kills her, and then apparently gets framed for her death. And that's what leads to him in joining the I M F.

[00:07:01] Olivia: So, okay. Hold on. Yeah. So none of that was included in three, two, or three or four?

[00:07:09] That's correct.

[00:07:10] Isaac: Okay. That, that was all kind of. Dropped back in. And so I, and, and I didn't like that. I thought it could have been cut because there was already quite a plethora of like mo like emotional stakes involved that mm-hmm. You, you know, if you've seen five and six, but even, even if you were coming in just for this one, you know, that he cares about Ilsa and that he cares about his team and it's kind of, it's kinda easy to pick up on.

[00:07:41] And then also the fact that there's just a lot of unanswered questions that you assume are gonna be answered in part two about Sure. Where Esai Morales has been this whole time, if he like just killed like what he was doing, what his background is. And that was the, that was one of the only like plot things for me in this movie that really stuck out like a sore thumb.

[00:08:01] And even though, like you said, these plots are pretty silly and, and nonsensical. This is, this is one exception where I felt like it stuck out a little bit more than usual. Just in terms of like, didn't really need that. Cause this is a Okay. Almost a three hour movie. Yeah. So it's pretty long.

[00:08:20] Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, I didn't know that was like something they just added because when you go into, I think it's, it's fallout. I think they talk about his wife. Yes. And didn't know that person existed in other, in two and three, I think. And so I was just like, okay. I guess he's got, he was married at one point.

[00:08:46] Okay. But had I watched him in order, obviously I would've known that, but I was just like, okay, maybe I missed something with with the character of Gabriel in the, in two, three, or four. Mm-hmm. But I guess I,

[00:08:59] Isaac: I did not. So, yeah. So Michelle Monagan plays his wife in three, and she appears at the end of four.

[00:09:07] And just, just so you know, I'll kind of fill this in because I've kind of taken you on a franchise trip with this in Indiana Jones. You have? I have. And it's, you know what, it's about to end. So you've been great. You, you do not have to accept the next mission. Okay. You, you may choose not to accept.

[00:09:28] Okay. Two, the fem fatal is Tandy Newton. She's a pickpocket thief. Three. Michelle Mongan and him are engaged. Mm-hmm. And then she gets kidnapped by Philip Seymour Hoffman, and he has to go save her. And then four. Struck Perfectly Strikes Four's directed by Brad Bird of A Of Incredibles

[00:09:50] Olivia: thing. Of the

[00:09:50] Isaac: Incredibles.

[00:09:51] Yeah. And and four is so good. You, you'll, you'll, I know you'll get to four eventually just because you like Brad Bird. It four Goes Protocol.

[00:09:57] Olivia: Yes. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, no, I love Brad Bird. He directed The Incredibles and Iron Giant, which are two of my favorite movies from my childhood. So which I had said to you before this, the, the score, like the theme for Mission Impossible definitely inspired the incredible score.

[00:10:15] Yes. Which I think is great. And I, I didn't realize Brad Bird had directed Ghost Protocol and so I imagine he has been a big fan of Mission Impossible since it first came out, so Absolutely. He was probably a fan of this show, I would guess too.

[00:10:30] Isaac: Yeah. The, our show.

[00:10:32] Olivia: Our show specifically. Yeah. That would be sick.

[00:10:34] Yeah, that'd be really cool. Shout out to Brad Bird. Brad, if you're listening, come on the show. Yeah, just, just let us know so we can talk about the, the rider strike. I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Oh yeah,

[00:10:44] Isaac: that'd be awesome. Fours per perfectly finally figures out how to strike the balance.

[00:10:50] And you'll understand if you watch three, three is extremely kind of, it's, it's too, it gets too into Ethan Hunt's personal life. Okay. And four finally strikes the balance of like, here are the high stakes. Mm-hmm. But they, instead of like, here, I gotta go save my wife, it's more like, Hey, my team is in trouble and I gotta save them and I gotta make sure that no one's gonna die because he's carrying that guilt.

[00:11:17] And you understand that. Mm-hmm. And then right at the end of four, there's something that really cements the emotional com component of the movie with his wife. Okay. So, Very, very well done in with four. That tone carries through what you see in five, six, and then this one. Okay. Okay. So if

[00:11:35] Olivia: that makes sense.

[00:11:36] Yeah, yeah, yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. So I, I accept this mission. Okay. Go. So will this message self-destruction, five seconds. Did you check

[00:11:47] Isaac: the, did you see how letterbox Yes. Coded this thing? We gotta talk about this for a second.

[00:11:51] Olivia: Yeah. So, okay. So I noticed it Wednesday when I watched the first Mission Impossible.

[00:11:58] I just realized I've, the past three days have been spent watching Mission Impossible, which is great. But I noticed it Wednesday. I logged it, logged that I had watched it, and all of a sudden my screen ch changes and I was like, oh, what is happening? I thought my phone bug was like, yeah. And basically if you log a Mission Impossible movie, I don't know how long they'll do this.

[00:12:21] They might do this forever. They might, it might just be. During this run, but portrait of it

[00:12:26] Isaac: later on fire. Do you remember how that has the flames? The flame, the flame instead of the stars? Yeah. It still has that. So they may carry this through with

[00:12:32] Olivia: Mission Impossible. They may carry it through. But basically it's, it's like your screen kind of turns like the analog digital green that you see.

[00:12:41] It kind of has like, I mean, it's obviously supposed to be mission impossible. It kinda has a matrix feel to it. Yep. And it's got a, do you remember what the message says?

[00:12:50] Isaac: It says like it basically says like, you're intercepting, they intercepted classified or sensitive materials, uhhuh, and this message is gonna self-destruct.

[00:12:58] And then it jumps in says there's countdown. There's countdown. Yeah.

[00:13:01] Olivia: Yeah. And then it, it is interrupted and it says IMF agent Hunt. Ethan has intercepted, or

[00:13:11] Isaac: whatever. So, yep. Cool. And then, and then review publishing, contacting server. Yeah. All that stuff. Very fun. Very cool. Love letter boxed. Get a letter boxed.

[00:13:20] Yeah. No, that was

[00:13:20] Olivia: really cool.

[00:13:21] Isaac: So okay. Okay. So back to my question. Okay. Now that you've had some time

[00:13:27] Olivia: to think about it, now I've had some time to think I man,

[00:13:33] Isaac: as I thinking through, in one way, they get better and better. And that's one reason why I wanted to talk about this, because that's been the trend for the last couple years.

[00:13:43] When Fallout came out in 2018, I left the theater theater just, just thunderstruck by how thrilling and how well executed it was. And that's one reason why you know, we could take or leave Indiana Jones, if we could go back, if we had a time machine we could go back and maybe remove dial of destiny from the slate.

[00:14:03] But I would've re, I would've kept dead reckoning part one, just because of the legacy, the rare legacy that this franchise has for. Improving upon each successive. Mm-hmm. Or each following movie. Mm-hmm. So anyway, yeah. So I

[00:14:20] Olivia: think I think right now follow up might be my favorite. I'm curious to see how part two of dead reckoning changing, I mean, kind of like we talked about with you know, across the Spider Verse is like, it kind of feels like a part two.

[00:14:32] And so how is beyond going to make me feel about across? And so I think that this is kind of a similar thing of like, how is part two gonna make me feel about Part one of Dead Reckoning? This, I mean, I think that you're right that these movies do build really well on each other. And you know, going from the very first one to rogue Nation, which the, the villain in Rogue Nation and Fallout.

[00:15:02] Sean Harris' character was really cool. I really liked him because he, he looks like just some nerdy guy, but also he's terrified. Very evil. Yeah. Yeah. He's like so evil. And so, whereas like sa Morales, like he kind of looks like a bad guy. Yeah. Like with his haircut and his like, his like beard aging, like fine wine, but he looks my

[00:15:25] Isaac: bad guy.

[00:15:25] Gosh. Handsome.

[00:15:26] Olivia: Handsome man. He is. So also pretty much everyone in this movie is just like pretty, like really attractive. Yeah. So I did not also, I found this out last night. Haley Atwell is 41. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:15:39] Isaac: I figured, I was like, I was wondering while I was watching it, I was like, she can't be in quite in her late thirties, but I don't think she's quite to her mid forties

[00:15:46] Olivia: yet either.

[00:15:47] So Yeah. Anyway, I saw that last night on Twitter and I was like, wow, man, she looks great. Mm-hmm. Yeah. But yeah, so I think right now fallout is, is probably my, Favorite, but there were so many times while I was watching this movie, which these movies are so much better in theater, like watching them at home versus like watching this in the theater.

[00:16:08] Like I was way more stressed I think while watching this one. And maybe cuz the stakes were a little bit higher in this one, I don't know. But like when they were on the train the whole time, I was like, there's a part two, they are going to survive. But when they were on the train in Dead Reckoning, I was just like, how are they gonna do this?

[00:16:25] How are they gonna get out of this? There's no way. When they're

[00:16:28] Isaac: going through the tunnel and it, they're, it's like they're gonna come outta the tunnel pretty soon and they're just in the tunnel for like almost two or three minutes ever. Really

[00:16:36] Olivia: stressful. It was so stressful. And I was just like, which made me think of like the, the tunnel scene in the first one.

[00:16:43] With the helicopter, which was also so stressful. I was watching out. I was like, how are they, first of all, how do they even fit that helicopter into that, that so like, you know, that, I mean it's, in my mind it's unrealistic. I don't actually know if that's realistic or not. I don't know anything about helicopters or trains, cuz I live in Oklahoma and we don't have high beach.

[00:17:06] It's just

[00:17:06] Isaac: suburban out there, you know, it's just, it is suburban, just, just flat as far as the eye can

[00:17:12] Olivia: see as, as far as the eye can see. Yeah. Until you get to like northeastern Oklahoma, which is basically Arkansas. And that's about it. So that's about it. That

[00:17:24] Isaac: is about it. This is a podcast usually about places I've forgotten by Hollywood, but we're talking about Mission Impossible in this one.

[00:17:31] Olivia: We're talking about Mission Impossible. Listen, this is the summer of Blockbuster movies. Okay. We're in our

[00:17:35] Isaac: summer Hot Girl

[00:17:36] Olivia: summer season. We're, we're on summer vacation. Yes. And so, yes, we are. Because of that, we are hitting on blockbuster movies that have nothing to do with flyover

[00:17:47] Isaac: country. Yeah. So what do you think about Tom Cruise?

[00:17:52] Olivia: I have such mixed feelings about him, such mixed feelings. Like I love so many of his movies, but I hate everything about his, like, beliefs. Yeah. So I just

[00:18:12] Isaac: yeah, he's kind of redeemed, not all, not redeemed himself for like things that have happened in the past, but he was never. I mean like in, in, in a way he's been as controversial as someone like Chris Pratt because, because of like their religious beliefs, but then also his kind of implo, the implosion of his relationships have, have been front and center, but also he's never been someone quite as problematic, even as like Brad Pitt, I would say.

[00:18:42] Sure, sure. Or John, or Certainly not Johnny Depp. Yeah. And he's regained a lot of his public support and love because of this just com, like his complete identity is his movie making and specifically Mission Impossible. Mm-hmm. And Top Gun going back to last year. But he's like, he's really played an incredible role in kind of keeping movies afloat and then also like he is a brand unto himself and his love of movie making is so pure that I think that's kind of earned him.

[00:19:15] More like public support for those who like do pay attention to that sort of stuff. Sure.

[00:19:21] Olivia: Yeah. My thing is, is like I can't get behind the Scientology stuff. Like it's, feels like such a cult cuz it is a cult. Although people would argue that organized religion at any level is a cult, so whatever. But I hate that.

[00:19:39] I just know that he hates psychology. Like, because Scientologists don't believe in psychology. Like my whole like field is bull crap to him. And so that, which like, who cares if Tom Cruise? Like I don't care that he thinks that. I hate that. People think that in general though. And, and like, let's not forget that weird.

[00:20:03] Moment on Oprah's show where he like jumped on the couch for talking about Katie Holmes. It was so just odd. It, I will say this, he, like you said, as far as we know, he's never been physically abusive or accused of that like Brad Pitt has or Johnny Depp. So he's definitely

[00:20:26] Isaac: been emotionally manipulative and stuff like that for sure.

[00:20:29] Oh, for sure. Yeah, for sure. So from what we know about you know,

[00:20:32] Olivia: Nicole Kidman and so yeah. And the fact that Nicole Kidman hasn't seen their adopted kids since they got divorced. Yeah. That doesn't feel great. So, so it's hard for me to like, reconcile those things and so it, it kind of goes back to the, like the question that I think that we've talked about a few times of like, how do you separate the art from the artist.

[00:21:00] And so, so, and I appreciate, like, I do appreciate like his love of cinema and his desire for like to like advocate for the cinema and for, you know, getting people into, into movie theaters and stuff like that. Like, I I appreciate that, but you don't have to. Yeah. Like, you don't have to be a, a, I don't know, Mindy Scientologist.

[00:21:29] Scientologist. So well, the

[00:21:31] Isaac: reason, the reason I wanted to ask you that and start that, or, or because is because the choice to show him that he had a, at the very beginning, he had a female partner that he may or may not have had feelings for, but was definitely like, felt responsible for her death.

[00:21:49] Mm-hmm. And then his relationship with Michelle Mongan and. In, in, not in real life, in the, in the movie. Sure. Yeah. Comes to an end because of his profession. Mm-hmm. And then in this movie, spoiler alert, Rebecca Ferguson's character Ilsa gets killed by Issa Morales. Right. And it's just this very strange, like, and that's, that's why, why I was kind of harping on the, you really didn't need Esai Morales to be someone from Ethan's past.

[00:22:21] Mm-hmm. Because there's already like this stress that he has about his team not making it through. Right. And that him, that he may fail them and that he does fail Ilsa in a sense. Mm-hmm. And it was just a very strange parallel to like his real life and, and things that have happened in real life. So, And then you're kind of like, is Haley Atwell gonna make it through the series?

[00:22:44] Like is she gonna Yeah.

[00:22:46] Olivia: Like, I mean, not a great

[00:22:47] Isaac: track. And Simon Morale even says that like, at one point, whenever he's talking to Grace in the bar mm-hmm. Haley

[00:22:53] Olivia: Atwell's character. Yeah. Like, like lays all that out to, to her cuz she's known him for like all of five minutes has known Ethan Hunt for like, all of five minutes.

[00:23:02] And so, so she doesn't really know who, who she can trust also, I love that she like, she's just a, like a thief. There's like really no no higher stakes for her. She's just, you know, trying to get by, which I respect. And so she's like way out of her depth with all of this,

[00:23:22] Isaac: and she's trying to get away for the first, like, half of the movie, half of the movie.

[00:23:26] It's really, it's a really great plot mechanism.

[00:23:28] Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. But it is interesting, like I, I was thinking about that of like just these different female characters that have been. In this franchise and how, how they're portrayed. Something that I was talking about, I went with my friends Tyler and Scott to see this last night.

[00:23:45] And so something Tyler and I were talking about on the way home from the movie theater was ha specifically Hayley Atwell's character. Like she's written in a way where she's like, like I said, she's way out of her depth, doesn't know how to drive the car, right? And like, is not this like secret agent spy person who can like, do all these crazy things, but she's like good at what she does and she's crafty and smart and, and is able to like, find her way out of situations, but they like make her flawed and not in a, like a ditzy dams on distress kind of way.

[00:24:27] Which I really appreciated especially coming off of Indiana Jones. Mm-hmm. Which I talked about, you know, in that episode. And so, so I really liked her character in this. So

[00:24:39] Isaac: probably the best formed, like Rebecca Ferguson is just absolutely phenomenal in Oh yeah. In five, six, and seven, and she's playing this hardened killer mm-hmm.

[00:24:50] Who, who like former MI six turned syndicate slash you know, like she's undercover, all that stuff. Hayley, Hayley Atwell is like, and this is, this is kind of what I came away with from watching the movie, is exactly what this franchise needs. And really like the casting decisions more than anything, like including, you know, you have to have a vision like Macquarie and someone like Tom Cruise, who is 100000% committed to jumping off buildings and like making this.

[00:25:22] A complete thrill ride has really elevated mission impossible to something that's, I think, better and more enjoyable than something like James Bond because there is humor and there is a great team supporting the James Bond figure. Yeah. Getting Simon Peg in there. Oh, Simon Peg off of Hot Fuzz and Yeah.

[00:25:43] Shawn of the Dead and then Carrie, it was so wise to carry V Rams through as Luther. Mm-hmm. Haley Atwell brings a completely new and exciting dynamic as this capable but out of her depth. Rookie slash thief. Mm-hmm.

[00:25:59] Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. She's, she's kind of like the antithesis of, of Rebecca Ferguson's character of, you know, like you said, she's Ilsa is hardened.

[00:26:12] She is just worried about getting the job done and is not concerned about anything else and will stop at nothing to get the job done. Whereas Haley Atwell's character of Grace is like, why are we doing it? Like, questioning everything is, is like, this is, all of this is insane. And it's kind of responding like, like a normal person would of just like, why?

[00:26:37] What do you mean we're gonna do all this stuff? You're just gonna leave me on the train. I don't, I'm not gonna be left on the train like that. Which is fair. So it was, yeah, I think, I think she brought just a good different dynamic character and with a, with that was also funny. The bit on the train where sh he's like, okay.

[00:27:02] You have to let me go. I'm gonna jump over here. Mm-hmm. You have to let me go. Or, and she just kept putting her arms around him. Yeah. And like holding onto him. He's like, he's like, stop, stop. And he's like, you stop. I need you to let me go. And she's just like, no. Which is how I think I would respond in that situation of like, no, no, no, no.

[00:27:18] You're not leaving me here. Yeah. Also, I'm terrified of this.

[00:27:22] Isaac: So she's having such a good time filming and, and it's really like there aren't very many people who can because she, she, like in that scene her and Palm Clementi and and James and James Bond Tom Cruise are showing demonstrating like athletic prowess and Oh yeah.

[00:27:42] And, and that's, that's again, that's like why we go see specifically Mission Impossible and that mission, what Mission Impossible has that the Fast and the Furious doesn't have, like in terms of this is just the most believable, thrilling thing ever. This train sequence. I saw this movie with my brother and my mom, and they were both, all three of us were hooting and hollering, like the whole time, like with our whole theater.

[00:28:07] Yeah. But esp like my mom was just, just ch chuckling like crazy, especially with the fiat scene.

[00:28:14] Olivia: Oh, the fiat scene was so good. It's

[00:28:16] Isaac: so good. It's so funny. That's one thing about this movie, it feels a, there's a little bit more humor injected into the uhhuh, into the action sequences. It's, and when he smashes through the train window or into the train and saves her without meaning to Yeah.

[00:28:33] It's very sudden very slap, sticky. The train is obviously like big Buster Keaton energy. Mm-hmm. It's one thing about. This movie that was just really, really fun. That yeah. Yeah. Crazy things are happening and like, it's

[00:28:48] Olivia: so, yeah. So many crazy things happen. Palm Clementine's character, I really liked her as that character.

[00:28:55] Tyler leaned over to me at one point in the movie and he goes, who is that? And I said, it's Mantis from Guardians. And he goes, that's who that is. That's who that is. Yeah. But she was, she was so funny. The part that I think I loved the most with, with her was when she gets into that big giant like SWAT vehicle and runs into all those like mopeds or motorcycles or whatever, and she does that little like evil gremlin laugh.

[00:29:21] Yeah. Kiki, it was so funny. I laughed so hard at that for whatever reason. Yeah. But man, it was so good. And sh I think. I was, I was just like, man, I would love to see her in More Act, her and Hay Atwell and Vanessa Kirby. We haven't talked about Vanessa Kirby either, but like Yep. I wanted to see them in more like action stuff that they were so good.

[00:29:42] Vanessa Kirby was in the Fast and Furious franchise, wasn't she? She

[00:29:45] Isaac: was in, she may have been in, I, maybe she didn't, I have a hard time. Like, yeah, yeah. She, so she plays, she's a Jason Ham's sister. Sister, yeah. And she's a, she's supposed to be the like romantic interest for the Rock in Hobbs and Shaw. And it's the most like, ugh, like why did y'all have to do this?

[00:30:05] Yeah. So unfortunately I, she's amazing. Do you know that she's in about time, she's like the best friend to Rachel Mc Adams. She's Rachel McGann's best friend. Yeah. And she's like eating a huge donut at the end. It's so, she's, she's amazing.

[00:30:20] Olivia: She's so good. I didn't realize she was in that. That makes, but yeah, that makes so much sense now.

[00:30:25] Not Vanessa Kirby, I think. I think she's underrated. Mm-hmm.

[00:30:30] Isaac: So, and she, it's, it's also really funny too, and I'm not sure if you picked up on this, but like, it's hinted at that she and Ethan like, like hook up Yeah. At some point. Yeah. And it's, it's like Tom Cruise just being like, look, I have to be believable as this guy.

[00:30:47] So like all these, all these women have to like, have that one point slept with my character.

[00:30:54] Olivia: Yeah. Well cause yeah, cuz at one point SSA says something about like, yeah. And you guys resolved that issue and you still haven't told me how he just changes the subject. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, no, I, I did pick up on that which like, it, the, in the, in fallout when her character's first introduced, she like, she

[00:31:15] Isaac: kisses him at one point.

[00:31:16] She's just like kisses

[00:31:17] Olivia: him at one point. Yeah. And I was like, also she's

[00:31:19] Isaac: like, she's like, she 28, is she, you know, or I know she's in her thirties, but like yeah. She's just really young to be in such a position of power. And I didn't catch onto this. You may have since you watched one a little bit more recently than I did, but apparently the woman in one is her and her brother's mother.

[00:31:39] Oh, okay. Which I didn't catch onto until I was like, kind of doing some research for this podcast. And I was like, oh, okay. That makes more sense because he Kittridge says that. Mm-hmm. He says like, the deal I made with your mother kept her outta jail. Yeah. And blah, blah, blah. And now she's dead. So. Yeah.

[00:31:53] Anyway, it's kind of interesting fan service. Yeah.

[00:31:57] Olivia: I felt like there was a, a little bit of fan service with this one. Maybe more so than in the other ones I've seen,

[00:32:05] Isaac: which even with the train, like you pointed out, like there's a train scene like in the first one, and then you have the returning characters with Kittridge and mm-hmm.

[00:32:14] Yeah. So, but, but again, not that, not quite as seriously like roll my eyes sort of stuff. All the stuff, the nose as like no home, other, other franchises

[00:32:24] Olivia: we've seen. Yeah. Yeah. Can we talk about how Tom Cruise runs just 90 degrees?

[00:32:31] Isaac: True. Text message I received from Olivia, all caps Tom Cruise running.

[00:32:36] That was it. Yep. Did you know that it's actually not good form to like, bring your hands up to your, like jawline? It's better form to like keep them at your side, kind of like you're near your belt.

[00:32:52] Olivia: So, so Tom Cruise has poor running form.

[00:32:56] Isaac: As someone who runs a lot, Uhhuh, I'm calling Tom Cruise out. Okay.

[00:33:01] All right. Well, I hope, but if you're, I mean, if you're sprinting, it probably doesn't matter.

[00:33:07] Olivia: I feel like it doesn't matter. I'm trying to think.

[00:33:08] Isaac: Yeah, I don't think it does. I'm just, I'm being a little

[00:33:11] Olivia: ornery. He, he's sprinting the whole time. It's not like he's going for a, a long distance run. It's jaunt.

[00:33:19] Yeah, it's a sprint. Yeah. It's not a jaunt. It's a, it's a sprint. So I guess that's a little

[00:33:23] Isaac: different. Were you, were you thinking when you sent me that text, were you thinking about or referring to the scene with all the candles, any sprints for like a quarter of a mile and the camera just follows on.

[00:33:34] Olivia: It's so hard. Yeah. I was thinking about that scene. I was thinking about the scene where he ends up running on the air airport. Uhhuh just so much, so much running. There's so much running. I really wanna know, like, like how Tom Cruise trains for these movies, like, What is his cardio secret? Tell us. It's, it's probably something that he, like, he sold his soul to Scientology and that's, it's what he gets in return.

[00:34:03] Yeah. Honestly. So that might be his secret, but I just wanna know, like, you're just curious. 61,

[00:34:12] Isaac: he, he's the same age as my mom.

[00:34:14] Olivia: That's crazy. Yeah. And it's

[00:34:16] Isaac: interesting, like he, I'm wondering how much special effects are being used to make him look a little bit younger, because he does not on the red carpet, he does not look the way he does in this

[00:34:29] Olivia: movie.

[00:34:29] No, he doesn't. I also noticed that I was like, he looks a lot older, which like this movie, he, I think when they first started filming this movie, he was 57. Yeah. Because of Covid. It was delayed a couple year, like the filming process was delayed. So he was like 59 I think when they finished.

[00:34:51] By the time, I think he turned 61 this year, so Makes sense. Anyway. Yeah. Also, I saw this crazy stat, not stat, it's a fact. He is older I of this movie, Tom Gru is, Tom Cruise is now older than John Voight was when he was in the first Mission. Impossible. Voight was 57 at the time, whereas Cruz was 57 when the filming INI initially started, and 59 when it finally wrapped and will be 61 when it's released.

[00:35:23] That's

[00:35:24] Isaac: actually crazy because even in one John Voight looks like really old. Yeah, he looks like way older than he is. Yeah, he

[00:35:32] Olivia: does. It's it, it's wild to me. Yeah. But also I feel like that's like a common thing of like, Looking at like older movies and seeing like people who are older in those movies versus people who are the same age as them now.

[00:35:48] Like the Golden Girls, they're in their fifties.

[00:35:53] Isaac: Yes. I was talking to my boss about this the other day. Oh, that's

[00:35:56] Olivia: so weird. Yeah. Yeah, they're in their fifties when the show starts, but they look so much older than that. Yeah. Which is why like Betty Wyatt, like, you know, sh it's like she, I mean, she did live a really long time.

[00:36:08] She was almost 105, but she

[00:36:10] Isaac: had that reputation as like an older woman for probably longer than like half of her. Well, like society changes that perception is too, that's what Julie and I were talking about is like, you know, sex in the City portrays women in their late, early fifties or late fifties. So much different than when Golden Girls Yeah.

[00:36:29] Portrayed. Oh yeah. Yeah. It's just like, yeah. It's fascinating how it changes. Keanu Reeves for references 58. That's amazing. And, and it's, it's interesting because he appears a little bit older than Tom Cruise, but in reality he's younger. Mm-hmm. He just like, you know, shows a little bit more of his age, even though he Yeah.

[00:36:46] Trains just as hard,

[00:36:47] Olivia: so. Right. Yeah. Well, and I think Tom Cruise on the red carpet, like, you know, at, on the carpet or whatever at premieres and stuff, he shows a little more gray than he does like in movies. Right. Whereas I feel like Keanu Reeves, I think in John, the John Wick movies, he doesn't have as, he doesn't have any gray, but he, he has more gray, I think, than than Tom Cruise does.

[00:37:11] Yeah.

[00:37:12] Isaac: So recapping a couple things in the movie. Did you see the, we we talked about the special or the little clip that they did talking about the. Up close magic that he was. Mm-hmm. Doing slide of hand with Hay atwell's character and how he couldn't get it. Did you see that

[00:37:30] Olivia: clip? No, but I read about it on IMDBs trivia section is like, he really wanted to do it, but he like couldn't after like several failed takes, they had to do like a little special effects for it.

[00:37:41] Mm-hmm. I just know Tom Cruise was so mad he couldn't get it.

[00:37:45] Isaac: Yeah, yeah. And but the, the clip is hilarious because he is so intense and he's just like, he finally like, kind of shows how, what he's, his eyes look so almost manic whenever he like, he's like, I couldn't get it. No, he's like, flinch. He's like just jerking his body around.

[00:38:03] It's so funny. So, man. Okay. Part two, you think Grace is gonna make it through?

[00:38:11] Olivia: Man, I really want her to. I think also, also, I don't think Paul, you think his character

[00:38:17] Isaac: is dead. I don't either. Especially cuz I mean they had that CIA a character be like, oh she's got a pulse. She's got a pull some lights.

[00:38:23] Olivia: There's a pulse. Yeah. I think she's alive. She's probably gonna come back probably stronger than ever. Our queen. Our queen and yeah, I Is Grace gonna make it?

[00:38:39] I feel like they are more willing to kill off a character than like Star Wars or Yep. You know, Marvel, especially Marvel.

[00:38:48] Isaac: Cause Alex Baldwin bit the dust and

[00:38:50] Olivia: fall out. Yeah. Yeah. When that happened I was like, oh my gosh, they really kill him. Yeah. And part of me, cuz we've seen, we've seen ALA's character or Ila el Elsa ELs, Elsa's character die.

[00:39:04] Die, quote unquote. So

[00:39:06] Isaac: yeah, she like died. She fake, died at the beginning of the movie and then actually dies. I

[00:39:10] Olivia: was like, I was like, she's not dead. She's not dead dead. But I think she actually is dead. Dead. So I don't know. Do you think Sh Grace is gonna make it?

[00:39:18] I

[00:39:18] Isaac: really want to. I think she'll be fine.

[00:39:21] I think either Benji or Luther may, may die. Oh man. That would be, that would be real rare. Or here's the thing, here's the interesting thing that someone pointed out. Tom Cruise calls the entity. I mean, it's, the AI thing is called the entity, first of all. Mm-hmm. Second of all, like at one point someone refers to it as like trying to kill God.

[00:39:42] Mm-hmm. And the key is shaped like a cross and it's literally called the Cruciform Key Uhhuh. And he's like, I'm coming to kill you and you're God, and nowhere is safe for you. And someone like I, someone predicted that he's gonna die saving the world. With the key that's shaped like a cross, and it's like a very Messianic, you know, parallel.

[00:40:09] Mm-hmm. So I could see, but he also said that he wants to make Mission Impossible movies, like into his, he said eighties. Did you see that? Like in the interview, he was like, I wanna make these as long as I can. If I'm 80, I'll keep making them if I

[00:40:22] Olivia: can. Man, it would be cool to see his character, like for Ethan Hunt to Die, but they continue the Mission Impossible franchise with like Haley Atwell's character or whoever.

[00:40:37] Right. It could be another care character for all I Care. But I, yeah, I feel like Tom Cruise is gonna try to milk this for as long as he can. And you know what? I'll go see him.

[00:40:49] Isaac: Yep. Same if they, I love, I, this is my favorite, you know, this is my favorite franchise.

[00:40:56] Olivia: This. Man, I don't know what my favorite franchise is, but I think that this is definitely, like, I'm having to reconsider, like, I was not expecting to enjoy these movies as much as I have.

[00:41:07] Mm-hmm. And so it, it feels kind of like out of left field, but I mean, this Mission Impossible might become my favorite franchise. Yeah. Which I never thought I'd say about Tom Cruise, but you know what? He makes good movies. Dang it. Gosh darn it. He makes good movies. Gosh darn it. He makes such good movies

[00:41:28] Isaac: since the Screen Actors Guild is on strike.

[00:41:33] The Writer's Guild of America is on strike. Basically all production on all movies is halted. Mm-hmm. And so, or major, major films. So we are almost definitely not getting beyond the Spider Verse next year. And we probably won't get, I think that, I believe that they filmed part of part two of Dead Reckoning.

[00:41:54] Mm-hmm. But it's not completed and they need to do more filming. And so we are probably not gonna get it until 2025 unless there's a really there's a resolution, you know, reached with the AM P t p very soon, so,

[00:42:09] Olivia: right. Which yeah, very soon would have to be probably within the next few weeks for us to get part two of dead reckoning at all next year is my guess.

[00:42:21] Yeah. So so Scott, Scott said I think it's funny that we get you this movie pass thing the year that they go onto this major strike and no movies are gonna come

[00:42:33] Isaac: out next year. There's gonna be, there's gonna be the equivalent of like, so do you know that the second Transformers movie, like the one that's, you know, pretty reviled was a writer strike movie?

[00:42:44] No. When you watch it, when you watch it, you're like, I, this is, that's why this. Dialogue is in comprehensible. Oh. And the plotting is like, I realize that so crazy and bad. So I didn't know that until recently. But it will be, that makes a lot more sense. We just gotta enjoy it while we can. You know, we're, and that's, that's one reason why we wanted to talk about it today mm-hmm.

[00:43:04] Is because we do have, so we have Barbie and Oppenheimer coming up soon. We have Dune part two coming later this year. I don't know how you feel about the Wonka trailer. I don't know how I feel about it either, honestly. We can, we can touch on it. Yeah. Touch on it before we close. We do have some fun things coming up.

[00:43:24] And this is, this has shaped up to be a very good movie year. Yeah. Movie you're watching. I would say the Flower Moon. Yeah. Killers of the Flower Moon. We're gonna, we're gonna be talking about that. The bike riders hopefully is coming out. So we gotta enjoy it while we can, you know.

[00:43:36] Olivia: That's right. So, yeah.

[00:43:40] So do we wanna like actually start talking more about the strike or?

[00:43:44] Isaac: Yeah, why don't you, why don't you hit just the overview of the W G A when that started and just kinda like what, what they're striking for and then I can follow up with SAG AFTRA

[00:43:56] Olivia: in the strike. Yeah. So, so W G W A G is the Writer's Guild of of America.

[00:44:04] Or w g a, sorry, I was correct the first time Writer's Guild of America. So this has been going on for a few months now. May 2nd I believe. Okay. Yeah, so, so a couple months now. And they are striking due to the complications that streaming services have added to like residuals and being compensated for that.

[00:44:31] And then, AI generated content. So it kind of does like work with our, our mission. Impossible. Very timely. Yeah, very timely. Which also Fallout was timely too, because it came out two years prior to, it was less timely, but two, two years prior to the pandemic. And it talked about like an epidemic in that movie.

[00:44:56] Yes. Yeah. So interesting. It was weird watching that on the other side of the pandemic. Yeah. Anyway, but you know, so there's, there's these, these concerns that the writers have of like, they're not being compensated for for their work. I saw, I think the average writer in Hollywood makes like $69,000, which is way more money than I make, but it's also mm-hmm.

[00:45:23] They live in la. And that's not a lot of money in la. And so they're making that much. But then the CEOs of these companies, like Netflix and Paramount and Disney are making signing contracts with a $27 million bonus. And so it's like,

[00:45:43] Isaac: it was pretty tone deaf because like this week it was announced that Bob ER's contract as the former, and now again mm-hmm.

[00:45:53] C e o of Disney, his contractor was extended by like six years or something. Mm-hmm. I believe six years. Mm-hmm. And his annual salary was reported to be 25 million. Yeah. And so it, it's, that's all you need to know. Like there, you can argue about economics of responsibilities and stuff like that, but like, that's, that's all you need to know is that number 25 million annually and Right.

[00:46:20] We, you know, that something is wrong. That's, that's like, we just need to start there. Yeah. And because a lot of people don't know, like, oh yeah, like the strike is happening and like there's, we have it in the dossier. There are so many actors covered by or represented by SAG AFTRA and even more like writers, and they're not making li living wages right.

[00:46:46] In, in their market. And let alone, you know, in the south where cost of living is so much lower. So,

[00:46:53] Olivia: right. And also part of it with like streaming services is like, these shows are often shorter. So, so prior to streaming, when a show was on a network cable channel, it would get. Anywhere between, you know, 18 to 22, sometimes 24 episodes.

[00:47:16] So, so there was way more work before, and now, you know, shows are getting 10 episodes at the most, 12 if you're lucky. Yep. And so, like, that's half the work and they're not getting any compensation for how often the show is re-watched. Whereas prior, once a show, an episode of a TV show aired, it would have the original run.

[00:47:50] And then like, I think a week later there was compensation for every time it was, it was aired. Mm-hmm. And so, so like, Families of shows of like actors who were in shows from like the fifties and sixties are still getting residuals. Yeah. From, you know, Lucille Ball being in, I Love Lucy into the, I Love Lucy reruns playing, right?

[00:48:13] Mm-hmm. So they were getting residuals for that. Something I posted, sorry, go ahead. Go ahead. I was gonna say, I posted this video to my Instagram story last night. It's a Shawn Gunn James Gunn's brother who was in Gilmore Girls. Mm-hmm. Which is a very popular show. And so he was in that show almost the entire time, time consistently one

[00:48:33] Isaac: of the most popular on Netflix.

[00:48:34] Olivia: Yes. It's consistently rewatch

[00:48:37] Isaac: even though it didn't, it didn't, it didn't air on Netflix

[00:48:40] Olivia: initially. Correct? Right. Yeah, it was, I think originally on the wb, which is now cw. That was, that was a show that was on TV all the time growing up, and now it's on Netflix and people are constantly rewatching it.

[00:48:54] Like, I know someone, one of my friends from church, she's like, I fall asleep to Gilmore Girls every night. Like, that is a show. She just kind of, she has on all the time. And I know lots of people who, who do that with Gilmore Girls, the office friends, parks and Rec, like, like all of these like comfort shows.

[00:49:13] Shawn Gunn doesn't see hardly anything from, from that. And he is like, it's not fair. I worked on that show. I put in the time and effort I should be compensated for that. And like, that was the thing, thing was

[00:49:25] Isaac: like really compensated for its success. Yes. People are people And so, and there's like this base level, like the, the main salary that they, that actors and writers are getting from the initial work that they put in the show.

[00:49:40] They, there's success is always, An unknown. You don't know how successful something's gonna be, and everybody knows that every, like, everybody who's working on that show knows, but they're putting in their best effort if something is successful. And streaming really broke everything for, for writers, directors, even though the directors are a little bit better off and the directors are not on strike.

[00:50:01] This is the first time ever, I believe that writers and actors have been on strike simultaneously because of these conditions. And yeah, it's

[00:50:08] Olivia: the first time since it's the first time in 60 years. Okay, Ronald, here's how, how long ago it was. Ronald Reagan was the president of SAG the last time this happened at the same time.

[00:50:19] Ain't life crazy, Olivia? It's so crazy.

[00:50:22] Isaac: Who'd have thought that the president of SAG would go on to just shape our country and world in profoundly negative ways

[00:50:30] Olivia: in so many negative ways. It's crazy. Anyway, but I saw, I read that stati like that fact last night and I was like, that is wild.

[00:50:42] Isaac: Yeah. And so, and so when, when streaming began, you know, there are a lot there.

[00:50:46] All you need to do is look at follow Hollywood reporter in variety and a deadline. They're covering these things a lot better than we can. We're just kind of like re regurgitating the stuff that we're reading. Mm-hmm. There's one, Harper, Harper's Bazaar has a great article on Sag Astra Strike kind of summarizing all of it, but like, AI and compensation are definitely the two overlapping things between, between Sag Astra and WGA and why they're striking.

[00:51:12] And streaming really broke all of this because that's kind of when residuals stopped being like, people still get residuals, but they're like a dollar or $10. Like it's, it's, it's nothing compared to the success that they're seeing. And there's just the whole fact that. Nielsen does report like viewership, but Netflix and Prime and Apple, like all of these, these are tech companies.

[00:51:40] They're not entertainment companies or streaming companies. They're like tech companies first. Because they're algorithms and all that stuff. They do not release their numbers. You, we don't, we know what's in Netflix's top 10, but we don't know. We cannot quantify how many people watched Gilmore Girls or The Flash or whatever in Right.

[00:51:59] In a week. They don't release that. Right. And if they did that would really, I mean that they would have to be held accountable for the way that they compensate the cast and the crew and all of those contracts, so. Right. It's it's, it's very important. It's very historic and so I think, I think it's important for us to just take a little bit of time to, you know, just talk about it for

[00:52:21] Olivia: a second.

[00:52:22] Right. And, and like, All of all of your favorite actors and writers are, are on strike. Yeah. I saw, I saw a, a picture of Killian Murphy and it was like Killian Murphy's face when he found out that he doesn't actually have to do any promotion for operas,

[00:52:38] Isaac: but he's committee is a happy, happy lads.

[00:52:41] Olivia: Yeah, he's a happy lad.

[00:52:42] And but like, yeah, like they, and they also can't do any more promotion, like promotional stuff, so they can't be on podcasts or late night shows or anything like that moving forward because of this is, this is how like the strike has been set up and everything like that.

[00:52:57] Isaac: I do have a list of, of every, so here's everything that they can't do.

[00:53:01] Okay. Yeah. This is from, this is from variety. Actors cannot participate in principal on-camera work, such as acting, singing, dancing, even stuff like puppeteering. Principal off-camera work such as adr. So they can't even come into the studio to do after do, after the fact dialogue, like offscreen or whatever.

[00:53:18] Voice acting, singing, background work, promotion of public publicity service like you were talking about Olivia tours, personal interviews, interviews negotiating and or entering into, or consenting to agreement to perform covered services in the future so they can't take new work. Mm-hmm. This is, that's, and that's like, that's big.

[00:53:38] All of this is on hold. Their, their livelihood is on hold. And for people like Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, that's not a big deal. But for even like younger famous people that we really like, yeah, they, it's all on

[00:53:52] Olivia: hold. Yeah, I was, I was reading an article where it was like Sydney Sweeney from Euphoria was like, I don't make enough money to live in Hollywood just based on my acting salary.

[00:54:05] Yeah. So she's like, so I and lots of other actors take on, you know, like basically like paid advertising gigs to compensate. So we, you know, we see these actors doing all these, all these things and it's like, wow, they're just so money hungry. And it's like, yeah, maybe, but also like they have to make a living and mm-hmm.

[00:54:27] They're not currently, you know, even like with y like a show like Euphoria, which like, this is typical of, like, this has been historical of H B O shows is like, they only have a 10 episode run, but now it, it's still different cuz like, how many more people are watching euphoria because of Max and streaming.

[00:54:47] Yep. Than they were like, would have otherwise. Right. And so like kind of the big, like leaders with this are Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, Kiki Palmer, Olivia Wilde, Quinta Brunson from Abbott Elementary. So like I, all of our movies and TV shows are gonna be delayed, which will suck. I mean, it sucks for us because you and I love going to the movies and that's something that we enjoy doing.

[00:55:16] But it also sucks cuz like all the TV shows that, that we've been watching are gonna stop. And it's, I don't know, it's just annoying that these CEOs are more concerned about their bottom line than the livelihood of anyone who works for them and makes them their money. Yep.

[00:55:38] Isaac: So, and it's, it'll, it'll be really interesting too.

[00:55:41] This is kind of like a tertiary piece of it, but there is. Part of this conversation is the whole, like you know, Indiana Jones was estimated to be like 300 million probably with marketing. Mm-hmm. And it's severely underperforming. Elemental is severely underperforming. People are, I, I, I really think that Hollywood itself, most of the studios are looking at like, well, how can we like, get more return for our investment and mm-hmm.

[00:56:11] Less investment. For example, like Blum. Like, not that everything needs to be Hore, but Blumhouse has been really good at this for forever. Just like, mm-hmm. Here's a 50 million budget. Just make us 30 or $40 million and we'll all be happy. And just doing that, like this economy of scale going, instead of everything having to be Marvel sized or Indiana Jones sized or Star Wars sized, what if it all kind of leveled out?

[00:56:36] So It's another, another interesting thing, just the whole business is changing in this these strikes are in this double strike now is evidence of all of that occurring, kind of all coming to a head and that something is, is very, very

[00:56:51] Olivia: wrong. Yeah. And I was reading, I was reading a thread on Twitter today or last night, last night, I don't remember.

[00:57:01] Anyway, within the past 24 hours of Hollywood has not, because it is so focused on franchises, or at least it's how it seems, it has not shaped or given like scaffolding to any young actor to kind of become a, like a leading man or woman per se. So that's why we have, you know, Harrison Ford doing his fifth.

[00:57:30] Indiana Jones movie when he's well into his eighties and, and can't, can't really move. And then we've got Tom Cruise, who's now in his sixties. He can move, but who can move? But you know, for how much longer? Because I mean, that dude just put so much his body through so much like it's gonna give out eventually.

[00:57:50] Yeah. And, and we don't really have like a leading actor like that anymore because we were so focused on intellectual property and not new stories. Like, don't, like clearly we, we really like this franchise. We wouldn't have talked about Mission Impossible otherwise. But, you know, can we, can we create a, a new, new franchise at some point?

[00:58:14] You know, like I think John Wake is, is probably a newer franchise that's been really popular. And very successful. And successful, fast and Furious, furious sort of. I mean, that's a Fran, that's a newer franchise. And you know, depending on who you ask, it's successful.

[00:58:30] Isaac: But even like the original stories that, that we, that that's, that's where our hearts are.

[00:58:36] And like, there, there is a desire for that. You know, like even though you look at this year, super Mario, I believe is the number one grocer of this year. There's just, there's this kind of turning on something that is like, Hey, we're gonna connect all the dots and we're gonna like, reference all these things.

[00:58:55] People don't want references. People want something that is unrelenting and doesn't let go of you. Mm-hmm. And there's a way that Mission Impossible does that to where something like Yogos Lan, theosis movie, poor Things with mm-hmm. Emma, Emma Stone, that looks batshit crazy, but a yeah, like an original film.

[00:59:14] Yeah. An amazing cast, a visionary direction. And it's going to like just. Here's our movie, you're gonna watch every second because we put a hundred percent into this movie. Mm-hmm. There, there's just this, there's this cognitive dissonance where much like streamers grew because Wall Street told them, you need to show us that you're subscribers are going up.

[00:59:37] Mm-hmm. And we will give you as much as you want. Well, subscribers are gonna stop growing. And then, and then they had to start providing actual revenue generated. And it's the same thing where like people, there was this not everything has to be superheroes or franchises or IP or like retro or like, kind of like feasting on the past.

[00:59:58] Andy Greenwald on the watch described the Dial of Destiny as like feasting on our, our necrotic society, feasting on the dead corpse of Harrison Ford. And I was like, yeah. Wow. That's, I mean, but it's gotten true. It's kind of true. And that's why, like you said, we don't have any young actors coming up.

[01:00:15] No. Other than stranger things.

[01:00:17] Olivia: Well, and like there are young actors who I think have the ability to be leading actors and actresses, right? Like Timothy Chalamet is one of those which I think will really see that with, with Wonka when it comes out because that, I mean, dune is more of an ensemble like it, he's Yes.

[01:00:39] The main character, but like Dune has the, the ensemble, you know? And so like I think he has the ability, if given the chance, I think Tom Holland has the ability Zendaya. Zendaya for sure. Zendaya Florence Pugh, like the, the young actors that you and I talk about a lot, right? And even I

[01:00:58] Isaac: said it kind of dismissively, but the stranger things cast like legitimately or very talented and good and

[01:01:04] Olivia: yeah.

[01:01:04] Could carry stuff in the future. Yeah, I think do think that they have the ability you know, Millie, Bobby Brown, especially like. Her playing 11 when she was like 14 or however young she was. That, I mean, was so good in that first season especially. And so, so like I do think that that cast has the ability, Sadie Sink loves Sadie sink.

[01:01:25] So, so

[01:01:27] Isaac: could you see Finn Wolfhard as the new Ethan Hunt when they recast it in 20

[01:01:32] Olivia: years? Finn Wolfhard as the new Ethan Hunt? He would, he's just flipping everyone off and being like, I hate all of you. And he goes like, yeah,

[01:01:43] Isaac: yeah, with this snap.

[01:01:44] Olivia: You know who actually I think would be good is Caleb McLaughlin.

[01:01:48] Oh yeah. The, I think, no, he's, he's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I think he's been in more like, maybe more serious roles than maybe any of the other actors from Stranger Things. But

[01:01:59] Isaac: people I know want him for Miles Morales and will see if that,

[01:02:05] Olivia: I would like him for Miles. I Have you ever watched

[01:02:08] Isaac: Blackish? I kinda want someone unknown to play him.

[01:02:13] Play him? Yeah.

[01:02:14] Olivia: I've seen where people have been fan casting. One of the the, have you ever watched Blackish? Mm-hmm. Okay. So, so it's about a family and there's a set of twins in the family and it's, there's a boy and a girl. And so the, the kid who plays the, the boy, his name's, I can't remember what his name is, but the character's name is Jack.

[01:02:38] People have been fan casting him. Okay. And I actually think it would be really good. Gotcha. Cuz he's, he's really funny and he's great in that show. So, anyway, but all that to say, that's all I got.

[01:02:53] Isaac: Yeah. For, for that. Oh, mission Impossible thing. Real quick. Shea Wigga didn't get quite as much to do in Dead Reckoning part one as I was hoping.

[01:03:03] But I love Shea Wigga so much, and I hope he plays a critical role. I bet he, I think he, I mean he certainly will play a critical role in the, in part two, so

[01:03:11] Olivia: Yeah, I think he will. When he also, we

[01:03:13] Isaac: don't know why he hates Ethan. There's, there's, that was like, I just that there's no explanation. Yeah.

[01:03:19] Well they, there's that thing, like you've never met him personally, but this is personal and he just kind of looks at the dude and doesn't say anything, so I'm sure it's something will come to light, so

[01:03:28] Olivia: Yeah. Which that guy who says that, who's kind of in his partner? Who's his partner the whole time? He was in Top Gun.

[01:03:36] Yep.

[01:03:37] Isaac: Yeah, he was, he he was good. I forget his name. Yeah. And he's kinda like tar, what if he's actually the good guy? I like that. There's like someone on the CIA that's like, what if he's actually doing this all for good reason?

[01:03:47] Olivia: Right. I think that was cool. He's like, he has a good reason. Yeah, I did like that too.

[01:03:52] Isaac: You wanna talk about what else we've been. Enjoying.

[01:03:55] Olivia: Yeah. Let's do, yeah. Isaac, what have you been watching? Tell me about, tell me about your film and television. Watch Life.

[01:04:01] Isaac: Let's talk about let's talk about The Bear. Okay. Because we've both been watching that. I haven't seen the last two episodes, but I'm not sure if, if you have finished the second

[01:04:09] Olivia: season.

[01:04:09] I haven't finished the first season. I've, I've been slowly working my way through it. Okay. Because it's, it's so good. I want to savor it.

[01:04:16] Isaac: Much like the Italian beef sandwiches that they create. Exactly. You wanna savor it?

[01:04:20] Olivia: Yeah. And I got to, I started the last episode and I thought it was only gonna be 30 minutes, but I saw it was a little bit longer, so I was like, I need to give this my full attention.

[01:04:29] And I didn't have time to like, watch it. Yeah. Of, of the first season. Of the first season the, yeah. Season one finale. But it has been so good. Mm-hmm. I love, yeah. I, I really enjoy it. I. I get the hype around it. Like, I remember when the first season came out, everyone kept talking about it and I was like, I'll get to it eventually.

[01:04:50] Which I'm eventually getting to now. Even now is eventually, now is eventually. But yeah, it's, it's great. I, I really enjoy it. So how, how are you? No spoilers. No spoilers. How's season two so far? Can

[01:05:04] Isaac: I tell you something? Tell season one is very stressful. Yay. Yeah. Okay. So you are gonna love season two. Okay.

[01:05:14] All right. You're, you are. I can't wait. You're gonna love it because it is, you know, this is why we go to the movies, like to in TV is, there was a really great interview with Spielberg, I think it was a while ago. I think it was around the time that Lincoln came out. Mm-hmm. Because it was him and George Lucas and they were talking about how TV is a much more adventurous landscape for creativity right now.

[01:05:39] And it's inter, it's fascinating that those historic directors are like, I, they've identified that already, or they had even back then. This was like over a decade ago. And the bear is just the perfect, so fx, the way that the Bear came about was Chris, Christopher Storr and his sister wrote the script together, or, or no, him and Joanna Callow, I believe is the other showrunner.

[01:06:03] They rode together. His, Christopher Storer's sister is a chef, I believe in Chicago and is a consulting producer. They got a green light from fx. FX was like, you know what? This is really good. This is solid. We'll take a risk on it. And it blew up. Mm-hmm. And it's one of the most popular things on fx. It is, it was nominated for, I don't know how many Emmys this year.

[01:06:23] It is just, and those are the credentials behind, like, like, verify, verifying, verifying. Our collective praise for it. Mm-hmm. But that's, it's just the perfect contrast to our, just this crazy film landscape that Hollywood has entrenched itself in because of you know, all the changes that have come because of streaming.

[01:06:45] But season two is, I believe even better, and it Okay. Just builds in these just completely unexpected ways and goes in completely unexpected directions. And it's the perfect example of a studio taking a risk and it paying off like, like a good risk, you know? Mm-hmm. And, and studios don't do that anymore.

[01:07:04] They want there to be, well, can we sequel it? Can we, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. So I was like, I'm still kind of in the business mindset from our previous discussion with the strike, but the Bears just some of the most cathartic, beautiful meditation on who we are. Outside of what we do every day, how we make time for ourselves, season two really is how we about how we take care of ourselves.

[01:07:31] Okay. So you'll find it very affecting and personal and really, really beautiful. So yeah. Yeah.

[01:07:41] Olivia: I my friend Tyler, his roommate was watching it and he, he caught a couple episodes. He hasn't, he hasn't watched it, but he worked in a, a kitchen when we were in high school and like when he was in college and he was like, it feels very accurate of like, what it's like to work in a kitchen environment like that.

[01:08:02] Mm-hmm. And how people talk to each other and that kind of thing. And he is like, I don't know if, if I'm ready to watch it, cuz it might hit too close to home. And I, I've heard from people who have also worked, cause I've, I've never worked in a restaurant. I tried, I tried to avoid that if. I could, and thankfully I, I did.

[01:08:19] But from what I've heard, it's pretty accurate for people who work in a restaurant. So yeah.

[01:08:25] Isaac: Yeah. Love the Bear. Everybody should watch

[01:08:27] Olivia: The Bear. Everyone should watch The Bear. It's on fx. FX has good shows.

[01:08:32] Isaac: FX is kind of low key. My favorite right now. I mean, they got our own Res dogs Know

[01:08:36] Olivia: Re Dogs, which is the final season's airing in August.

[01:08:41] Mm-hmm. So that will be really good and also really sad. Yep. It has, it has Legion, which bonded us in college. Yep.

[01:08:51] Isaac: So still like, I think like an underrated gem.

[01:08:55] Olivia: Oh yeah, for sure. Yeah. So,

[01:08:57] Isaac: yeah, fx, especially in our current Marvel and DC Hellscape.

[01:09:03] Olivia: So. All right. So we're both watching the Bear. We also watched past

[01:09:07] Isaac: lives.

[01:09:08] We did, we, we haven't talked about it.

[01:09:12] Olivia: On fly film country? No, we haven't. So explain Past lives. Past

[01:09:18] Isaac: Lives is one of the most simple premises I've ever encountered in a movie as of late. It's about two Korean, correct? Mm-hmm. Two Korean children who are sweethearts in grade school, and then the girl moves away.

[01:09:38] She moves to the us. To the US or No, to Toronto. Oh, you're right. And then they reconnect in college and it doesn't work out. And she gets married and he has never gotten over her. And she, he comes to see her in New York where she lives with her, also rider, husband. Mm-hmm. And that's it. And it is beautiful and affecting beautiful

[01:10:04] Olivia: and, and moving.

[01:10:07] It's devastating. Yep. But like, in the best way. Oh my gosh. It's

[01:10:14] Isaac: why we go to the movies. It's why we go to

[01:10:16] Olivia: the movies. Heartbreak feels good in a place like this. You know what I'm saying?

[01:10:19] Isaac: Nicole Kidman, she said it. She said it. If you have a chance to see past lives, please go see it. It is amazing. Yeah,

[01:10:26] Olivia: it is.

[01:10:27] It is amazing. It's, it, it's beautiful. Oh, it's so freaking good. Greta Lee, that's her name, right? Mm-hmm. The actor's name, man, she's so good in this movie and I would love to see her in more things. Yep. So,

[01:10:44] Isaac: yeah. But yeah. Have you been watching Secret Invasion? I have. Okay. I haven't kept up with it, so do you?

[01:10:52] Yeah. Do you wanna give like an, an update kind of, yeah. So Secret Invasion is this, it was supposed to be Marvels and or so

[01:10:59] Olivia: it's, is not as good as, and or. I think and or is way better mostly the thing, and we talked about this. I think you, Walter and me talked about this on an episode when we talked about and or for a little bit, what is so good about and or is it, it could be set in literally any universe and it would still be really good.

[01:11:21] And it doesn't really mention the overarch arching Star Wars storyline. It, it's literally just like trying to survive, you know, and, and trying to infiltrate and rebel against this corrupt government. Secret invasion doesn't have that same feel to it. It definitely hits on the Marvel overarching M C U storyline.

[01:11:50] A decent amount, not, not as much as like other movies or shows have. I will give it that. But, you know, I, I like it. I think it's probably one of the better shows they've had in a while. And I, I think a lot of that is, you know, Sam Jackson is just, he's Samuel Jackson, you know, and he's, so, he's, he's just really great, I think, in it.

[01:12:12] And then I really like the cast as a whole. Don Cheatle, Olivia Coleman what's her face from Game of Thrones? Yeah. Amelia Clark. Yeah, Amelia Clark. I could not think of her name. And so, so it's got a good cast. And then Mendelssohn's Great. So I

[01:12:34] Isaac: might end up finishing it because Sam Jackson and Ben Mendelssohn were both really enjoyable in the first episode.

[01:12:41] But I was, I was very turned off by the it's, it's kinda like, you know how in mission we didn't even mention the masks in Mission Impossible, but it's kind of like the same thing with the masks are used in a very, kind of like, very strategic way. Mm-hmm. Where you're like, oh, I forgot about the mask, you know?

[01:13:02] Yeah. Like that they can put masks on. Yeah. That's my whole thing of like the scrolls. It's like, okay, so they've been here this whole time and we're just now hearing about it. But also, like, I understand that they were gonna build up the base camp and stuff, but that's why I texted you and I said, this should have been the plot of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

[01:13:22] Yeah. Because the whole immigration thing, like, it just, it, I, in my opinion, fits so much better with the scrolls, plight and their, you know, their, their current station than mm-hmm. What we got in that aforementioned right. Show.

[01:13:38] Olivia: Well, and like, Secret invasion? Well, just honestly with everything post and game for Marvel just doesn't seem like anything was thought out past in game.

[01:13:48] Right. Which like is on one hand understandable cuz it's like you can't map out every single thing that's gonna happen for the next, you know, 50 years in that universe. Which if they do it for 50 years, my goodness. Yeah. But you know, they did map out like 10 years worth of, of story. They did it

[01:14:08] Isaac: storytelling.

[01:14:08] They did it successfully before. And so you're left wondering like maybe you should go back to, you know, what you were trying before. Like, cause that worked a lot better.

[01:14:19] Olivia: And so, yeah. So like one of the, like there's a character who is revealed to be a scroll and it's like, has that person been a scroll this whole time?

[01:14:31] Or, or what? Cuz there's, first of all, there's no way they thought that far ahead. Second of all, it's going to really, I don't know. I am worried that the payoff is not going to be what I want it to be in this show, because as we've talked about before, every single Marvel show or movie doesn't feel complete because it's just leading into the next thing.

[01:15:01] And so I don't think the payoff is gonna be great for this, which will leave me disappointed. And Matt, I even watched it in the first

[01:15:08] Isaac: place. I think that there was a big, and I know that they must have discussed doing this, but one of the reasons Captain Marvel, well, well, and this, this just occurred to me, and I'm kind of like walking back my statement as I say it, but the scrolls were not, they, they were introduced in Captain Marvel.

[01:15:32] Mm-hmm. And then, Captain Marvel and the Scrolls really had, captain Marvel had a role in Endgame, but the Scrolls had no role in Right. Anything. And so they were kind of like, set up for after that. But it's, it's almost as if they maybe should have been introduced post endgame. Mm-hmm. I, I, it is just, it's just one of those things where it doesn't feel you're, you're like, okay, we know that they've been here for a while, but why haven't they had more of an impact and why is it just now kind of Right.

[01:16:03] Appearing. And so it's, it's one of those things where you marvel made you care about things that connected to each other, like Guardians and Thor and all that and the Thor's world. But that quote unquote world of Captain Marvel, they just didn't do a great job of integrating that to where it's like, I, I watched it and I, I watched the end of the first, or even the.

[01:16:26] I won't spoil the character death at the end of the first episode. Mm-hmm. Of secret Invasion. But even when that occurred, and it was a little shocking, I was like, man, I still don't really care enough to keep watching. Yeah. And, and I don't like that. But that's, yeah. That's just kind of where I'm at with it.

[01:16:42] So.

[01:16:43] Olivia: Well, and like I think you're right. I think that Marvel hasn't done a great job of like integrating certain characters and storylines. Like, you know, a lot of people were like, who cares about Cap? Like, when it came out, like that was the big thing is like, why are

[01:16:56] Isaac: they made you care about something that seemed really stupid.

[01:16:59] Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. And like, the same with Black Widow is like, we're getting a Black Widow movie after she died in not Endgame, the one that came out Infinity War Before Endgame. Infinity War. Thank you. Why are we doing this? And, and so if you watch them in order, which like my friends Vic and Nolio, and I watch.

[01:17:23] The M C U movies in order a couple years ago it, and after that happened, after we watched Black Widow Vic was like, okay, well now I care way more about her. And this makes way more sense now. Yeah. And the same for Captain Marvel too, is like, we finished it and it was like, which I already knew, like we all already knew.

[01:17:41] This is like, okay, well this makes more sense. But like that she's off, you know, flying, trying to find other worlds and protect other worlds and all that. But like, it just feels like it's an afterthought. So, yeah. So I don't know if the payoff is gonna be there for secret invasion. I'm not expecting it to, because why?

[01:18:01] Why would Marvel do that for any of us? Mm-hmm.

[01:18:05] Isaac: Why would they do that? Yeah. Would they? Good point. I. Real quick. I don't wanna spend a lot of time on it cause I don't think you've watched either of them. I finished David Lynch's filmography. That was kind of my pledge Congrat of this year. So thank you.

[01:18:18] Olivia: Yeah. Hey, that, that is on our movie resolutions that's sitting up here. Yes. So I can check that off for you. I think you're the only one who's like, finished, who's, who's finished a goal. It was one

[01:18:27] Isaac: of those, like, I had two more of his movies to watch. And so I've watched The Straight Story in Inland Empire this year.

[01:18:33] Mm-hmm. Maybe Lost Highway, I don't remember. Anyway, inland Empire has, is one of the most haunting like atmospheres of a movie I've ever seen. It's almost three hours long. Mm-hmm. And there is a jump scare at the very end that just shook me to my core. And I'm at home alone this weekend and I couldn't sleep for a while.

[01:18:58] And so, oh, no, I didn't know that. It was, it was really scary. But inland fires like It's, it's just like a very deep layered sort of, it's a, it's a movie about making movies and how you lose yourself in the character. And Laura Dern is really, really good in it. Jeremy Irons, Justin Thoreau. And so that's one side of the coin.

[01:19:20] The other side of the coin, something that, something else that we watched recently was the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, which is also in contention for another one of my favorite franchises. They're so fun. Go Verbinski and Jerry b Bruckheimer. Just like, I just, I just love those movies so much and I think they're gonna age so well.

[01:19:38] Including all the elements with Kira Knightley being a strong female protagonist, mm-hmm. Who's capable of holding her own. But Dead Man's Chest remains my favorite movie in that franchise. It's so scary because of the. Kraken is someone who's afraid of the open sea. So I just had to shout those out real quick.

[01:19:56] Olivia: I saw a tweet recently that was like, I like the beach, but anything that happens below the surface of the ocean is none of my business. Yeah,

[01:20:03] Isaac: yeah. I'm just gonna be comfortable right here. No, I'm, that's how I feel right here. Larry, David going, he's like, I don't understand why people go into the beach.

[01:20:10] I come out here and I look at it and I'm like, okay, we get it.

[01:20:14] Olivia: We get it. Yeah. No, that's honestly how I feel about the beach too. It's like I'm just sitting there. No, thank you. Yeah. I can

[01:20:20] Isaac: sit inside two TV for you. You finished Yellow Jackets.

[01:20:25] Olivia: Finally finished Yellow Jackets. Yeah, I

[01:20:28] Isaac: don't know how.

[01:20:29] And, and then I want to hear about whether shrinking is an accurate portrayal of therapy. Oh my gosh.

[01:20:34] Olivia: Shrinking. I have really mixed feelings about shrinking because it's a Bill Lawrence show who did Scrubs and Ted Lasso, and I really love. Like that sense of humor. And it's funny, it's, it's like a good show and I'm, I'm, I'm interested in these characters and like all that, but it just, it makes me so mad because, and that's the kinda the whole premise of the show is like Jason Sal's character is, he just kind of snaps, which like e learn pretty early, like I think in the first episode that his wife died a year ago due to a car accident.

[01:21:09] So it was a sudden death and you learn more about, you know, his relationship with his wife and all that throughout the show. And so he, he just kind of snaps and starts telling his patients like what his thoughts are and how he thinks they should handle stuff like one Heidi, Heidi Gardner from s n l, she is in a relationship with a, a, an abusive husband.

[01:21:34] And he finally is just like, just leave him. You've been complaining about this for a year, over a year, just leave up my leg. Just, and she goes, oh, okay. And, and so she does, but then there's repercussions for that. And so he gets, he has to pay the consequences of his unethical behavior. But what, what really like infuriates me is like he works at a private practice and he's in consultation with, you know, Harrison Ford's character, who's his boss, and then his colleague.

[01:22:06] And not one time did anyone go, Hey, maybe you should go to your own therapy and process any of this. So is it just

[01:22:15] Isaac: like their relationship is kind of the quote unquote therapy like him and Harrison Ford's relationship?

[01:22:22] Olivia: Yeah. So Harrison Ford's character is more of like, this is not like you're being unethical and you need to stop this cause it's gonna come back and bite you.

[01:22:31] Then when it does, he's like, I told you so. And Harrison's Ford character is kind of like his, almost like a mentor, father figure type of character for him and his, Harrison Ford will like meet with Jason Segal's daughter, who's a 17 year old kid who's like, she lost her mom and kind of lost her dad too, cuz he's like too busy in his own stuff.

[01:22:58] And so she meets with him and like talks to him about like, what's going on and like, what she's dealing with and everything like that. And so kind of has like a grandfather granddaughter type of relationship to it. So like he cares about Jason Zagal, Jason Segal's character and everything. But yeah, it's, it's not, it's not strictly professional, but it's just like, man, Did anyone go, Hey buddy, you should go to

[01:23:28] Isaac: therapy.

[01:23:30] Yeah, well I assumed that that would be the premise, but that's interesting that it's not. Yeah. Would you overall recommend it or not recommend it?

[01:23:38] Olivia: I would recommend it. I would just say if your therapist starts doing any of those things, please do not continue to going to that therapist. There you go. So it's funny and I like the characters and it's heartwarming kind of in like Ted Lasso way cuz Brett Goldstein's also a producer for this show as well.

[01:23:56] And so it's, it's, they're f all flawed characters and I appreciate that too. So there were a couple times where I was like, oh, this is so cringy as a therapist. Yeah. And a person. But it's really funny. It's not a show I would watch with children, so, Lot of, lot of, lot of language, lot of language. There's no nudity, but there's definitely sexual content.

[01:24:21] Yep. And so I wouldn't necessarily watch it with the little ears around.

[01:24:27] Isaac: There we go. So how about yellow jackets, yellow jackets? I, we're, were returning to the pin from a couple episodes before.

[01:24:37] Olivia: Yeah. I don't know how I feel about the finale of Yellow Jackets. I, I won't say who they killed off, but they killed off a character and I was shocked that they killed this person off because she's my favorite character.

[01:24:54] Yep. So shocked by that. But also I appreciate, I don't know, I don't know. How do you feel about the

[01:25:02] Isaac: finale? I, I, I, nothing has changed since you and I talked about it. I feel that that death was not warranted. Yeah. I feel like there is too many things, unanswered, unexplored, that the writer's room tried to kind of just brush past. Mm-hmm. And I was just incredibly frustrated and turned off by this season, I won't be returning to season three.

[01:25:33] Olivia: All right. I will probably return to season three.

[01:25:36] I say that I am really bad about finishing shows, so who, who knows if I actually finish or stick stick around for season three. I just, I kind of just wanna know what happens, even though I haven't loved season two in the same way. I loved season one.

[01:25:52] Isaac: When season got a little bit more supernatural when you see the Ghost Man Uhhuh in the suit.

[01:25:58] I was hoping that this would, because Twin Peaks clearly has been an inspiration for Sure. Yellow Jackets, and I was hoping that they would just lean fully into the weirdness and mm-hmm. Like, and I, I think I said this to you the thing that happens at the end of se, of episode two of this season, Uhhuh and a Ghastly, abhorrent thing.

[01:26:23] Yeah. Something like that needs to be happening in a show that claims to be this terrifying and shocking and unnerving. Mm-hmm. And I was just like, the rest of the show was just kind of laughable. So, yeah. Like it. It, it felt like it was masquerading. That's, that's kind of my final, yeah,

[01:26:40] Olivia: yeah, yeah. Like it peaked at that episode and cuz I was like, oh my gosh, if this is how the rest of the season is gonna go, I am gonna have to like, really prepare myself for every single episode.

[01:26:52] And then it was just like, eh, we're just kind of dinking around and it's like, but why?

[01:26:58] Isaac: Right. Yeah. So, and there's, there's an argument that could be made that you, they could have ended the first season with that culmination Yeah. Of this se second episode and then be like, they would've, it would've probably been a little bit more of a better cap than the end of how, like, I, I thought season one was really good.

[01:27:16] I really, really enjoyed it. Even the end, I was like, okay, like cool. Ready for the next season. Yeah. Really excited. But it'd been, it would've been even better if they're like, Hey, it's all leading to cannibalism. So yeah, let's just end it with cannibalism and then like kind of regroup. There. Yeah. I was just pretty frustrated with this, with this one.

[01:27:34] Olivia: Yeah, no, I totally understand that. It was just, it wasn't as, it was nowhere near as strong as the first season and I just feel like it wasn't, which like, I don't like scary stuff. We know this about me, everyone knows this about me, I'm a baby. But like, even with this show, like I was more willing to lean into it and it, I think I was disappointed that it wasn't as like scary or intense as Yeah.

[01:28:03] As I wanted it to be

[01:28:04] Isaac: because it was show close to be, it was so grounded in it's extremely well written characters in season one. And that's why you could kind of like, oh my gosh, like what is going on with them? What are they experiencing? It was so personal. Mm-hmm. And the relationships between everyone was so, were so interesting.

[01:28:23] It succeeded more in the past with them in the woods, in the snow mm-hmm. Than it did with them as adults in this season. Yeah. I'll give it that. I agree with you. And I could have done a show or a season with just them in the woods. Oh yeah. I think that would've been a lot more appropriate. So so wrapping up, I'm seeing Insidious The Red this afternoon.

[01:28:49] The Patrick Wilson directed them. I'm seeing it with Walter. I was

[01:28:52] Olivia: about to ask if you were seeing it with Walter. I love that you guys are gonna go see that together. Yeah,

[01:28:55] Isaac: that's great. I haven't seen any of the other ones except one. You haven't seen any of those,

[01:28:59] Olivia: correct? Absolutely not. No chance. Yeah.

[01:29:01] No chance in that. No. Yeah. No, no, no. Insidious was the movie that my brother watched, excuse me. He wa my brother, when we were in like middle school and high school. He went through this huge scary movie phase, which he still likes scary movies, but he was watching them all the time and Insidious was the one that really did a number on him.

[01:29:23] He slept with a light on for. A year, and I think he was in the ninth grade when he did that. Yeah. He said it was, it was the scariest movie he's ever seen, so I will never watch

[01:29:35] Isaac: it. So I'm chuckling because I remember so vividly the first time I watched Insidious and how un unnerved I was. Yeah, there's a scene where they rose Burn and Patrick Wilson's characters are going through some marital strife.

[01:29:50] And he's sleeping on the couch downstairs. She's sleeping alone and there's a terrace outside there, a wraparound terrace outside their master bedroom upstairs and there's a figure walking mm-hmm. Around just like you hear the footsteps. No. And he's walking around and around, back and forth, kind of like around the corner.

[01:30:08] And then out of nowhere he's just walking into the room and he turns and looks at her and it is like, like I still get chills thinking about it. It's like, no one of the

[01:30:16] Olivia: best scares ever. Mm. Absolutely not. No. Mm-hmm. So

[01:30:21] Isaac: seeing that and then You wanna wrap up? Just give it a little plug for joyride.

[01:30:25] Olivia: Yeah, guys, joyride is so funny. It is about these two childhood best friends who grew up in really white suburbia and they are the only two Chinese girls and they're the only two Asian girls in, in their entire town. So they become best friends and really bonded. And one of 'em is like this really successful lawyer who was trying to, you know, just prove, prove that she had worth.

[01:30:58] The other one is like an artist who's just kind of being an artist and they end up going on a business trip for the lawyer to China to try to seal this deal. And all sorts of shenanigans ensue. It's. I had seen the comparison to Bridesmaids and I was like, that is a bold comparison. But it really does kind of have that, that feel of like these childhood best friends kind of going through it and figuring out like why are we friends and how to navigate through these, these different situations that come up.

[01:31:36] It's really funny. It's, I would say it's Rauner than Bridesmaids cuz the really, the only like sex scene that happens at Bridesmaids is like pretty early and it's pretty quick and so

[01:31:47] Isaac: funny.

[01:31:48] Olivia: It's also pretty funny. And then with Joyride, this happens about halfway through the movie and like multiple, there's like multiple scenes happening at the same time and so it kind of cuts between all of 'em.

[01:32:00] But it's also pretty funny and there's nudity in this. But it's also hilarious, like when it happens, I was like, oh, I was shocked that it happened. But it was really funny. So it's, it's good. You'll laugh, you'll feel a little emotional cuz there is a moving part to this storyline. And it's, it's directed, I can't remember who directed it but it's got an Asian cast and the director also wrote for Crazy Rich Asians, I believe.

[01:32:36] Crazy Rich Asians. Yep. Yeah. Adele Lim, that's her name. Adele Lim. She wrote for Crazy Rich Asians Raya in the Last Dragon. Which I haven't seen, but I've heard it's pretty good. Mm-hmm. And, but Rich Asians was, was great. So. Yeah, I think, you know, go out support female directors, female led movies, especially when it's individuals of color.

[01:33:01] So go see Joy Ride. It's, it's a blast. It's a fun, fun movie. Go grab your girlfriends and do it.

[01:33:09] Isaac: I have a feeling that I will wish that I had seen joyride instead of insidious the red corn

[01:33:14] Olivia: tonight. Go, go afterwards as a, like a palette Windsor. I

[01:33:18] Isaac: might, I might if I have time. Yeah. Any final thoughts, Olivia?

[01:33:21] I don't, no. That just, that this striker resolve is pretty soon.

[01:33:26] Olivia: I, yeah. That's, that's

[01:33:27] Isaac: my over in our corporate overlords grant. Livable wages.

[01:33:31] Olivia: Yeah. Stupid corporate overlords. Yeah. So, I mean, if those corporate overlords wanna give us any money, that'd be cool too. And we can Yeah. Yeah. I'll take it. I'll sell out so fast.

[01:33:44] I'll sell out so fast. So fast. No. Any final thoughts from you, Isaac?

[01:33:48] Isaac: Nope. Just please remember to rate reviewed, subscribe if you like to share this with people in your life who love Mission Impossible. And our next episode is gonna be Barbie. Barbie's. Finally. Here.

[01:34:01] Olivia: Come on Barbie. Let's go party.

[01:34:02] Yeah.

[01:34:03] Isaac: Hell yeah. Do you guys ever think about dying?

[01:34:11] Olivia: Oh, man. So good. I can't wait. And then Oppenheimer's after that. Oppenheimer's after

[01:34:16] Isaac: that. And then I believe Hot Rod after that.

[01:34:19] Olivia: So yeah. Oppenheimer will be our last blockbuster summer film.

[01:34:23] Will

[01:34:23] Isaac: you be reading the 530 page American Prometheus, the story of Robert j Oppenheimer in preparation for the pod in the movie?

[01:34:32] No. Will you? I've listened to part of it and it's fascinating. He was a very, very interesting and complicated person. Mm. I wanna finish it, but I don't think I'm going to be able to, I

[01:34:47] Olivia: don't think I'm gonna finish it by the time the movie comes out cuz as of this recording, it comes out in six

[01:34:51] Isaac: days. So I might be spurred to learn more after the movie, in which case I'll probably finish the audio book.

[01:35:00] Olivia: I do wanna read Flowers of the Killer. Nope. Killers of Flower Moon. Flowers of the Flower. Flowers of the Flower, moon Killers. Excited for, I do wanna read that before the film comes out. And one of my friends that's like her all time favorite book, so I'm thinking I'm gonna borrow it from her. Yeah.

[01:35:20] Isaac: So there we go.

[01:35:22] There we go. And our music is by Cordon Jocks. Our art is by Macy Lummis. They're little rock artists. Go check them out and yeah, our next episode is Barbie and we will see you guys on the flippity flip at the bottom of the ocean with the cruciform cake. With the, with the, with hopefully.