Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny - PLUS: The First Ever Mailbag!

[00:00:22] Olivia: I'm Olivia Clement. I'm Isaac Sims, and this is Flyover Film Country. Almost said show.

[00:00:30] Just throw there, throw it back to thousand 20, back to the og. And today we're cover covering the newest Indiana Jones movie, Indiana Jones, and the Dial of Destiny and what could be more American to celebrate the 4th of July. And talking about an old white guy who goes in and his entire career has been stealing artifacts from other countries and other civilizations, and claiming it as his own.

[00:00:58] Isaac: Well, he says this belongs in a museum,

[00:01:03] Olivia: which is basically what every museum is. Yeah.

[00:01:08] Isaac: Um, so how do you, how do you feel

[00:01:09] Olivia: about museums? Man, I have, I, I feel similar to museums as I do zoos. Like, it's really cool that I have the opportunity to go see these artifacts and the, these pieces of art and these animals that I would never, ever in a million years be able to see otherwise.

[00:01:31] But I'm like, these animals need to be out in the, the world. But then also there's like poachers who're killing the animals. And so, you know, like I think about tigers or elephants and they're these beautiful majestic creatures and it's like, oh man, this, this is bleak. And then I think about, I actually have thought about the, the bit from, I.

[00:01:52] Spider-man across the spider verse where Pa Pavi or whatever the, the Indian Spider-Man is talking about. Uh, this is where the traffic is and this is where the traffic, and this is traffic and this is where all the British people put all of our stuff Yeah. From stolen. Yeah. All of our stolen stuff for whatever.

[00:02:07] And it's like, ooh. Yeah. Yep. I

[00:02:11] Isaac: forgot about that scene. This is the traffic and this is the traffic. Honestly, being Spider-Man in any large urbanized area would be awesome cuz you could get anywhere you needed to faster than anyone else. Oh, so much, much faster. Yeah. So hashtag lot. Um, well, zoos are a little bit more depressing cuz like, I'm sure if a tiger was sentient they would be like, why am I in Little Rock, Arkansas?

[00:02:35] You know? Right. Yeah.

[00:02:36] Olivia: Um, which is the whole point of Madagascar.

[00:02:39] Isaac: That's true. Yeah. Madagascar, its time. It was, yeah. Um, I love, do you remember the museum we went to in, um, Kansas City?

[00:02:49] Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. That was a great museum. I had a blast at that museum.

[00:02:54] Isaac: It was a great museum. Yeah. Um, so we had a great time there.

[00:03:01] Mm-hmm. And I wish that I could like go to that museum every weekend, honestly. It was really cool. It was so cool. I can't remember the name of it. Are you trying to find it? That was the picture that we, uh, posted when we were talking about, or we were asking people for questions for this smail bag.

[00:03:18] Olivia: Yeah, we were just a couple of young guns.

[00:03:22] Isaac: Young guns. Um, yes. That's the other thing. The other, the second half of this episode is gonna be us answering questions from you, our listeners. So thank you for sending those in. I think we grabbed every single question. I think so. And we're gonna give our respective answers. Right.

[00:03:38] Olivia: It'll be fun. The name of the art museum in Kansas City is the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art.

[00:03:44] It is top notch. Lot of fun. Top notch. That's some good pictures from there.

[00:03:49] Isaac: We did. Um, So let's let, okay, let's just dive right in.

[00:03:56] Olivia: Let's dive right in.

[00:03:57] Isaac: Um, Olivia, what Isaac is your relationship to Indiana Jones?

[00:04:03] Olivia: I have no relationship to Indiana Jones. I watched the very first movie for the very first time a week ago today as of this recording.

[00:04:12] Um, so when this episode comes out, eight, no, 10 days prior, out

[00:04:18] Isaac: of five stars, what rating would you give Raiders of the last Ark? Lost

[00:04:24] Olivia: Ark? Uh, this is gonna be a hot take and it's gonna be very controversial. I'm giving it two and a half. The more I've thought about it, I gave it originally a three and a half, but the more I've thought about it, the more just, uh, frustrated I am with that film.

[00:04:43] Okay. So it's hot take. I know. And. Good thing Walter's not

[00:04:51] Isaac: here. We'd gang. I'm just kidding. Uh, does Walter, I'm feeling a little more generous than the last time we talked about Lord the Ring podcast.

[00:04:57] Olivia: Oh my God. This podcast here. Okay, here's, here's my thing. The movie, no, the floor

[00:05:02] Isaac: is yours. To the floor is yours for your take on

[00:05:05] Olivia: Raiders.

[00:05:06] Yep. Thank you. Thank you for giving me the floor. Here's my reason. The movie would be a gr, like it would be probably a great movie to, for me if Mar the character of Marian wasn't in it. Marian is a horrible character, which I know. Ooh, okay. Coming from me.

[00:05:27] Isaac: I've never heard anyone. Yeah, this is interesting.

[00:05:29] Olivia: She's just a pawn the whole time. She has no depth. No, there's no development for her throughout the movie. The coolest part about Marian is when she's first introduced, whenever he goes to Nepal or wherever to get her. Or actually to get the artifact, not to get her, to get the artifact that he needs. And she's like, in this drinking contest with this, you know, big guy from Nepal and she wins.

[00:05:57] And I'm like, okay, cool. She's a badass. All right, let's go. And then she has, that's it. Yeah. She's, she's just a ditzy woman the whole time. That is really just serving as a sep sex object to Indiana Jones. To the Nazis. The other guy. Yeah, yeah, the other guy. Whatever the Yeah, the rival. Yeah, the rival archeologist.

[00:06:24] So it just, it's just upsetting to me and I realize like part of me is like, this came out in 1981, so maybe I should just like give it a little grace. But then I think about the fact that like, AI Alien came out in the seventies. It came out two years prior. I think it came out in 79. And you know, the character of Ripley.

[00:06:45] Played by sorority Weaver was so much more dynamic than that. Mm-hmm. And, and it's not that I want like every female character to be this like great person who, who I can admire and look up to. Like, I'm not saying that cuz like, we'll talk about this in a minute, but like, the character of Helena in the new one is a deeply flawed character.

[00:07:07] Like Yep. She's not someone I'm like, I wanna be more like her because of some of the choices she makes. But she's an interesting character to me because she's dynamic and, and, and maybe, maybe the character of Marian has a better overarching arc throughout the, the series, but at least in the, like the first one, I'm like, I don't care mm-hmm.

[00:07:31] About this character. And I will say this though, the action scenes were cool. I really liked the like chase scenes. Um, So, so there were, there were some cool parts to the movie, but the more I thought about it, the more upset I become with the characterization of Marian. Yep. And so that is why it's really, excuse me, hard for me to like get on board with Indiana Jones.

[00:07:56] Now, had I seen this movie as a child, I probably would've had a different relationship and experience of it. So I realized like something that I think George Lucas does well. And, and part of it is whenever these movies came out, right, like George Lucas created the character, Venia Jones, Spielberg directed the first one.

[00:08:17] I don't know if he directed how many of those he directed. Um, he directed all of them except, except for Dial of Destiny. Except for this one. Ok. Ok. Um, so I think that like George Lucas creates these movies, like release these movies in the seventies and eighties, and so they have this like real great sense of nostalgia for a lot of people.

[00:08:40] And I think a lot of people who. Watched it when it came out, have that sense of nostalgia with them. And so I think about like, people like our parents, right? Like people our parents' age really love Indiana Jones. And I think people who are our age love it because they watched it as a kid because their parents loved it.

[00:08:58] You know? That's where you're wrong

[00:09:00] Isaac: because I love 'em because, not for that reason, but, but okay.

[00:09:04] Olivia: And I'm not saying like that's the case for, uh, clearly that's not the case for everyone, but I think that's the case for a lot of people, right? Like, I think I would have a different relationship with Star Wars had I watched those movies.

[00:09:14] The, or at least the original trilogy as an adult versus as a small child. Yeah, that's fair. So, um, like I think I would feel differently about Leia now than I, you know, if I had watched those now as opposed to as a kid. So well

[00:09:29] Isaac: bring, I think bringing up Princess Leia is a good comp to Marian because in, and to answer your question about like the overarching, um, Her overarching story throughout the Indiana Jones movies.

[00:09:43] She is in, raises the lost arc and then came with a crystal skull for the last 45 minutes, I think, or maybe an hour, but it's, it's like kind of the back half of the movie. Okay. Um, and in and in crystal skull you get the sense that she needed to be there for like, just a little bit longer than she was.

[00:10:04] And she doesn't play quite the role that she should have. She should have had more of an important role, um, than she did in Raiders. And so that's part of the Chris part of Crystal Skull's flaws. Mm-hmm. And then spoiler alert, oh yeah, we'll start, spoiler alert for, or spoilers for, um, dial of Destiny starting right now.

[00:10:25] She appears right at the end of, um, right dial of Destiny as well, um, in a kind of an emotional term that we'll kind of get into whether or not that worked for you and me. Mm-hmm. Um, individually, but. That's one of my big criticisms of Dial of Destiny is that she should have had a much more prominent role in that movie as well.

[00:10:45] Mm-hmm. And that she's kind of like, just handed a little nod instead of actually been being honored as like a mm-hmm. Major character because she's the most important woman in, in these life. Um, and there are some people throughout the, you know, who really love these movies, who think that she should have been the damsel in each movie because she could have had more of a princess leis sort of role.

[00:11:10] So she kind of had more of the episode six Java, uh, bikini role in Raiders, even though I, I read that movie a little bit differently than you and I read her. Sure. Um, her role a little bit differently than you, although your view is completely valid. Um, she doesn't get a chance to be Princess Leia on hath or to like kind of.

[00:11:33] Call out Harrison Ford for his bullshit as much as Lay does. Right. Right. In Star Wars. So I think that's an interesting, uh, it's just interesting that, um, that you, that you have that take, even though I totally understand why you have that. Yeah, yeah,

[00:11:48] Olivia: yeah. And I was talking about it at lunch today with, uh, some friends from church and, uh, one of my friends, Josh, he loves Indiana Jones.

[00:11:58] And today at, at church, before we had left for lunch, he goes, I heard you saw the new Indiana Jones. What'd you think? And I was like, he was fine. And he goes, what? He was so like upset, like just taken aback. And I was like, yeah. And he goes, well, what'd you think of the first one? And I was like, it was good.

[00:12:14] Yeah. I was like, it was fine. And he goes, all right, this is just not the franchise for you. And I was like, it's not, and that's okay. Yeah. Um, so, but yeah, like I think it was easy for me to just kind of make the comparison between Marion and and Leia, since they're both George Lucas characters. Um,

[00:12:32] Isaac: Have you, let me ask you this.

[00:12:33] What, what do you think about Pirates of

[00:12:36] Olivia: the Caribbean? I have not watched those as an adult. I've watched, I watched them as a kid and I loved the, the first one, especially as a kid. Um, but that's actually a franchise I've been like, thinking about a lot recently and, and wondering like, should I go back and, and rewatch them, um, for similar reasons of like, yep.

[00:12:57] Is Kira Nightlys character, like, is she as cool as I remember her being, or is, is she also a dams little distress the whole time? We

[00:13:04] Isaac: rewatched, um, dead Man's chest and we're kind of halfway through at World's End is so long, so we're like halfway through it. But Is that the third one? Yes. Okay. In Indie Indiana Jones is, I love.

[00:13:18] Indiana Jones, and for the same reason I love Pirate of the Caribbean. Mm-hmm. There's so few adventure movies now. Sure. Yeah. The closest is Mission Impossible. They're globe trotting, they're kind of in new locations. Mm-hmm. But they're, those are aren't quite adventures. Those are Sure. Those are most pure action

[00:13:32] Olivia: movies.

[00:13:32] Spy movies. Yeah. Yeah. And so, I will say this about, especially the first Indiana Jones movie, as I was watching it, I could see the impact that that movie had on the rest of like, adventure and action films. Like Yep. I'm not trying to discredit what it, what it has meant to film and cinema as a whole. It's just not for me.

[00:13:57] And that's okay. Sure. Yep. But I, I can appreciate what it means to, to cinema. Mm-hmm.

[00:14:04] Isaac: I would, I'll kind of like, you know, wrap up, you know, our individual relationships and that discussion of this franchise. Mm-hmm. Uh, just by posing, if you had to watch wanton more, um, Last crusade I think you would actually like, because it, uh, a third one.

[00:14:22] Yes. It doesn't have the same problems of like, um, you know, kind of sidelining the female lead. Mm-hmm. Um, and she's more capable. And Sean Connery is really good. And last crusade is pretty close to being my favorite. Indiana Jones movie Raiders takes it by just a couple points, but, um, it is super fun and like, it kind of is almost more enjoyable than Raiders because it has more pure fun in it.

[00:14:50] Okay. So that's, that's just my, my final kind of like, cap on that conversation. Okay. Cool. Yeah. Uh, dial destiny.

[00:14:58] Olivia: Dial destiny. Where

[00:14:59] Isaac: are you in? Start with it. How about, how about, uh, 80 year old Harrison Ford talking out of, uh, 40 year old Harrison Ford's mouth?

[00:15:09] Olivia: I, I saw that you liked my, my, oh my gosh.

[00:15:12] Letterbox. Yeah. I, so my review on Letterboxed. I don't remember what I said word for word, but I basically was just like, so you can de-age his face, but you can't de-age his voice. Cause as soon as you started talking, I was like, this is current Harrison Ford, old man Harrison Ford's voice. You know

[00:15:31] Isaac: what, you know what it it, it's like, uh, Tim Allen in Toy Story Ford.

[00:15:35] He's like, oh, what Woody, we gotta go. He's like, Tim Allen, you've been smoking so much.

[00:15:42] Olivia: Yeah. Which like, listen, here's the thing. I deeply love Harrison Ford. Dang. And this is something I watched the first movie with my friend Tyler, and at the end he was like, why would Marion go to Indiana Jones after all the stuff he put her through?

[00:15:56] And I was like, cuz he is Harrison Ford. Mm-hmm. Yeah. He's a young Harrison Ford and he's very attractive. Um, so anyway, I love Harrison Ford. It's just why does Disney want to be age every actor. Who's over the age of 60? Just

[00:16:15] Isaac: how do you feel? Let's, let's talk about d g Okay. For just a second. Um, because Disney's notorious for it, um, right.

[00:16:22] Famously. Okay. So, I don't know if it was the first time. It couldn't have been the first time, but it was several years ago. And it's the first instance that comes to mind for me. They de-age Michael Douglass for the beginning of Aunt Man. Yes. Do you remember this? And Yes. But they de-age him not to look like he's 35, but to look like he's 65 instead of 75.

[00:16:43] Olivia: Yeah. Yes. And it was just, it, like, it was, it took you aback. Yep. Because it was just like, what? What is that? And then they keep using it. So they've used it, you know, with Mark Ham and Mandalorian. They used it here with Harrison Ford. They used it in Captain Marvel with Samuel L. Jackson. They've used it again with Samuel L.

[00:17:02] Jackson in secret invasion. Mm-hmm. And so it's just like, What are we doing here, guys? Did you see the

[00:17:09] Isaac: Irishmen, the de Aging in the Irishmen? Oh

[00:17:11] Olivia: no, I haven't watched the Irishmen. Did they do the, how was that for, for the Irishman?

[00:17:15] Isaac: It, it, here's the thing, it looks good, but again, the technology I feel like can only take you.

[00:17:23] It's like I'm kind of mixed on this whole technology. Sure. Because I, I think that in Disney's case, they had the perfect person to play a young Luke Skywalker in Sebastian Stan. Yeah. And they just didn't, they were like, no, we're gonna de-age. Right? Like Mark Hamill. And the eyes look really weird. They look kind of lifeless.

[00:17:45] But then on the flip side, you know, for something like the Irishman, you put all the money in. Like I would, I support people like Scorsese trying to do stuff like that for their, um, de Niros and what have you. But De Niro looks super old. When he is de aged and it doesn't look good. And not that it looks, the CGI looks bad, but that it's like you successfully made him look only 10 years younger.

[00:18:13] Yeah. And that it's like, why, why did you put all the time in? Why, why can't you just cast someone else? Right. Who kind of looks like a young DeNiro.

[00:18:20] Olivia: Well, and and like my thing is, is like we have the technology but it's not there. Yeah. Yet. And also it doesn't have to be like, there have been plenty of movies where we've had flashback scenes between like a older version and a younger version of a character and it people are able to follow along.

[00:18:44] It might be like, it might take a second to realize, oh, this is the younger version of this character, but the audience gets it. Like we're not stupid. Yep. And so I don't know how much more money is it to. To cast a younger actor versus however much it costs to do, to use the technology, however much it costs to pay.

[00:19:13] Well, I guess Disney probably doesn't pay the person who's doing the visual effects very much. Um, so I guess it's probably cheaper than paying an actual actor. Yeah.

[00:19:24] Isaac: But still, but again, it's like, I, I think, I think this is at what is kinda the, they're running out of runway with it. Mm-hmm. And it's not working and mm-hmm.

[00:19:33] I don't think that popular or like just average I movie audiences respond to it quite as much. It does. Look, he looks pretty good. He looks pretty young. He looks,

[00:19:42] Olivia: yes, he does.

[00:19:43] Isaac: He younger, but his voice is, he does look consistently like this is not young Harrison Ford talking. Right. And there's definitely, the technology exists to make him sound young, so I just had to like, that's a big thing that I think people are gonna.

[00:19:55] Kinda have negative reactions to like we did. So I had to like spend some time on it. The one, the one example of it being very good is Gemini Man with Will Smith. Okay. Um, did you watch that? No, but in the trailers and in like clips that I saw mm-hmm. When his Young's Persian comes on screen, I'm like, dang, that looks really good.

[00:20:16] It Yes. And, and it's like partially because Will Smith is like, uh, maybe his voice isn't quite past the checkpoint that Harrison Fords is and they were able to make that work, but it, he looks much younger and it looks believable. Right. So, and sounds believable. So, yes.

[00:20:33] Olivia: Yeah. And I wonder too if, if Will Smith is, is a little bit better at like, at doing voice acting.

[00:20:42] Yeah. Yeah. That's possible than Harrison Ford, you know, cause like, I don't even know if, I'm sure he probably has at some point, but I don't know if Harrison Ford has done any voice acting ever. Whereas Will Smith probably has, I, I know he has done voice acting, but like, I think he's probably a little bit Shark Tail better And Impressions Shark Tell, that's classic.

[00:21:00] Classic. And it has Mar Scorsese in it and Robert De Niro and Robert De Niro. So, um, honestly, the I I love, I love Shark Tell. Is it a good movie? Probably like objectively, probably not. Yeah. But that's okay. So anyway, okay, so we, we, we've

[00:21:20] Isaac: harped. What do you think about that whole sequence at the beginning with the train and trying to get the spear and then the spears's fake?

[00:21:28] Uh, Spear's fake. They realize half the dial is

[00:21:32] Olivia: there. Yeah, I, I mean, I liked, I thought the open, it's pretty fun. Open sequence was, was fun. Yeah. Like, I was like, okay, cool. I, I think I've come to this realization recently. I love a good train scene.

[00:21:45] Isaac: Train is great. Yep. Yeah, I think it's Cause we're gonna get one with Mission Impossible.

[00:21:49] Yeah. Dead reckoning part one. Yeah. We're gonna get a really good one, I'm sure. Oh yeah.

[00:21:53] Olivia: But yeah, like I, I think maybe it's just like, I don't see trains very often cuz I live in Oklahoma and like, I don't know, it's kind, so there's something really suspenseful about a train traveling through the mountains and there's like, you know, cliff on one side and mountains on the other side and, and tunnels through tunnels.

[00:22:10] Yeah. Yeah. And so, so yeah, like, I just think there's something cool about a train scene and so I, I thought that was a really fun sequence. Yeah.

[00:22:20] Isaac: Yeah. I agree. I think it, it is kind of long, which is unusual. Sure. Like an unusual opening action sequence for even by the Indiana Jones movie standards. But yeah, it's fine.

[00:22:31] Um, so we move into the present and basically the premise of this movie is that he has to clear his name after Phoebe Waller Bridges, Helena, um, Kind of like sets in motion. She steals the antikythera, the dial of destiny, half of it. Mm-hmm. From Indie. Mm-hmm. Indie gets incriminated for murder in like a very weird, like kind of dark by franchise standards movement.

[00:23:00] Yeah. And then he has to clear his name and Dr. Jurgen Voer, played by Mads Mickelson basically starts chasing them. And then the movie is just kind of like one long chase, right? Yeah. Yep. So, um, Phoebe Waller Bridge. Start there.

[00:23:17] Olivia: Okay. Sh she was great. I think my wife, I really liked her. Your wife? I really liked her character.

[00:23:23] Yeah. There were a couple of times where I was like, is she gonna look right into the camera? Like she doesn't flee back? And it almost seemed like she was going to, and I would have loved that. That would've only mattered probably to you and me. Yeah. Oh God. I don't, oh God. Oh God. Um. But she didn't. And that was, I understand why, but that would've been really funny to me.

[00:23:47] Yeah. Um, but I thought she was great. I, again, I really, really liked her character. Clearly, deeply flawed. But she was really funny and smart and clever and compelling cuz like even with, so, so she is Indiana Jones's goddaughter. You see her dad at the beginning and the, the train chasing, um, her dad and indie are old pals.

[00:24:16] Right? And so, so you see her as an adult and, and you learn like kind of what happened to your dad and how he was kind of driven to madness essentially with this like, obsession over the dial of destiny. Right. And it makes sense that she's so jaded and I, I. I actually kinda love when female characters are like super jaded.

[00:24:41] I think it's fun and it's a lot better than the Ditzy Damsel Distress Act. Mm-hmm. That we see clearly see a lot in this, this franchise specifically. Yeah. But, um, from my point of view, I'm owning that it's my point of view. Other people feel differently and that's okay. But, um, so, so yeah. Tell me, yeah. I wanna hear you gush about, about your other wife.

[00:25:03] Isaac: So she, uh, she rules in this movie, um, oh yeah. And this, I'll, I'll get to this more. So our first mailbag question is what we think is the best Indiana Jones movie, which I'll, I won't like, spend a ton of time on it, but I'm gonna rank all of them and I'll kind of get into like where Dial Up Destiny falls and all of that.

[00:25:23] But I'll say just right now that Phoebe Waller Bridge is perfect for this kind of, Action adventure. Oh yeah. Or even something like Pirates of the Caribbean. Um, oh, he would be so good in that. He would be really, really good in it. Pirates maybe, like she has this sort of smart assery badassery like mm-hmm.

[00:25:41] Intelligence quippy. Like she's, she's the closest version to someone. Like, honestly, someone like Robert Downey Jr. Yeah. Like, except a female equivalent. Um, and people who haven't seen Fleabag, it's on Amazon Prime. It is just sublime. Like it's, it's probably sublime filmmaking. One of telling favorite shows.

[00:26:03] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. So my favorite acting ever, um, she's incredible. Um, but she, what the movie's doing is so clever because I don't think this movie's very good. I think it's the weakest Indiana Jones movie, but she, her inclusion in it. With without it, the movie would fall completely flat. Sure. And it's one of the things that Crystal Skull, which will like compare to, because it's the most recent other recent one.

[00:26:36] It's the most other, like modern Indiana Jones take, even though it's from like almost 20 years ago, which is crazy. Crystal Skull does not have that in Hil. LaBuff really needed to be cl something closer to Phoebe Waller Bridge. But at the same time, Phoebe Waller Bridge is really channeling female Harrison Ford Energy.

[00:26:59] Sure. From Raiders of the Lost Ark. Sure. Because Harrison Ford is too old to be sexy or cool. He still is Sure. But, but she's carrying all of those characteristics and it's, it works so well because they have incredible chemistry together.

[00:27:12] Olivia: Yes. I think Harrison Ford is cool and sexy because he's always been that way.

[00:27:18] Right. Like if they had just. Thrown him in there or thrown in some, some random guy, it would've obviously been really different. But she, yeah, she has this charisma about her that is so, it's hard

[00:27:35] Isaac: not to like her. Honestly, I've never met anyone who has seen her in flea bag or something else and been like, yeah, I didn't like her.

[00:27:41] I think she's annoying because she's just innately likable.

[00:27:44] Olivia: Yes. Yeah. And she has unique, like features, like facial features. Like she's really tall and she's like, not, she's beautiful. She's not like your traditional beauty, you know? Mm-hmm. And, and, but she's still like oozes coolness and, and like, she's so smooth.

[00:28:08] It, it's, it's, she's just really unique, I think, and different from a lot of the other like actresses right now in Hollywood. Yeah. And I think she's, She wrote Fleabag and created that, that show on character. And it's so different from any, like, any other show I've ever seen. And I wish that we had more than two seasons, but I'm so glad that we have these two seasons.

[00:28:35] Yep. Um, so yeah. So I'm just, I just, yeah. I, I'm really partial to her.

[00:28:44] Isaac: She's the best part of the movie for sure. Yes, for sure. And they, and I feel like she, that's, that's like my other critique of the movie is that they don't quite, um, they don't quite neatly tie, tie up the whole thing of, they, I think they set it up very well in the beginning with Harrison or, uh, with Hindi being, uh, separated, divorced from, mm-hmm.

[00:29:10] From, um, Marian. Yeah. And you don't know why, but you just know that they're separated, that he's about to retire, that he's just like, he's in this, he's aging and the world is changing and mm-hmm. Men just landed on the moon. Right. And the, this is just a dif different world than where he initially was when he was young.

[00:29:30] And archeology is not cool anymore. All that stuff is really good. And I feel like Marian Marian's inclusion at the end of the movie is good and like kind of moving, but then it, I was also immediately taken out by how it, there isn't quite, like, there's just a little bit of relational, like connective tissue missing between, um, Helena and Indie.

[00:30:00] There's just, there's just, there needs to be like one or two more conversations between them about like why they're doing all this throughout the movie. That's like my one critique of really like their. Chemistry's incredible. But I think they need mm-hmm. Just a little bit more of it for the end.

[00:30:15] Especially with Marian just coming in at the end to be mm-hmm. Really believable and for it to solidify for me personally, so. Sure, sure.

[00:30:24] Olivia: Yeah. Uh, I don't, I I don't really have anything to add to that cuz I, I just, I, I'm not attached to this series or the franchiser series. You're little more so for me it's like, it was fine here.

[00:30:37] Here's my thing about this movie. I enjoyed my time watching it. I had a good time. Is it a perfect movie? N no. By, by no means is it a perfect movie. Clearly, like, just the opening scene is just like, why are we doing this de aging thing? Mm-hmm. But that being said, like if you're wanting to have like, go see a, a summer movie, I think this is, this is a good one to go see.

[00:31:02] Yes. Yeah. Um, so yeah, I, I mean, Yes, there were, there were probably, I would've loved to have more scenes between, you know, her and Ha and Harrison Ford, just cuz they're both good actors and they're, they're like such smart asses that it would just be fun to see them go back and forth a little bit more.

[00:31:26] Yeah. And, um, I, I think that that would've been maybe a little more compelling mm-hmm. For their stories. And, um, yeah. Uh, honestly, more Mads Nicholson like, yeah. Yep. He's, he is so, he's good. So good. He plays a bad guy. So. Well, I, I saw twi, or not a tweet, it was a review on letterbox and someone goes, spoiler alert, Mads Mickelson is the bad guy.

[00:31:57] Mm-hmm. Yeah. Uh, and like, he's, he's always great as a bad guy. And he's so believable as a bad guy, but also at the same time, you're like, I kind of wanna root for this guy. Yeah. Um, so also at the end of the, the train scene, when he gets taken out by the like male carrier thing, that would've killed

[00:32:20] Isaac: any other person would decapitated him.

[00:32:23] Yeah, that's what

[00:32:23] Olivia: I thought. I was like, okay. I know he's, is he a

[00:32:26] Isaac: cyborg? Like did they reattach his head? Yeah, honestly, like yeah, I was, go ahead. That was, that was something that I, one of the things where I, I think we're, I've kind of said everything I want to about this movie. There's, there was one other thing I was gonna mention that I, but I'll just say I want people to see this movie, um, because I would rather there be movies like this that kind of take a big swing to end a character like Indiana Jones's legacy than something like Aunt Man and the WASP Quantum mania.

[00:32:58] Yeah. Um, that's just like completely soulless and. Mostly garbage. The void. Yeah. Yeah. And, and th there, there's like real filmmaking here. And like, I love James Mangold. I love Ford versus Ferrari, right. In Logan. But like, there's, there's a chase scene through the parade that turns into an anti-war protest mm-hmm.

[00:33:18] At the beginning of the movie or toward the beginning of the movie that's really well done. But then some of the other chases aren't as good. And it's like, it's just not the strongest, it's not his strongest work, but it's okay. Like I think this movie's good to see in theaters. Um, so yeah. Yeah,

[00:33:36] Olivia: yeah. Yeah.

[00:33:37] It's, yeah. I don't think it's my favorite. It's by, by No Means my favorite Mangold movie. Um, Logan is, is probably one of the, like, as close to perfect of a movie as, as one can get. And, and I. I'm looking forward to some of the things that Man Gold's gonna direct in the future. Like he's, he's directing a Swamp Thing movie for DC mm-hmm.

[00:33:59] And I think that'll be really interesting. Uh, that being said, yeah, I agree with you. It, it is trying to send off Harrison Ford and, and the character of Indiana Jones, which this is like the third movie to do that. Uh, yeah. If I'm not mistaken. Yes. You you

[00:34:17] Isaac: are completely

[00:34:18] Olivia: right. Yeah. So it's like, I don't know, it's

[00:34:20] Isaac: good having you like talk about this because you are completely detached and like Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[00:34:26] I think you're totally right.

[00:34:27] Olivia: So I don't know how many times we have to do that for a character, but to your, to your point of like, I would rather there be, I agree with you, I'd rather there be big swings like this than Ant Man and Quantum Man. Like

[00:34:43] Isaac: we didn't even really get into any spoilers, which is another kind of, We love the movies, Olivia and I love the movies.

[00:34:50] We want the movies to continue mm-hmm. To reign Supreme. So yeah, go see this movie. If you like Indiana Jones, you will like this. Maybe less so than others, um, in the franchise, but, um, yeah, it's fine. Yeah,

[00:35:05] Olivia: I, I think it's, it's, it's a fun movie. There are some fun scenes. It's, there's some good quis that I appreciate that doesn't feel forced.

[00:35:16] It feels really natural. And so yeah, I would say go see this movie, go get some friends, go get your family, go see it. Um, get some popcorn. Yeah, get some popcorn. So I saw it at 12 o'clock on a Saturday and the theater was very full. So, dang. I, I can appreciate. That aspect of this movie too. So, yeah.

[00:35:37] Isaac: Um, before we get

[00:35:38] Olivia: into Mailba, I was gonna say, are we gonna transition?

[00:35:40] Okay. What's that? Let's

[00:35:41] Isaac: transition to mailbag real quick. You got someone, got you. Was it one month or two months of a M c A-list? A year. A year. Holy cow. Cow.

[00:35:49] Olivia: A whole year. Yeah. So, so for those of you who don't know me or, or, or don't know who anything about my life, um, in June I finally got licensed as a therapist.

[00:36:03] So I'm, I'm officially an L P C. Mm-hmm. And thank you. I'm very excited. Uh, it, it means a, it means a lot to me. And, and I'm not gonna go into like exactly what all it means cuz that would take forever. But to celebrate that my friends, uh, here in, in Oklahoma, Got together and bought me a 12 month subscription to A M C A-list, which means I get to see three free movies a week.

[00:36:34] Woohoo. And so, yeah, so I saw Asteroid City and which is the New West Anderson. And then I saw this Indiana Jones movie. Um, I don't know if I'm gonna have time today to go see a third movie, but I probably will go see a movie tomorrow. I might see tomorrow since I have the whole day off. I'm so jealous.

[00:36:52] It's really, yeah. Um, and so I'm trying to make the most of it, especially in the summer when I've got way more free time, um, than I will once school starts up. But yeah, like, it, it's honestly probably the best, the best gift I've ever been given by anyone. That's so cool. Yeah. And so I, I'm probably gonna go see movies that I, I wouldn't make time to go see normally.

[00:37:17] Mm-hmm. Hmm. Um, so, so yeah, I'm, I'm super jazzed about it. It's, it's such a cool. Gift. Yeah. Um, that is sick and it's, yeah, it's never something I would've asked for. Um, and so, uh, I have been told that my friend Scott, I don't know if, I don't even know if Scott listens to this, but my friend Scott was the one who like was heading up that idea and he like, kind of pushed for it a lot.

[00:37:42] And so shout out to, to Scott for that big Scott. But any, if any of my friends who participated in that gift are listening, I really appreciate it. It's genuinely the best gift I've ever been given. So thank you. Until

[00:37:57] Isaac: next June, or like through next June of 24. I'm just gonna keep asking like, what are, what are like the obscure movies that you've seen that you wouldn't have been able to see otherwise?

[00:38:07] Yeah, because mc that you go to is pretty, like, they have a pretty like diverse, like they get a lot of stuff, right?

[00:38:15] Olivia: Yeah. So the one that's like right here in Yukon only has eight screens, so it doesn't get anything super crazy. But there's one. At a mall. That's about 30 minutes. That's where we went. The one that we went to go see Pig at.

[00:38:28] Yep. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, so that one gets, that one has several screens and it's, it gets a lot of, uh, indie and like obscure movies. So like Pig was an example of, of a movie that we got to go see because it was there. Mm-hmm. Um, uh, a 20 fours past lives Yeah. That I really, really wanna go see is currently showing there.

[00:38:47] And so, saw it last night. Oh, was it good? 10? No, 10. Recommend. Okay. Great. So good. I, I might go see that tomorrow. I need to see what, what time, what the showtimes are for tomorrow. But, Yeah, like, I mean, it has a Wes Anderson film. I mean, it has asteroid city there right now, which is not showing just any, like, at any theater.

[00:39:06] And so, um, something also they do is a lot of like foreign films. And so they, they do, I think they do this a lot in the summer studio Ghibli movies. Cool. And so there's a couple that are gonna be coming out later this week.

[00:39:18] Isaac: See, that's like the perfect thing, like the A-list is perfect for like the Oh, sweet.

[00:39:23] I would love to see this movie in theaters. Right. And like, like Princess Que or, yes. Scared it Away. That'd be amazing. Yeah,

[00:39:30] Olivia: yeah, yeah. So I, I'm really jazzed about that. Um, so, so yeah, it, it's, it's really a cool thing. Like I have enjoyed it so much thus far. That part of me is like, should I re-up this whenever, whenever, uh, it, it's expired.

[00:39:47] Um, we'll see what my life looks like in a year.

[00:39:49] Isaac: But yeah. But yeah, I say do it. I say do it, but that, yeah. That's awesome. Um, jump to mailbag.

[00:39:56] Olivia: Let's jump to mailbag.

[00:39:57] Isaac: Cool. Okay. Starting first. Um, Lela asks, what's the best Indiana Jones movie? Um, I think Rose of the Lost Ark is, even though Olivia doesn't, but also Olivia's not as invested in the character.

[00:40:11] Yeah. Um, as, as she's discussed on this podcast, but we still love her. Okay. I'm just

[00:40:19] Olivia: kidding. Oh, no, no, it's okay. That's fair. That's fair. Um,

[00:40:22] Isaac: um, ranking them, here's my rank, greater The Lost Ark, last Crusade, temple of Doom. Crystal Skull Dial of Destiny name. Okay. I think, um, crystal Skull is just a little bit more coherent, even though it's like very goofy.

[00:40:40] Mm-hmm. Um, re-watched all these recently and Shiloh Buff is like, I, like I kinda mentioned earlier, compared to Phoebe Waller Bridge, he's blown out of the water compared to like, or as a side sidekick for Indy. Um, Spielberg is directing him very well, very, very well in crystal school because he is not Sam Whitwick over the top, like mm-hmm.

[00:41:07] Like, he's, he's being pretty reserved and he's, he's working pretty well. And I think Spielberg knew how to like, kind of direct him and get him to do what he needed to do. But even like, people have like cited him swinging through the jungle, um, like Tarzan as a moment where they're just taking completely out of the movie.

[00:41:26] And I completely understand that. But that's my ranking of, uh, crystal school. I think Dial of destiny is unfortunately the weakest. Um, but it also has bridge. So yeah. I'm

[00:41:37] Olivia: great. Which I think is, is why I have it. I, I like it better than, uh, the first one, so, yeah.

[00:41:44] Isaac: There we go. Yeah. Um, do you wanna go back and forth?

[00:41:46] Do you wanna take the next

[00:41:47] Olivia: one? Yeah. So Steven asks, is there a future for mainstream silent movies with live orchestras or slash. Pipe organs. I, what do you think? I don't, I don't know. I don't know if I've ever really thought about it. Um,

[00:42:05] Isaac: have you ever watched I gotta stop, I gotta stop you real quick. Uh, Steven is citing a sketch from, I think you should leave.

[00:42:12] Oh my gosh. Okay. Um, so,

[00:42:16] but uh, no. Yeah, I think there's, I think there's definitely, I don't know, there's like, anything's possible, you know? Well, and also like something when cinema, cinema just birds, like new forms of, you know, I don't know, entertainment.

[00:42:32] Olivia: Are we just doing this? Are are you just doing the bit or are you like, actually I, this is a

[00:42:35] Isaac: bit, this one's a bit, the next one is a bit,

[00:42:39] Olivia: okay, well you keep going until we're not doing a bit anymore.

[00:42:43] Uh,

[00:42:44] Isaac: what's the argument for the four three aspect ratio comeback? Do you like the four, three aspect ratio, like the old timey? Like what we had to watch VHSs on TVs and the static on the screen and all that. Do you have fond memories with that or are you glad like the technology has

[00:42:58] Olivia: progressed? I mean, I do.

[00:43:02] I was actually, I didn't, I don't think I realized, I didn't really think about the aspect ratio being four three. But, uh, I was watching it Friday night. I had my friend Tyler over and I flipped on an episode of SpongeBob, cuz it was like an old episode and it was, it was that aspect ratio. Yep. And I was like, it's crazy to me that SpongeBob has been on for so long that it was when TVs were square mm-hmm.

[00:43:27] And not, you know, wider and like a rectangle. Um, I, I mean, I don't know, I guess there's pros and cons to it. I, I don't know enough about aspect ratios or like why a director would pick a specific aspect ratio. I. To, I think, really answer this question. Yeah. So, I'm sorry Steven, I can't give you a solid answer.

[00:43:52] Do you, do you have strong feelings about it?

[00:43:54] Isaac: No, I don't. Um, I'm glad we're at wide screen for the most part. Um, I think the lighthouse was close to, I don't think it was a pure, it was totally four three, but I think it was like, it was definitely wasn't wide screen, if I remember correctly. Um, who would win OG Freddie Krueger or Evil?

[00:44:14] Dead to dead Eye, definitely Freddie Krueger cuz The Power of Dreams baby. Um, thank you Steven. Also, his, uh, Instagram handle is swag UAR Levi, so I had to just point that out. Um,

[00:44:29] Olivia: all right. Hannah asked, and this is my friend Hannah, who's been on the the podcast before. What is everyone's favorite? Robin Williams movie.

[00:44:38] She specifically says, O cl, which is me, needs to watch Patch Adams. Mm-hmm. I have not seen Patch Adams. Uh, I have not either, so. All right. So I guess you need to watch it too. What is your favorite Robin Williams movie? Um,

[00:44:53] Isaac: the Goat Goodwill Hunting. Who, where to start,

[00:44:57] Olivia: you know? Oh, I thought you were saying The Goat movie.

[00:45:00] Most people will cite Goodwill Hunting.

[00:45:03] Isaac: That's which is why he's great in that. Um, I love the bird cage. Uh, our

[00:45:08] Olivia: friend, the bird cage is so good. The bird

[00:45:10] Isaac: cage is so good. He's so good in it. He's so good in it. He's funny.

[00:45:14] Olivia: I didn't know you've seen that movie.

[00:45:16] Isaac: Uh, well, will Jenkins introduced it to it to me.

[00:45:18] Okay. We watched it one night and I was like, this is the greatest thing I've ever seen.

[00:45:23] Olivia: Will shout out to Will shout. Of course. Shout out to Will you's seen that movie Shout. That's amazing.

[00:45:29] Isaac: It is so good. In Nathan, that was my first Nathan Lane movie too, and I was like, this is the funniest person I've ever

[00:45:35] Olivia: seen.

[00:45:35] You wait. That you've seen a Lion King. He's in The Lion King. Well,

[00:45:39] Isaac: I didn't, I'd never seen Nathan Lane in a movie before. Oh, okay. Okay. I guess that's what I'm saying.

[00:45:44] Olivia: Um, like physically seen him.

[00:45:46] Isaac: Yeah. Um, also think, oh, have you seen insomnia?

[00:45:51] Olivia: The, uh, Uhuh, but I've heard it's good.

[00:45:53] Isaac: It's good. He's good in that.

[00:45:54] Um, kind of underrated, um, Teddy Roosevelt has performance as Teddy Roosevelt in, uh, ninth Museums. Low key. Hilarious. Yeah.

[00:46:06] Olivia: Um, he's so good in that, that one is, but I'm glad

[00:46:10] Isaac: I'd seen Birdcage to be able to say birdcage because I probably would've said goodwill hunting.

[00:46:17] Olivia: Yeah, that's fair. Um, but what's but what's yours?

[00:46:20] Oh man. Robin Williams is one of those actors who I ha I like grew up with and he just is really significant to so many aspects of my childhood. Like my family quotes RV all the time. That is a movie we reference a lot. I loved Flubber. I don't. The Birdcage was a movie we watched a lot as a, when I was a kid.

[00:46:49] Uh, hook Robots. Uh, of course he's so good as, uh, the Genie and Aladdin and he's great Dead Poet Society. But I think, and it's, it's m purely for nostalgic reasons. I think it's gonna have to be Mrs. Doubtfire, which I think Hannah probably already knew the answer to that question. You may have already known the answer to that question, but I just love Mrs.

[00:47:12] Doubtfire. That movie is completely unhinged if you actually think about it. Yep. Like the concept of it. But I lo I love it. It's just one of my favorite movies of all time. So

[00:47:24] Isaac: my actual The what?

[00:47:26] Olivia: Go ahead. What I was gonna say, the, my profile picture on my social media accounts right now, well, at least on my Facebook and Instagram, are of me standing in front of the Mrs.

[00:47:35] Dow firehouse.

[00:47:37] Isaac: Oh, nice. Wait, where is it? San Francisco. Okay. Um. What would you do to see the R-rated cut of Mrs. Doubtfire where he is like swearing in every scene? I

[00:47:48] Olivia: would, I, I don't, whatever it took, I guess. Yeah. Like I would love to see that, that version. Yeah. Kinda like, I would like to see a cut of, uh, into the Spider verse with John Melania spider ham just swearing the whole time.

[00:48:01] Yes. Yeah. I, I would love to see that version too. Yeah.

[00:48:06] Isaac: Goodness gracious. Um, Sarika says, no, Logan, wait, lo Logan.

[00:48:14] Olivia: Yeah, Logan via, cuz Logan doesn't have an Instagram account, wants to know everyone's top five Kevin James movies. And when I saw that, I texted Sarika and I said, I don't know if the guys have seen collectively five Kevin James movies.

[00:48:30] Isaac: Well, lucky for Logan. I'm so glad he asked. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Have, have you seen? Nope. Um, okay. But I can. Paul Blart, mall cop. I did see, I, I saw Paul Blart Mall Cop in theaters. I

[00:48:47] Olivia: did too.

[00:48:48] Isaac: Nice. There we go. Yeah, yeah. Um, peanut Larder and Jelly. It's a great moment. Um, it's good. And Hitch? That's my, it's my top two.

[00:48:58] Olivia: Yeah. I think Hitch Hit Hitch is number one. Paul Blart, mall Cop is number two. Um, grownups is three for me. I now pronounce your Chuck. And Larry is probably four. Mm-hmm. Which, that's also an insane movie if I actually think about it. But that's also a movie we watched all the time. Yeah. As a kid. Um, grownups too.

[00:49:24] I hate grownups too. It's so bad.

[00:49:27] Isaac: Like, like badly made.

[00:49:30] Olivia: It's just, it's, yeah. It's just not a good movie. Yeah. Um, so, but yeah, I think, I think Hitch is probably my favorite Kevin James movie. So,

[00:49:42] Isaac: um, he seems like a really nice person. Like a cool person. Like I would love to hang out with him. Yeah. And, uh, the Sandman.

[00:49:48] Yeah,

[00:49:49] Olivia: no, I, here's, here's what I appreciate about, like, those guys, like, specifically Adam, Sam, uh, Sandler is, I almost said Andy Sandberg, which is, this is I think a little true for him too, but, uh, he goes by Andrew now. I'm just kidding. I was like, shut up. Uh, is that Adam Sandler will bring in the same crew of guys, like, he will bring in his, his buddies for every movie.

[00:50:16] And I really appreciate that. Like, I think that's what I love about him so much is that he really, at the end of the day, just wants to make movies with his, his friends, with his buddies. And I really respect that because I think if I had that, like if I had that level of success and I could do that, Yeah.

[00:50:34] Make, he makes his, his indie movies, his uncut gems and that kind of thing. Uh, but, but I really respect that he, he'll just make a stupid movie with his buddies cuz they just thought it was gonna be a good time and they do. Yep. And I, I appreciate that. I would do

[00:50:48] Isaac: that too. That's a great point. Yeah. Um, Jess says, who is your favorite person to watch movies with and why?

[00:50:57] It's you, babe. I love watching movies with you.

[00:51:00] Olivia: He is talking about his wife Jess, not, not me. Yes. Yes. Let's clarify that.

[00:51:04] Isaac: I think she may have been expecting me to give a different answer, but, uh, really? Yeah. I don't think, I feel like, no, there's no one else that comes to mind. I really en enjoy watching movies with you, Olivia.

[00:51:16] But we don't ever watch movies together. We don't do that very often. Yeah. Um, cause we geography and stuff. Yeah. The whole thing. Yeah. What about

[00:51:24] Olivia: you? Um, I enjoy watching movies with you. I, yeah. Like, I wish we got to do that more often, but, um, I don't know if I have like one singular person that I'm like, this is my all time favorite person to watch movies with.

[00:51:37] I think anytime I can watch a movie with friends or family who also wanna see it, and we get to ha like, enjoy that time together, even if it's like a bad movie. Like it's fun to watch a, a bad movie with friends where you get to just kinda make fun of the movie the whole time. Like, I appreciate those moments, you know?

[00:51:56] And so, um, I think, I think just being able to share that moment with, with someone is, is a lot of fun. So I'm answering the question without really answering the question. I don't have a, a specific, it's more category

[00:52:10] Isaac: than a person, but we'll accept that.

[00:52:13] Olivia: Yeah. I'm sorry. But,

[00:52:15] Isaac: um, um, runners up are, uh, the, the assets movie crew, um, Walter and Gabe and Will and Jordan.

[00:52:25] And Jbo. And Kai. Nice. Yeah. Solid group. It's all next.

[00:52:35] Olivia: All right. Bobby asks, which opening night are you? Oh, I don't think I typed that correctly. Which opening night are you attending Barbie or Oppenheimer?

[00:52:46] Isaac: Ooh, Twitter film. Twitter is like just exploding over this question. Yes.

[00:52:53] Olivia: Which is fair. Yeah, I think they're gonna be fantastic movies for such different reasons.

[00:52:58] Um, you guys are gonna be in Canada, aren't you? Yeah,

[00:53:02] Isaac: we're gonna be traveling, unfortunately. Um, I think I may be able to see one of them while we're on vacation, but we're, it's also a really long vacation, so I'm not sure if I'm gonna have to wait till I get back to see the other. Okay. So we're actually, that may prove to be a scheduling conflict, honestly.

[00:53:20] Ok. But, um, if I could choose, like, if we weren't traveling, I would try to see. Oppenheimer at like mm-hmm. Noon. Yeah. Go get drinks and dinner. Mm-hmm. Talk about it. Mm-hmm. And go see Barbie in the evening. Yeah.

[00:53:38] Olivia: I think that's my plan. Uh, I think my plan is to use two of my free movies that week to go see Oppenheimer.

[00:53:46] Yeah. Noon sometime in the afternoon. Go get, you know, something to eat, settle from whatever it is that I experienced while watching that movie, and then finish it off with Barbie.

[00:54:02] Isaac: Can you, with your thing, can you see, like, can you use all three in the same day?

[00:54:08] Olivia: I don't know if I can use all three in the same day.

[00:54:11] I think that would have to be like, strategic planning on my part. Yeah. But I, I don't, I haven't read anything where I can't use more than one on one day, so. Interesting. Okay. Yeah. So I got, I guess I will find out on this day.

[00:54:26] Isaac: Um, are you gonna see. Both, either or both with,

[00:54:30] Olivia: uh, I was talking with my parents about possibly seeing it with them.

[00:54:34] Um, a lot of, I could see your dad loving Barbie. I kind of, I kind of think he actually will. Um, so t b d, uh, I, I think I, I am gonna go see it with them and I'll keep everyone posted on what, uh, Terry and Alexis think of, of these films. Very good.

[00:54:55] Isaac: Jess is really excited for Oppenheimer cuz she loves anything dark in World War ii.

[00:55:00] And I don't know, Barbie may be the one that I see by myself. And, um, and, uh, um, yeah, nice. Incredible double feature. Honestly,

[00:55:16] Olivia: I, I think it's gonna be such a great double feature. Also, I'm sure you've seen, actually, I know you've seen this, um, who's directing the new Mission Impossible movie? Um, Christopher Macquarie.

[00:55:27] Okay. So did you see where he and Tom Cruise went and saw Oppenheimer and Barbie and like, uh, Indiana Jones and they had posted about it? Mm-hmm. Did you see that? Okay? Yeah. And then did you see that Greg Gerwig and Margaret Robbie did the same thing, um, with Mission Impossible? Oppenheimer. Oh, sick. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[00:55:45] I didn't know that. Yeah. So someone was like, all right, uh, Killian Murphy and, uh, Christopher Nolan, you guys have a week to respond.

[00:55:55] Isaac: I saw everybody. Did you end up saying Banshees of Anan? Yeah, so I saw a hilarious, it was the clip of, um, Colin Farrell outside, uh, Brendan Gleason's. Mm-hmm. Little Hut and Brendan Gleason's just like sitting there looking sad from Banshees.

[00:56:13] And it says the caption was Christopher Nolan trying to get Killian Murphy out to do press tour for.

[00:56:25] It's the funniest thing. Cause Jillian Murphy gives like zero shits about Yeah. About press and stuff. But it was like, in order to, to like pose with Barbie tickets or something.

[00:56:37] Olivia: Yeah. That's really funny. Um, have you seen the video? I think it's from, it has to be the Dark Night Rises, uh, like press tour of him and Tom Hardy together.

[00:56:54] It might be for, um, what was that show that they were in on Netflix? Oh, Peaky Blinders. Peaky Blinders. It might've been for that, I don't remember. But if they're together and someone is asking them like, about where they're from and like insinuates that they're, I can't remember what country Tom Hardy is from, but it.

[00:57:11] Isaac: Murphy. Yeah. He's like, he's like, you're both British. And he is like, no, I'm Irish. And he's like, yeah, he's, it's the same thing Irish. And he's like, it's not like that person is getting fired.

[00:57:19] Olivia: And, and Tom Hardy like immediately was like, it is not the same. Like, was like trying to like save that guy cuz that guy was about to get murdered by Killian Murphy.

[00:57:29] Yep. I I

[00:57:30] love

[00:57:30] Isaac: that so much. So good. Um, anyway, Justin asks, is the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie the best movie ever made? Yes sir. Yes. Have either of us seen this movie? I

[00:57:41] Olivia: don't think I've, I, no, I haven't seen it. Sorry, Justin. Sorry Justin. Uh, Justin, I'll let you know if I watch it though and I'll let you know.

[00:57:49] We'll go see the new

[00:57:50] Isaac: one. You can go see the new one with. I see the new one. Yeah. Your for sure. A, a plus a list subs. Yeah. Um, Tyler asked, what is your favorite Christopher Nolan movie? Have you seen, um, do you, do you know off the top of your head how many of his movies you've seen?

[00:58:07] Olivia: I've seen Inception and Tenant.

[00:58:11] Interstellar and all the Dark Knight Trilogy.

[00:58:16] Isaac: So six. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:58:19] Olivia: Um, I think How many have you seen? I've seen 'em

[00:58:22] Isaac: all. You've seen all of 'em? Yeah. I mean, he's only made 10

[00:58:27] Olivia: or 11. Oh yeah, I was gonna say, I know he hasn't made a ton, so it's a little bit easier to get through his, this is a

[00:58:36] Isaac: throwback to, um, the Christopher Nolan episode that Eric and I did.

[00:58:41] Olivia: You and Eric did forever ago. Yeah.

[00:58:43] Isaac: Yeah, yeah. Um, and that was when TE was released, right? It was around, around that time. And I have a list and I'm having a really hard time finding it, so I'm trying to vamp.

[00:58:58] Olivia: Okay. Well, while you're doing that, I can tell you what my favorite Nolan movie is. I, I really, genuinely think, I think.

[00:59:06] I saw in, no, I saw the Dark Night before I saw Inception, but I think Inception is my favorite just cuz it was so unlike anything I'd ever seen before at the time. And I watched it and I was like, oh, this is all the hype was real and like mm-hmm. It also didn't do it justice. Like also it has, you know, just such a great cast in it.

[00:59:31] And so I think also every time I learned something new about like, the way that movie was made, it makes me love it so much more. Yeah. And, and so I, yeah. So I think Inception is my favorite. Um, although Interstellar is incredible also. It's so depressing, but it's so good.

[00:59:51] Isaac: Yep. Um, my top three are Dunkirk, the Dark Knight and the Prestige.

[00:59:57] Nice. Yeah. Yep.

[00:59:58] Olivia: I love Dunkirk. It's powerful. The Dark Knight is, It, it's such a great film too, so, yeah.

[01:00:06] Isaac: Um, Olivia Tyler asked, who is your favorite actor, actresses, uh, or a few that land near the top?

[01:00:14] Olivia: That is a great question and since cuz Tyler asked me that question, he's asked me that before and I have been thinking about it since.

[01:00:23] And I don't know if I have like an all time favorite, but one that I know that you and I both love is Ryan Gosling, right? Like mm-hmm. He's so good in everything he's in. Um, I think Margot Robbie has come in and just taken Hollywood by storm. I think Florence Pgh is another one of those actors who's done that as well.

[01:00:42] Um, I think Robin Williams is probably one of my favorite ones as well. Like, if I'm thinking like older, like back to when I was a kid, um, I don't know. I could go, I feel like I could list a lot of people. Um, Obviously Robin Williams is like fresh on my mind cause we were just talking about him. Yeah. But Christian Bale is another good one.

[01:01:08] Who, who are some of yours?

[01:01:10] Isaac: Um, Denzel Washington. Ah, um, Ryan Gosling for sure. Mm-hmm. Okay. So some smaller names. The people that I'm like, like legitimately love basically anything. They're in Shea Wigga. Yes. Michael Shannon. Yes. Daniel

[01:01:28] Olivia: Kaia. He's so good in

[01:01:30] Isaac: everything. Um,

[01:01:35] yeah. Christian Bale. Yeah. Do you go Mortenson? Yeah. Do you go Mortenson was in a really weird movie from David Kronenberg called, uh, crimes of the Future Uhhuh that anyone who's watching this or listening to this, I dare you to go watch it

[01:01:54] Olivia: and report. It's got case to in it too. Yes. Stewart, who also, I think, I think I would say she's one of mine.

[01:02:01] She's probably one of my favorites. Yep. Um, um, LAE. Stanfield. Yep. I think he's one of my favorites too.

[01:02:09] Isaac: And yeah, that's, that's a about Oh, ZZ Beats. Oh yeah. She, she's one of my all-time favorites. She's so good too. Um, Gina Davis. Yeah.

[01:02:19] Olivia: Like Viola Davis. Yep.

[01:02:22] Isaac: Sigourney Weaver.

[01:02:23] Olivia: Yeah. I feel like that's a good list.

[01:02:27] I think that's a good list. I think if I really were to like do a top 10 for like actors and actresses, I would, I would need more time to like sit and think through like, I, we can we maybe we, maybe we do that sometimes. That'd be a good episode. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah. So we'll come back to that later with a more flushed out list.

[01:02:49] But I think those are, those are a good, uh, jumping off points for us. Yeah.

[01:02:56] Isaac: Bo show, Bo Show. Nathan asks, how do you prioritize watching movies, especially movies that may not excite you, but are still important culturally? This is a great question.

[01:03:07] Olivia: This is a great question. Saw that and you thought about this.

[01:03:10] Yeah, I, I saw that this morning and I was like, ah, I don't know how I prioritize watching movies. I think for me, I try to prioritize movies that are coming out. I think more, I don't know if I, if that's true, if I'm able to go see it at the theater, I want to go see it at the theater, you know? Mm-hmm. And so I try to prioritize that when I can.

[01:03:35] Um, that always, that doesn't always work out. Um, but like Parasite was re-released whenever it was nominated for all the Oscars, and so I was like, I am gonna go see this at the theater. Um, and it was such a great experience and so I'm glad I did that. But as far as like older movies, I don't have a rhyme or reason.

[01:03:59] It's more just like, I wanna watch this movie. It's available to, available to me in whatever capacity. And so I'm gonna try to do that. Now, there are some things that I think I try to like prioritize a little bit. Like, um, a couple years ago, and this was something I talked about with Eric of like prioritizing for like foreign films more.

[01:04:19] I'm trying to watch those a little bit more just to get a different, like, feel for like how movies are made in other countries. Um, kinda how they're set up differently than, than they are in Amer, like as far as American movies are, are concerned. Um, and there's some movies that like, people like Lord of the Rings that people rave about that I'm just like, Ugh, nah, no thanks.

[01:04:45] You just can't

[01:04:46] Isaac: muster yourself to see it. Yeah.

[01:04:47] Olivia: Yeah. Um, like, I'm trying to think of. Something other than Lord of the Rings, and I'm just like, I don't know if I'll ever watch that movie. Um, Requiem For a Dream or Clockwork Orange. Yeah. I don't know if I'll ever watch those movies. Yeah. Uh, just based on what I've read about them and uh, kind of the content, it's hard for me to watch stuff like that.

[01:05:14] And tho both of those movies I think are culturally important, but I, I just dunno if I can muster it up to watch it, at least at this point in my life. So, so I don't Was that coherent?

[01:05:29] Isaac: Yeah. No. Was, that was very coherent. And you answered like, there's, there's like many different, uh, aspects to this question by which it can be answered.

[01:05:38] Mm-hmm. I'll take a couple, uh, I'll take a different tack. Yeah. Um, a great way to get introduced to like all different types of movies is to watch through a director's filmography. Yeah. And the way that. I kind of like came about That is the podcast blank check with Griffin and David. Mm-hmm. Um, uh, aren't you glad I'm mentioning it in a, uh, in a like mailbag context where we can like provide people additional ways they can enjoy movies?

[01:06:08] Olivia? Yeah. Yeah. Not just like taking steam away from our own podcast blank check with Dick Griffin and David is really great because Griffin, they, what it

[01:06:20] Olivia: sounded like you said Dick Griffin and

[01:06:22] Isaac: Blank Dick Griffin, uh, blank check is awesome because they've, they've done Christopher Nolan, but then they've done like, hi Miyazaki Miyazaki who did, uh, all the Studio Jubilee movies or most of them, um, one of the best directors ever.

[01:06:39] And the whole app premise is like, how did this person get to a point where they're like, famous? They've done a bunch of Spielberg movies. They've done like the second half of Spielberg's career. Um, which is really interesting cuz there's like a lot of duds in there that Spielberg made. Yeah. Um, they are doing Park and Woo right now.

[01:06:58] Mm-hmm. And he's amazing. He did a decision to leave last year. He did. Old boy little drummer girl. He's doing, um, the Sympathizer, uh, it's like a Vietnam War. Mm-hmm. Crazy looking H b O series with Robert Down Jr. It's coming out next year or maybe this fall later this year. It's coming out within the next calendar year.

[01:07:19] Yeah. Yeah. Um, so that's one way to go about kind of like they, they've done Stanley Kubrick, so I got to watch through all of Stan Kubrick's movies around the time that my daughter was born when I was at home quite a bit. And spoiler, I did not like cock Clockwork Orange at all. Like Yeah. Gnarly and depressing and mm-hmm.

[01:07:38] There you just find kind of things that matter, don't matter. Um, the Kiker, so I watched, I haven't seen all of his movies, but I did see Seven Samurai. So it was just like, kind of like there are great resources to get exposed to the movies that are most culturally relevant, like a f i top 500. Mm-hmm. Um, other lists on letterbox that you can go find that are like the mainstays on letterbox.

[01:08:05] Yeah. Um, and then I guess in terms of just like mindset, go in with an open mind and just kind of watch something. Especially like if it's foreign, start with something like Seven Samurai or Ron, or, um, throne of Blood mm-hmm. That has incredible action sequences. And those movies actually like inspired Star Wars.

[01:08:28] Mm-hmm. So like the movies that you love, go and see what inspired those movies. Um, yeah. You'll really, you'll really find some amazing stuff, but just go in with an open mind, kind of like carve out time, get some friends. You know, love movies, to watch 'em with you. That's like, I guess that's, that's like the only way to answer that question.

[01:08:47] Olivia: Yeah. And I think like, yeah, there are some movies that I feel like are important that don't excite me necessarily. Like Citizen Kane is, is such a influential film, right? Like it's hail as one of the greatest movies of all time. And it doesn't necessarily excite me, but it is something I eventually want to watch because of its impact, uh, culturally.

[01:09:06] Uh, a and like, again, like going back to kind of how we were talking about Indiana Jones, it's, it's not for me, but man, it, it definitely has impacted and shifted the way that like every other action and adventure film since its release, has, has, um, made those movies, right? Mm-hmm. And it's cool watching movies that you can look ba like you can look at and be like, that's why they did this in this other movie.

[01:09:39] Right? Like, we talked about that with Thelma and Louise, right. We, we've talked about so many movies, like just either between you and me, or like even on the podcast that were influenced by Thelma and Louise. Yep. And we can look back at that and go, oh, that was, that was that. So like Thelma and Louise is not gonna be for everyone.

[01:09:58] Right? Like it's, it's not gonna be a movie everyone loves, but I think that it has, you know, this cultural significance to it, even if you're like, nah, it was okay.

[01:10:10] Isaac: Yes. So, yeah. And, and part of that is like going, and Olivia, you're kind of, um, like just me about, uh, Lord of the Rings is a great example of this where like, you have a respon, you have like a, just kind of like average response to something that is lauded, uh, culturally.

[01:10:29] And that's good because, because it's, yeah. Like your response to like, Lord, the Rings is, Proof that not everyone feels that way about Lord of the Rings. Mm-hmm. And it's still, it's like very legitimate, as much as, as much crap as Walter and I gave you on that episode. So yeah. So much. Um, next, the next question is also kind of a great dovetail into that and I'll let you take it since you have, uh,

[01:10:56] Olivia: responses for that.

[01:10:57] Yeah. So, so Nathan again asks, which also I love that we, that you and I both know Nathan. Yep. Like just, we know Nathan, small world, very, very different areas of our lives. Um, but Nathan asks, what are some movies that have surprised you the most? Meaning you had low expectations going in, but ended up loving it.

[01:11:14] So, uh, so I, I, I was, I saw that this morning and I was like, okay, I need to like actually put down some movies. Cuz coming up with something off the top of my head was gonna be too much in the moment I think for me. So the two movies I was like, I'm gonna talk about these are parasite and game night. Now I wanna be clear, I did not have low expectations going into parasite.

[01:11:35] I just did not know what to expect. Everyone was like, yeah. Just expectations. Yeah. Like everyone was just talking about how great of a film it was. Like all of film Twitter was just going on and on about it. Right. But I had no idea what it was about. Mm-hmm. Like, I, I genuinely just did not know and I watched the trailer and I didn't wanna read anything about it before watching it because I was like, I don't want it to be spoiled for me.

[01:11:59] And so it was just, I, it was just kinda this uncertainty of, of how I was gonna feel about this movie. Especially cuz like, I haven't watched that many, like at that point, especially, I hadn't watched that many foreign films and I think that for a lot of people maybe our age, that was a good introduction into foreign film.

[01:12:19] Um, yep. And, and so that was, that was a movie that really surprised me by how, how much I loved it and, and just being completely uncertain. And I think it goes back to kinda like what you were talking about of like, Going in with an open Mind that was a movie. I was like, we'll see what happens. And it, it blew my, my mind.

[01:12:43] And so like, I think that's an example of one. And then something very, very different, different type of movie is Game Night, which we've talked about. Have you seen, you've seen Game Night, right? Oh yeah. I love Game. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it is probably one of the best comedies that've come out in the past decade.

[01:13:02] Yep. But so few people have seen it and I saw people like talking about it and referencing it a lot and like, it's got a great cast. And I was like, I will watch this as I'm flying from Oklahoma City to San Francisco. Um, and I watched it on my phone and I was like, this movie is fantastic, and why do we as a society not talk about it more?

[01:13:27] Like mm-hmm. I was just floored by how funny, and, and. Original and, and creative and, and just all around. Great. It was, I I did not expect to like it that much. Like I thought it'll be fine. Like Rachel McAdams is, is great. She's another actor. I could add to the list of favorite. Mm-hmm. Um, that we didn't mention, but like Rachel McAdams and Jason Bateman were, were so good in it.

[01:13:52] And, and as was the rest of the cast, there were people who popped up in the movie that I wasn't expecting to show up, like Chelsea Perretti. And, and so that was, that's an example of a movie that I was so surprised by how much I loved it and have just like, kind of thought, like, it just, it's one of those movies that kind of sits in my mind.

[01:14:11] Parasite's, another movie that just sits in my mind sometimes and I'm like, wow, that's such a good movie. And I think about that with Gay Night too. So, yep. Those are my, my movies that maybe surprised me the most. What about you? Uh, my two

[01:14:22] Isaac: are Columbus that we've done on this podcast. Um, that was a set 2017 movie, um, that.

[01:14:30] Uh, the movie's really special to me for a couple reasons. One, it's like, it's extremely unusual and meditative and it kind of like uses these unusual spaces and architectural, um, touchstones in Columbus, Indiana as the backdrop for like two characters kind of exploring loss in different mm-hmm. Areas of their lives and their friendship.

[01:14:53] And it's the, one of the last movies that I saw that I just turned, I saw on Hulu and I was like, this looks really interesting. And I turned it on and it kind of like changed my movie. Definitely my movie watching, um, habits in on, in a smaller, like micro sense my life to a certain degree. Mm-hmm. Just in terms of how I view the world and different things.

[01:15:15] Um, highly recommend that. So good. The second would be, I just had it, um, The Empty Man. It's a horror movie. Mm-hmm. It's got a great title. It's got a great poster. I said, looks scary. Let's turn it on. And Jess and I were both like, that's one of our favorite scary movies ever. And I don't wanna spoil anything, but there's a man and he's empty.

[01:15:42] Empty. Yeah. It's so

[01:15:45] Olivia: good. That is a cool poster. Also, that image is terrifying.

[01:15:50] Isaac: It's, it's, it's really great. It's creepy movie. And this is, this is perfect because horror is really great because you have like gory horror, you have thrilling horror, you have invasion, horrors, zombies, all this, vampires, all this stuff.

[01:16:02] The empty man is like just creepy. And I love, I love movies that are just creepy and they keep you like, there's creepy things happening consistently. Mm-hmm. Nothing like it. It's so good.

[01:16:15] Olivia: Good. All right. Well, I watch it. Oh, it's based on a graphic novel. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. Same name. Very cool.

[01:16:24] Interesting.

[01:16:26] Isaac: Um, Dylan asks, how come shows like Game of Thrones and Wheel of Time can have similar budgets or in releases, but the visual quality such as uh, visual effects, coloring, et cetera, can be just so drastically different. What gives Wheel of Time a more amateur look than Game of Thrones? I hope this makes sense.

[01:16:43] I feel like it's more than a difference in cinematographer because a lot of Amazon Prime shows have this amateurish look, this is a really great question. Um, Olivia, as, as established, you're not like super into fantasy. Sure, yeah. Outside of Harry Potter, right?

[01:17:03] Olivia: Yeah. And that's, I, that's more of a nostalgic thing for me than anything else.

[01:17:07] Um, but yeah. Were you gonna follow something up with that?

[01:17:13] Isaac: No, just like, do you have any thoughts about this? Like, because I do think that you kind of have a feel for like how things look and Sure. I, I'll kind of speak to this specifically Game of Thrones and real time here in a second, but do you have any thoughts about like, just.

[01:17:24] Visual effects, and we covered it on Aman, but yeah.

[01:17:29] Olivia: Yeah. So I think that, that you can throw money at stuff a and have stuff with big budgets and it's still come out looking like trash or just like looking mediocre. Just Okay if you aren't taking the time to, to make it. Well, um, I think that's something that's like really important is, um, I think with Game of Thrones, which I didn't, I only watched the first season and half of the second season at Game of Thrones.

[01:18:03] So, um, but what I really appreciated was like, you're thrown into this world and it is made really well. Like, it, it's a fantastic looking show. It, it's, the acting is good, the characters are interesting. Um, And what everyone has told me, the biggest complaint about Game Throne Thrones was kind of the, the way it was rushed in the final season.

[01:18:27] And I, I've seen a couple episodes from the final season and one of the episodes I've seen is, um, the, the battle, the big battle episode where it's, it's dark the entire time. Mm-hmm. And I watched it in a room with all the lights turned off and there was no, no single shred of light except for what was coming from the tv.

[01:18:49] And it was still so dark. And I understand, like, I guess that's probably what it would've been like if you were fighting a war in medieval time, which I realize it's not set necessarily in medieval times, but how's that feel?

[01:19:03] But yeah, I don't, I don't know anything about Will of time and I, I actually had only just seen something about it the other day, and so I don't, I don't know what it looks like visually, but I think like if you are going to make a show that requires a lot of visual effects, Or you're gonna make a movie, make it well, and, and take your time on it.

[01:19:25] Like that's the issue. Or one of the issues with the Marvel movies right, is they have these giant budgets, but they are changing what they want last minute and are expecting you, like, not you, but like expecting the, the expecting me personally expecting Isaac specifically to be able to adjust and cuz it, it takes so much time to make the animated visual effects, right?

[01:19:54] I mean, think about how long it took to make Beyond the Spider verse or across the spider verse, sorry. It took him four years to make that movie. Mm-hmm. And for what

[01:20:02] Isaac: artists were like overworked too, right? Yeah. Like they were, which we just recently, there was a story about that in Variety. I believe so.

[01:20:09] Yeah.

[01:20:09] Olivia: Yeah. Like tho those artists were overworked and. How much better would it have been if they'd given them five years instead of four? Mm-hmm. Now, as a, a viewer, like it would've been more annoying to wait, but also as a person who understands being overworked, because we live in a capitalistic society, I would much rather these artists be given time to make their art well and make it great than, uh, them being forced and pigeon and holed into a specific timeline because we can't have unhappy consumers.

[01:20:46] And it's like, well, can't we? We can. It's okay. They're fine. Yeah. You

[01:20:52] Isaac: know, I don't, in Spider verse, like pushing back the release date was an interesting, like Yes. You know, antithesis to Marvel's. Um, Marvel won't push something back in unless they have like a couple year, like at least a year of like leeway where they're like, okay, we're shifting all this out as they just did with a bunch of their, I think most of their movies.

[01:21:13] Um, um, but yeah, so my, I guess my response to this, so I have watched the first season of Wheel of Time and all of Game of Thrones, and there are a couple things about like, I really don't understand. I think that the, that HBO and the directors and all that stuff for the Long Night Battle mm-hmm. Sequence, some people's TVs slash screens are just equipped to like, for it to be visual because it was completely visually coherent for Jessica and I when we watched it and we were like, wow, that was really thrilling.

[01:21:45] And then people were like, we couldn't see anything and we were like, mm-hmm. We couldn't see everything. So, yeah. So it, it really, the jury's still out on like, I think that they just cut it too close, like it's just a little bit too dark and, um, so, so that's just kind of neither here nor there. And Dylan, like as far as Wheel of Time versus Game of Thrones, I really can't tell you why Wheel of Time doesn't look quite as good as Game of Thrones because Amazon is literally spending like hundreds of millions of dollars to make, um, to make it, to make Wheel of Time.

[01:22:21] Um, when Wheel of Time came out, we, Jessica and I liked it and we didn't have a problem as much with how it looked so much as the conclusion of the first season was story wise. We were pretty like mystified and kind of like let down and befuddled by why they chose to end it the way they did. Um, I know that I think that part of it is quality of the artists who are working on it because I would say like the counter to wheel of time looking so bad for, for kind of goofy, for a prime show in terms of visual effects.

[01:23:00] Would be that Lord of the Rings looked very, very good for the most part. The Rings of power show Yeah. Only came out that, regardless of how you feel about it, most of the visual effects looked pretty dang good. And like almost Lord of the Rings, uh, Jackson level of good. So I can't really tell you why. Um, there's some great coverage that Zach Baron, I believe his name is, um, has done covering Wheel of Time.

[01:23:28] They moved their entire cast to Austria or like somewhere crazy for like mm-hmm. Production of the second season and I believe the third season. Um, so you could go check that out. But yeah, honestly, couldn't tell you. I just know the hbo, like the, their in-house, um, their in-house talent is just so stacked.

[01:23:49] It's crazy.

[01:23:49] Olivia: So, yeah. Yeah. And I think. From what it seems like. I, I mean, I realize kind of h like Warner Brothers is, is kind of in a weird place right now as they're transitioning from H B O Max to Max. But I think it seems like H B O specifically te like treats their, uh, their in-house people pretty well and be because like, why else would all these people keep coming back to these Yeah.

[01:24:19] You know, these different shows or, or, you know, original movies or that kind of thing. So I think they just do it in a way that maybe other, other places are doing it quite the same. Right? Like, unless someone is just doing great PR for H B O, you know, I just, you don't hear the same stories from them as you do like with Marvel or, you know, other studios.

[01:24:44] Isaac: So, yep. So true. So true. Okay, I want to kind of jump through these last couple. Okay. So Brett

[01:24:54] Olivia: asks, oh yeah, go ahead. No, you're good. Brett asks, what are your favorite music Bio Pics. His is Rocket man. Um, I have never seen Rocket Man, but I've heard it's great. You've seen it. You really like it? No, I haven't seen Rocket Man, unfortunately.

[01:25:07] Oh, why do I keep thinking? That's the second time I've done that actually. I keep thinking. Really? You have seen it? Yeah. Yeah. Uh, my favorite is tick, tick, boom. I realize I haven't seen very many bio like music biopics. Uh, same. Uh, but tick, tick boom, I think is my favorite. What is yours?

[01:25:22] Isaac: Tick, tick, boom is probably my favorite.

[01:25:24] I really like Walk the Line because I love Johnny Cash's story. Um, mm-hmm. Yeah. Cool. Good question. Yeah, great question. Spencer asked How many Rocky movies should there be? I'm not a completist on Rocky, I just will say that the third Creed was not great. Um mm-hmm. So maybe give it a rest for a little bit and let Michael B.

[01:25:47] Jordan do some other stuff, so. Sure.

[01:25:50] Olivia: Yeah. I've never seen any of the Rocky movies, so I Oh dang. Yeah. You haven't even seen one? No. That's another like one that I just, I don't like sports movies.

[01:26:02] Isaac: This is hate. This is another fascinating thing about you because like you, you love sports more than you love movies.

[01:26:10] Right. I

[01:26:14] Olivia: think I love them equally. Just different. Sure. They mean different things to me. Um, you,

[01:26:19] Isaac: you like sports adjacent movies though, right?

[01:26:23] Olivia: Sure, yeah. I like, I will lo I will watch a sports documentary. I love a good sports documentary. My problem with like sports movies is I hate watching sports play poorly and in a lot of sport movies they're trash.

[01:26:43] Isaac: Have you seen like Mike? Exactly.

[01:26:47] Olivia: Um, I love like Mike, but that's. Not a good movie. And I love it for nostalgic reasons. It's not like, because it's, it's a great movie. No. Um, but, and, and a lot of sports movies are like, even if they're based on true stories, they're not actually told super accurately. And it's hard for me to get around that sometimes.

[01:27:10] I don't know why that is. So, so anyway. Sure.

[01:27:17] Isaac: No, that's good. Um, I don't, I don't have a huge affinity for the Rocky movies, but I do. Um, I really like one, I've never seen two, three, or four, uh, and I really love Creed, so there you go. All right. Nice. Um, and then Amberley said, this is our final question from Amberley.

[01:27:35] When are you going to cover Lala Land on the podcast? Olivia, can we cover Lala Land on the podcast? Cuz it is definitively not a

[01:27:42] Olivia: flyover movie. It is definitively not a flyover movie. However, it's our podcast and we can do whatever we want. And Lala Land's one of the few movies that you and I went to go see at the theater together.

[01:27:53] So true. So Amberley, that's a great question. I would love for us to cover it at some point. I don't think Walter would give a crap about it, but that's okay. I could see

[01:28:04] Isaac: him being, you know how he's, I don't know, you know, how he feels about moon fall.

[01:28:10] Olivia: I can't pin down what movies he's going to like and what movies he's not going to like.

[01:28:15] Yeah. Like with you, I, I have a feel like I have a pretty good like, idea if you're gonna like it or not. I haven't been able to nail that down. With, with Walter. With

[01:28:24] Isaac: Walter too. I mean, like, everybody is like, if just everybody is subject to the emotional state that they're in whenever they watch it. Um, but I feel like Walter is particularly, um, like swayed by like, like if he's in a bad mood, he'll hate a movie that's like actually kind of good.

[01:28:44] So, I can't point to anything specific, but I feel like that's the case for some reason. Hmm. Maybe I'm totally outta line when I say that.

[01:28:55] Olivia: I don't, I mean, I don't know. You spend way more time with Walter than I do though,

[01:28:58] Isaac: so, yeah. Um, he, uh, yeah. I just think about like, the last movie that I saw with him that he hated, that I enjoyed was Cocaine Bear.

[01:29:05] And he was just like, oh yeah, he

[01:29:07] Olivia: hated that movie.

[01:29:08] Isaac: Dang. Ok. So, yeah, he also didn't wanna, he hates wasting time and that's, that's like a thing. Like I, if I see a bad movie I'm like, ah, man, that was stupid. But you know what? I got to watch a movie,

[01:29:20] Olivia: so. That's good. That's fair. Um, when are we gonna cover Lala Land?

[01:29:26] Isaac? Next year. Next year? Yeah. Let's do it. Next

[01:29:29] Isaac: year. Next year. 2024. Yeah. Um, you wanna see someone special?

[01:29:35] Olivia: Please tell me. I get to see baby Soap. Oh

[01:29:37] Isaac: baby, baby soap is upstairs in the studio. Yes.

[01:29:42] Olivia: I can't wait to have her on for the first time.

[01:29:45] Isaac: Um, any final thoughts about Indiana Jones or

[01:29:50] Olivia: baby? So, hi Jess baby.

[01:29:52] So say hi.

[01:29:54] Isaac: Can you say hi? Say Bba.

[01:29:55] Olivia: I baby. So. Oh, she's grabbing the mic. Oh, grabbing the mic. All right. We'll, we'll sign off here. Yeah. Uh, no, I don't have any final, I don't have any final thoughts, do you? Nope.

[01:30:06] Isaac: Thank you for listening. If you made it this far, please remember to rate, review, subscribe, give us a five star review on Apple Podcast.

[01:30:14] That helps us out a lot. Our next episode is Mission Impossible, dead Reckoning.

[01:30:20] Olivia: Did we add that to our calendar?

[01:30:22] Isaac: Yes, I think so. Um, why don't you pull that up and I'll finish our spiel. Okay. Our music is by Mission Impossible Cord. Awesome. Awesome. Um, right before we go out of town, our music is by Cord and Jocks.

[01:30:35] Our art is by Macy Lummis.

[01:30:40] Olivia: They're engaged. They're engaged. Congrats to them. Yeah, we talked about that a couple

[01:30:43] Isaac: weeks ago. They're both Little Rock artists. Go check them out and we will see you in a couple weeks.

[01:30:49] Olivia: All right. Bye bye.

[01:30:56] Okay. I.