ISAAC: Kid, if you bomb
another paint can on me.

I'm gonna cut your cahones
off and boil 'em in.

Motor oil.

OLIVIA: Are you, are you giving up
yet or are you thirsty for more?

ISAAC: Christmas.

You Filthy animal.


I'm in your room.

You better come get me

ISAAC: Oh Buzz.

Did you know one?

? One of the things I read about this
movie is that Buzz's girlfriend was

actually like one of the art, or like
production designer's sons they made

dressed him up to make look like a girl

because Chris Columbus thought
it was too mean a joke.

OLIVIA: Which is really
sweet, also, so funny.

Track 1: yeah.

ISAAC: It's so funny.

I didn't know that I
went, that I went years.

I just found that out like recently.

this a movie that you grew
up like watching a ton.

Oh yeah, for sure.

This was, this is like a,
we haven't watched it in a

few years, but as a kid we watched this.

All the time, like every year For sure.

Multiple times during the holiday season.


ISAAC: I did not see this until 2020.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Wow.

ISAAC: We were lit.

We were at our house in Conway,

and I remember watching this for
the first time because I think

you and Eric and I were doing
our episode on our five favorite

Christmas movies, and I embarrassingly
had seen very few Christmas movies,

OLIVIA: So had, I think all
of us, that was the thing

for, that.

was what

made that.

episode difficult

for us.

'cause we all were just like, uh,
Eve not watched for her a whole

lot, but this was one of 'em for me.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So,

ISAAC: Very, very interesting times.

The, you know, the Christmas
movies, and I, I think that we've

talked about this in the past,
but I don't love Christmas movies.

OLIVIA: yeah.

Track 1: I, and you know, I
like, I really enjoy Home Alone.

I think it's great.

I think it has aged very well in terms

of All the technical
stuff, the performances and

I think it's very funny, but I don't
really like, I was at a Christmas party

for work a couple nights ago and they were
doing movie Christmas trivia and I just

had this thought of like either I don't
like a lot of big traditional Christmas

movies or they have been burnt out for me.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm.




Track 1: we watched Polar Express after
Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving Day

and I just like, do not
vibe with that movie.

I don't know how you feel about it.

I love the book.

I, I haven't watched the movie as
an adult, but I loved it as a kid.

Although I feel like nowadays a lot of
people hate on it and I almost don't

want to watch it as an adult 'cause
I'm worried it's gonna ruin it for me.

For whatever reason.

Track 1: I remember being

magical in theaters, but also like this
animation is really bad and kind of

the animation's weird,

Track 1: Yeah.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: so,

Track 1: But then Elf is

the, the of example of my second
kind of category of being burnt out.

Where like I can quote a ton of that movie

and also like never wanna
watch it, you know what I mean?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm mm-Hmm.

Track 1: it's like, I know it's good, but
I've seen it way too many times, which I

feel like any movie can get to that point.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

I feel also you pro I don't, I, as a

homeschool kid, you probably
didn't experience this,

but homeschooled, uh, as a
public school, heathen, we


Track 1: at us being friends,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: look at us.


who'd have thought?

Not me

We, we watched Christmas movies.

Around this time of year because at
this point in the, in the semester,

no teacher is starting a new lesson
or doing any sort of new lesson plan.

I mean, every single teacher that
I'm friends with is like, yeah,

we're gonna, we've got two more days
this week until Christmas break.

And then, then that's it.

And we're just gonna watch movies ev
So one of my friend, my friend Tyler,

is like, I think I'm just gonna play
holes 'cause I play it every year and

I don't wanna play another Christmas
movie for these kids to watch all day.

Track 1: Hashtag

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Um,

Track 1: Is a Christmas movie.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: honestly,
I kind of think it should be.

Track 1: Good movie.

I enjoy it.

is a good movie.

It's a good book.

Should we also introduce this podcast?

'cause we never actually did that.

Track 1: we are almost five minutes in.

I think that would be a good idea to do.

I'm Isaac Sims.

This is FLYOVER Film Country.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I'm, yeah.

I'm Olivia Clement.


Hi, Isaac


We're back.

Track 1: This episode's late.

The boy, the boys and
the gal are back in town

OLIVIA: We're we're
back in town like thin.

Lizzie said thin.


Track 1: as they said.

Do you remember when I did
my the boys are back in town.

Snapchat's in college.

Oh yeah, yeah, for sure.

It was iconic.

Track 1: those are

Who could forget

Track 1: Not, not better days.

I'm living my best life.

But those were,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: There

Track 1: I just kinda like, I, I just did
that a lot and it annoyed a lot of people.

And then

other people like got on the

train, you know,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: you can
either fight it or you can embrace

it and I chose to embrace it.

And you know what?

I think the people who embrace
it are still like good friends

with you and people who didn't

Track 1: do you remember when I came
in to the, your office in the basement

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yes.

Track 1: I was blaring it and you
and Colleen were like, stop it.

And you held out your hands and that's
like all you could hear in the video

or see

Well, 'cause we knew, we knew

you were gonna be coming in

to record us,


but man, those were good times,

Track 1: Today we're
talking about home alone.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: right,

Track 1: here,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: right.

Also true.

Track 1: we march onward through the snow

He, he's here in


Track 1: get a toothbrush at at the


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: it.

Track 1: not

to steal it.

What's his name?

Kevin McAllister.

Kevin McCain the main character

of the movie we're talking

about Kevin.

Track 1: the thing, I, I watched
this movie the day of ready

to record it, and then Walter

said, I can't record a day.

Let's record Tuesday.

And then on Tuesdays, , let's
record this weekend.

So it's like, it was fresh in my mind and
now it is a little bit less fresh in my

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: That's true.

You watched it exactly a week ago.

Track 1: and I've seen it
exactly two times, whereas

you've seen it probably 15 times.

I probably wait

more than that, but At the very least

Track 1: like for Christmas
movies in your house.

Would it be a, okay, we watched this once.

We're good.

We don't need to watch it again
this Christmas season or no,

we're watching it tomorrow.

Like what was regularly on rotation?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So as far
as Christmas movies are concerned,

home alone, home alone, two every year.

This is probably the only thing we still
do on like heavy rotation, but that

has less to do with us wanting to watch
it and more to do with the fact that

TBS runs a Christmas story every like.


24 hours.

So just back to back to back.

We're watching Christmas story
and I think at this point my

parents put it on.


My parents keep it on
just to annoy my brother.

'cause he gets mad every year.

He's like, we watch this every year.

We watch this all day every year.

Why do

Track 1: you think
Christmas story is funny?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

Track 1: you seen it recently as an adult?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I mean, I'm
pretty sure we watched it last year.

Track 1: Because

I remember, I remember seeing it
as a kid and thinking like, I don't

like this, but I'm not sure why.

And I think the reason was

that I

didn't think it was very funny and
my, and part part of it might have

been because my parents were really
uncomfortable the whole time because

it's like pretty risque and it could have

been like their bad vibes.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: sure.



Have you watched it?

Not with your parents.

Track 1: No ,no.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I
wonder if that would change.

I wonder if that would change anything.

But you, you may not like
it may not be for you.

I don't think it's for everyone.

I also, here's the thing
about Christmas movies.

I think that Christmas movies
can very easily get so over hyped

as like being so incredible.

And some of them have very like
iconic and memorable lines.

I think a Christmas story is one of them.

I think Home Alone is one of them,

elf for sure.

But I don't, I don't wanna
watch it, you know, 15.

I don't wanna watch Elf
15 times in a week span,

Track 1: you wouldn't do that.

You had, you didn't do
that with home alone.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: not,
I wouldn't do it as an adult.

I think as a kid I probably did.

Track 1: Okay.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So I think
as a kid we watched the First Two Home

Alone movies, A Christmas story, elf.

I'm trying to think what other
Christmas movies we watched.

I don't remember.

Track 1: I

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Those

were like the, the

big heavy hitters, I think.

But yeah, I, I just think that now
as an adult also, I'm gonna be very

honest, I don't love the holiday season,

Track 1: hmm.

I'm a bit of a, oh, the Grinch

Track 1: bit of a

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: was

also, that was also on
rotation, the animated version

and the Jim Carrey version.


Track 1: What is your like, oh man, I
have so many thoughts about this, but the

most important thoughts I have about this
pertain to a huge difference between us

and like they correlate to like
you being a public school heathen

and me being a homeschool goodie

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Sure.


Track 1: We did not have cable, so we
didn't have, there was no cha channel

doing like, regular Christmas movies or

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Sure.

Track 1: like you just turn
it on and or turn on the TV

and like Home Alone is on, or

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: it's Christmas story or Elf, or

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: It's a Wonderful Life, but
it's a Wonderful, life was like the

number one Christmas movie for us,

but then we would also watch
some version of like the Nativity

and I, I, don't know the studio name
off the top of my head or anything

like that, but it was always, it's
a wonderful life because it was.

Black and white and old
timey and like really tame.

And then the nativity and then like
maybe Empire Strikes back because that

was like a weird Christmas movie for us

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Sure.

Track 1: for some

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Here.


Finish this thought.

I have another thought that kind of
ties back to Empire Strikes Back, so

Track 1: That was, that
was really the only thing.

So like Home Alone wasn't in rotation.

Grinch was like Jim Carrey.


A hundred percent was too weird and too

risque for,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: wild.

I saw that at the theater.

Track 1: Yeah.

No, like we, we went to see, didn't go to
see movies in the theater around Christmas

time until I was like 16 or 17 or 18.

But like, so like all of the, I know you
didn't go to see Lord the Ring, but Lord

the Rings came out around Christmas time.

Every, like, I don't
remember exactly what years.

3, 4, or.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I

was gonna

Track 1: 2, 3 or something like that.

Or maybe it was oh one two.

Maybe I don't, I don't remember.

But like I missed out on those
'cause I was like a little bit

too young according to my parents.

But those were like big Christmas movies.

But then Polar Express, I really remember
being like the only big Christmas

movie that my dad took us to see.

So this is like a really blind spot, even
though I think, yeah, I love Christmas

moves and then I get into the holiday
season and think I would actually

rather be watching a lot like almost

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: anything


Track 1: even though like I
really do like home alone.

story short, we are doing
this for you listener.

Not really for


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Okay.

I love that you mentioned that Empire
Strikes back as a Christmas move for you.

For me, a Christmas movie
that is not really a Christmas

movie is the first Harry Potter

movie, Harry Potter and The
Sorcerer Stone, and here's why I

think that those movies all feel
like Christmas movies for us.

John Williams does the score
for all of those movies.

He also does a score for Home Alone,
and the score for Home Alone and

Sorcerer Stone are eerily similar.


so, I

Track 1: of like minor like half steps


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.


Which I.


I mean, I don't know if it's 'cause
I've seen so many John Williams

scored films and listened to so
much of his scores, his scores.

But I really think that I can like
almost recognize when it's a John

Williams score and I kind of feel
that way about Han Zimmer and that.

But I think they all have a very
unique, like, like composers or

conductors have a very unique style,
like with any musician, you know?

And so, but yeah, I, I made
that revelation last week.

I was like, I think that that's why I,
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone,

it feels like a Christmas movie to me.

It's only the first one.

It is not the other ones, but the
first one feels like a Christmas movie

Track 1: How, like do you think
the snow is a big part of that?

Because the

snow and empire strikes back
and all of like the heavy,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-hmm.

Track 1: Heavy coats and stuff in Empire
Strikes, backs make, make it really

feel like a Christmas movie to us.

Do you think

snow is a big part of it?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I think so.




Track 1: too.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Also.

So you have lived in
Arkansas your entire life?

I've lived in Oklahoma and Arkansas my
entire life, and there has really only

been a couple of times in my life where
I've actually had a white Christmas.

And so I think anytime I see snow in a
movie, I'm like, oh, it's Christmas time.

Even though I've never
really experienced that.

So I don't, I think, yeah, I think that's,
in my mind, snow equates to Christmas

Track 1: Do you, was it 2012?

Did it snow up in Fort Smith?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.


Track 1: that was the year
that I vividly remember that.

' cause

we were about to go to college.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: school.




it also,

Track 1: snowed like 18
inches in Little Rock on

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: yes.

Track 1: Day.

It was

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

It also snowed in 2009,
on Christmas of 2009.

'cause we were gonna go to Duncan
and visit family for Christmas,

but it snowed so bad in Fort Smith

that we couldn't leave.

And so uh, and it snowed on
Christmas Day and it was incredible.

Track 1: yeah,

snow is a big, snow is a
big part of Christmas movies

slash almost Christmas movies.

Like people, I mean, diehard
has become the famous . A

Christmas, non Christmas movie.

But it actually is set
is like Christmas time


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: right?


Track 1: occurring.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

Track 1: like, I don't know, a tech
boring technicality, but, know.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I mean,
when we did our, our top five Christmas

movies, I had mean girls on my list,


Track 1: Yep.

And we were like, we'll
give it to you, man.

Good job.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: You guys,

I had

a whole, I remember vividly being
like, I'm gonna have this argument

prepared as to why I think this.


you guys are like,


yeah, yeah, you guys
were like totally cool.

And I was like, wait,
no, I was ready to fight

Track 1: we, we need to fight about this.

We gotta fight about this.

Track 1: Okay.

So turning to home

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: alone,

Track 1: who is Joe?

Who c whose face comes to mind?

Joe Pehi or Macaulay Kin.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I think
Macaulay Culkin kin comes to mind first

when I think of this movie.

Just, I mean, he, have you seen
any other, like, besides home?

I don't.

Have you seen Home Alone too at all?

Track 1: I haven't seen Holo two

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Okay.


Have you seen any


Track 1: love Christmas movies.

I told you before,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I'm a big fan.


you seen any other Christmas

or not Christmas movies?

McLay Colton movies.

Track 1: No, like not a single one.

So that was one thing I figured you
had, and I was hoping that you would

kind of shed some light on where he's at

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So,

Track 1: and how his career's been.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: well,
he actually just got a star on the

Walk of fame in Hollywood and he,
he, and Brenda Song are life part.

I don't know if they're technically

married, but they're like,

they're together.


And they have two kids and

Track 1: I,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: he gave
such a sweet speech and he talks

about how wonderful Brenda Song is
and felt like he gave, like, she

gave him renewed purpose in life
and he finishes like, it's so sweet.

She's crying, he's crying.

Everyone in the crowd's
crying 'cause it's so sincere.

And then he finishes it up with you
gave me, you know, our two boys and now

you're one of my three favorite people.

And it was, it was funny, but
it was really just touching.

'cause I was like, man, I, I love that for
both of them as like, I feel like trial.

I, I, the more I, I hear about
people who are former child stars.

Track 1: Mm-Hmm.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: the
more I think no one should ever be.

No child should ever be in Hollywood or

famous for any reason.

Track 1: I

wonder there, he's not getting
royalties from home alone, do you think?

I have no idea,

Track 1: Yeah,

that's, that's what I wonder, because
I knew that all I know about him

and I don't, I don't know to what
degree you can fill this in or not,

but I know that a, after home alone,
he did home alone two, but then after

that he kind of had hit a lot more

misses than hits

in his television and film career,

and then hit a really rough patch
and now he's doing a lot better.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.


He actually, no, I don't know.

I don't wanna say this is a fun fact,
but he was arrested in Oklahoma City

Track 1: There

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: 2006, 2007.

Track 1: hashtag flyover
film map or something.

Maybe I could do

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: What?

For everyone who's been arrested in,

Track 1: Well, I mean like
arrests and, I don't know.

This is kind of a good idea


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Just

Track 1: like

like major occurrences per state.

I don't know.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: yeah.

We'll, we'll talk about that


Track 1: talk, I'm making a note of that.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: But
yeah, he, 'cause he's been in a lot.

Oh, he was in a couple episodes
of Righteous Gemstones.

Track 1: Oh, that's really cool.

We still, that needs, that needs to

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: That's
gonna be, we're Yeah, we'll talk about

that in the morning

Track 1: thing's coming.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


So he was in Uncle Buck, which
is another John Hughes movie.

John Candy is in it.

And that's actually kind of where John
Hughes got the idea to do Home Alone.

And then he was in my girl.

Track 1: Okay.

My girl, I have seen my girl

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: okay.

I haven't seen it because everyone talks
about how sad it is and I can't, I cannot

Track 1: like he gets killed by a pack

of swarming bees.

Yeah, no, I cannot.

Will not

Track 1: we were,

before we started recording, we
were talking about the new version

of Wonka directed by Paul King
who did the Paddington movies and

Timothy Jme plays Wonka and it's,
it's getting pretty good reviews.

But one of the major differences
between this and the Gene Wilder

and Johnny Depp versions is that
Wonka is a kind of a pure figure

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: Cha Chana kind of embodies
that really well, but a lot of

people are salty that Wonka's not
mean and like kind of disillusioned

and hates children and how funny.

especially that Gene Wilder movie that
Mel Stewart directed is, and I think

that, I just think it's really funny
that kids, kids movies used to be like,

this is either gonna be the sweetest
thing you've ever seen, or like, this is

gonna mess you up for the rest of your


and like movies that it's like, aren't

aren't like that anymore
because they're all animated.

I think that's really interesting.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I do feel like
there are less live action kids movies.

Track 1: Yeah, for sure.

One great one that came out

this year was, are you There?

God, it to me, Margaret

are, man, that was really
good Also, I don't think it's

traumatizing, but it is emotional.

I think it was emotional to me as
an adult seeing like ra ra there's,

there's a monologue that Rachel
McAdams has where she is talking to.

She plays Margaret's mom.

She's talking to Margaret
and it's, it's very moving.

And I think it's more so about like, it's
more moving to adults because they are

ha like, I think a lot of adults have
to struggle with how do we talk to kids

about these really complicated and complex

Track 1: Yeah.

and nuanced issues?

And so, which I don't have kids,
but I work with some teenagers

and, and some early adolescents.

And so talking to them and like
seeing my friend's kids, right?

Like they, sometimes
they'll ask questions.

I'm like, I don't know how
to answer this question.

Track 1: I don't know if

think you should ask

Track 1: for what

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I don't
also don't wanna get in trouble

So go ask, go ask your mom

Track 1: Yeah.

You should

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: You
should ask your mom about that.

Ask your parents.

'cause I don't know how
to answer that question.

Track 1: Yeah.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So,

Track 1: Anyway.

Anyway, but yeah, I don't, I don't

think kids' movies are
traumatizing enough,

Track 1: honestly, well,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: honestly.


Track 1: with

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I will say

Track 1: no kids' movies have
been traumatizing with me.

They're very traumatizing.

and I was even in them.

Track 1: Yeah, seriously . Okay,


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: He
helped, Kevin in the second one.

Track 1: Home Alone, what is the
first quote that pops into your mind?

This is like

Oh, good question.

Track 1: or third of like very
quotable movies we've covered

this year.

Very, quotable.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

I think the first one that comes
to mind is Merry Christmas.

You filthy animal.

Track 1: Yep.

That's probably,

probably near the

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: think that's


Track 1: list for everyone.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.


Track 1: what movie that
is that he's watching?

Or if that's a real movie

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I.

don't know if it's a real movie.

Are you

gonna look it up?

I will say, my family quotes
Buzz your girlfriend Wolf a lot.

We, I don't know why that, how, how
that comes up in conversation as often

as it does, but it, it definitely does.

My family has a knack for working
in really weird obscure movie

lines into normal conversation.

I don't know how we do it and
only it, it only works with us.

'cause if I were to do that with every
person, I think people would think

I'm insane or just don't make sense.

Track 1: Yeah.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So anyway,

Track 1: It is not

a real movie.

Angels with filthy souls.

really funny

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Angels with




Track 1: noir movie.

I'd watch it though.

Track 1: Yeah.

Great title.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So

Track 1: Yeah.

I was, you know, and
that's, that's the thing.

We talked about this phenomenon a couple.

Weeks ago when we talked about Scott
Pilgrim takes off, where you kind of had

to be at the right place at the right
time to watch different things and for it

to really resonate with you.

And for us, with Scott Pilgrim, it
was college, high school, yada, yada.

And as young adults, like Scott Pilgrim
just doesn't really resonate unless

you don't have your life together.

, honestly, like that's

it resonates with me.

I don't have my life together,

Track 1: well, well, I mean,
I mean, like, you saw it at a

time where we didn't have our

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Oh, yeah.


Track 1: whereas Walter does now and
he's kinda like, I don't understand

what y'all are crying about.

hoMe Alone was that way for me,
where I was kinda like, oh, this is

like, this is cute and this is funny.

But as

a kid it's like, oh man, these
guys are breaking into his house.

They're like, oh man, he got left.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

Track 1: oh man, his brothers and
sisters are mean to him, you know?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

Well, and it, because as an adult
it's like, Kevin just needs to stop,

Track 1: Yeah.

No, that's, that's the thought I had.

I was like, this kid is really


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Like,
he's a, he's a freaking turd, but as a

kid it's, it feels way more relatable

Track 1: Right.

and so, so yeah.

I think that there are certain movies
that you have to watch at a certain point

in your life, and if you, I miss that
window, then it, it makes it so much

harder to actually enjoy that movie.

So, for for example, a kind of completely
different movie, there's a movie with

Julia Styles called Save the Last Dance.

Have you, have you seen it?

Track 1: Is that the, is that the
one with where she does, she's

trying to get into Julliard.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yes.

Track 1: Okay.




olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: yes.

Track 1: Jess told me about
this movie and she and

I were like crying, laughing.

Like just from her describing

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yes.


Track 1: or No, she showed me a
TikTok or something, but we were

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: because

Yes, Because,

Track 1: and how, like,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: on TikTok.

Track 1: up it's

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: No.

Track 1: messed up.


Like it just doesn't,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: it's bad.

Track 1: it's like laughably bad.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yes.


But I know so many people who
are our age who watched it

when we were young and love it.

And like they, they just
absolutely adore it.

And I just know I can't watch it today.

I think if I'd watched it as
a kid, I probably would've

been like, this is incredible.

She is such

Track 1: We probably, we What if
we did like a commentary on it

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Oh my gosh.

Can we,

I'm gonna, we're

Track 1: Walter would probably be
like catatonic from laughing so hard.

Like just from this

TikTok that Jess showed me, I was

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Oh my gosh.

was the guy, desc was,
it was the guy describing

what is happening in that movie?

Track 1: Yeah, he

like did it.

He did like a quick like

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yes.

Track 1: three minute synopsis of the

I saw that same




Track 1: yeah.

It's just funny that you
brought that up as an example.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: No
Because, because the scene where

she's dancing, it's so bad.

It's so


And then she gets in so bad.

And so I think that's a, that's another,
that's an example of a movie that

if you didn't watch it at a certain
age, it's just not going to be good.


you're not gonna enjoy it.

Um, and, and so if you don't watch
Home Alone, I think as a kid it's

harder to enjoy it as an adult.

'cause you're just like, this kid's
a bratt and he needs to grow up.

And, um, also my, I watched it with
my parents yesterday and we were,

like I say, we, my mom and I were
going through everything and being

like, none of that would happen.

They, with all those kids
in that household, they only

ordered one cheese pizza.

Okay, sure.

Track 1: Yeah.

What's the name?

What's the name of Kieran
Kin's character Fuller.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Fuller

Track 1: Yeah.

. His,

his little like looks at the camera are

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: yes.

Track 1: funny.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: When he,

he sips his Pepsi and he just has
that big grin come across his face,

Track 1: Do you know off the
top of your head whether or

not he and McCauley are tight?

I actually don't,

Track 1: Yeah,

I don't, I don't see any reason
why they wouldn't be, but,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: yeah,

Track 1: but he's just, it's just really
interesting that he's gone on to have

such a more kind of like famous or Yeah.

He's, he's had a lot more
like high profile roles.

I also think that, I think

McCulley Kin has, has chosen to

step away, which, which I think a lot of
child actors or former child actors do.


they choose to.


Well, 'cause Kieran Kin was in a lot of
McCully's movies as like, like kind of

a kid brother, or like a younger version
of him, but he wasn't like a star.

And McCulley kin, I think especially
with Uncle Buck, 'cause like

John Candy is a, was a huge act.

And so a lot of people would
go see his movies, right?

Like, um, 'cause he's, he's just so funny.

And so I think after seeing Uncle Buck
it, he really took off, like McLay

Culkin really took off as a kid actor.

And so he was like shot to fame and then
he got his own movie with Home Alone.

And this movie was like wildly popular.

Track 1: yeah.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: And so, so
people were always like following him.

Um, so,

which is, I don't know again.

I, and I think one of the reasons
why I'm like children should

never be famous is after reading
Jeanette Jeanette McCurdy's book and

then reading Britney Spears's book, which
I listen to both of those on audio book.

But yeah, there, there's just, there's
no reason for children to be famous or

really anyone, but specifically children.

Track 1: I would, I really want to
actually, I think, so we're about

to go to Georgia for Christmas, and

Jess said that we should listen to a
book, and I kind of wanna listen to that

and I'll see if she's interested in it.

hOme Alone had a budget of 18

million in gross, 285 million
worldwide, which is impressive.

anD in 1990 it, I, I don't know what that,
that was probably 500,000, $500 million.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: Adjusted for
inflation, Doing some rough


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: some rough

Track 1: Very popular.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

Track 1: know, obviously Beloved, we got
our guy Joe Pesci, as one of the burglars.

What's his name?

Marv is the other guy.

What is his name?

Track 1: I'm trying to
remember the name of,

Hold on, hold on, hold on,

hold on, hold on.

Hold on.


Track 1: and Marv.


Stern plays Marv.

Track 1: Yep.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

JoHn heard plays Peter, who is Kevin's dad
And then our girl Catherine O'Hara plays

Kate Peter, or not Peter, Kevin's mom.

So um, have you seen very much
of like Catherine O'Hara's work?

Track 1: I've only seen, the
only other movie I've seen her

in is Beetlejuice, and I think

she's incredible in Beetlejuice.

And then I've only seen a
little bit of Shit's Creek,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Okay.

She's so good in Schitt's Creek,

which I know that.

So Eugene and Dan Levy specifically wrote

that character for her.

'cause she and Eugene Levy
have been friends for years.

Like they, they were in a, oh,
what was that movie called?

Hold on, I'm gonna look it up.

But they were in a movie
together that was really funny.

Best in show.

It's I say it's, I haven't seen
it, but everyone who has has said

it's like one of the best comedies,

but it is basically behind
the scenes look into dog shows

and just how intense it can be.

But Eugene Levy is in it, Fred Willard,
Jennifer Coolidge, Parker Posey.

Just a bunch of people.

And anyway, so they, they go
way back, but she's so good as

Moira Rose and Schitt's Creek,

but anyway.

Track 1: The, I'm jumping to the movie.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

Track 1: like obviously Yeah.

Very, very good cast.

Joe Peshy ISS a standout for me.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Oh, for

Track 1: so, he's really, really funny.

This was the same year as
Good Fellows, famously.

I don't think,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: What

a, year he

Track 1: a, yeah, what a
year, what a year for him.

evEn though Good Fell Goodfellows,
like, that's like one of the most

important movies for America, I think.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: though it didn't win,
I don't think any Oscars, or

maybe it was nominated for
some but didn't win any major

I think, I wanna

say it was nominated for best picture.

Track 1: Yes.

And everyone looks back and,
you know, kind of says like,

Scorsese should have won for that.

Definitely over the departed, even
though that's, it's a pretty good movie.

But, it doesn't hold a candle to
Goodfellas, but like just what a tour.

Like what?

A two for like Goodfellas
and then Home Alone.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So, yes.

So Goodfellas was nominated
4 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Oscars.

Track 1: but didn't

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: won one.

Track 1: It won one

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: won one.


You wanna know?


Track 1: editing.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: do it
was, it was an acting category.

Track 1: Oh,

was it Ray

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: wanna

Track 1: De

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: best
supporting actor, Joe Pesci?

Track 1: Let's go.

My guy.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So, yeah.

Track 1: He

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah,
it was nominated for Best Picture.

Best supporting actor.

Best supporting actress, best director,
best screenplay based on material from

another medium and best film editing.

Track 1: There you go.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So
it won several BAFTAs though.

Track 1: Yep.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Anyway.

Track 1: his, he had a bunch of like Chris
Columbus had to keep telling him, oh,

Chris Columbus also directed Soer Stone.

I forgot.

We forgot to


Maybe you mentioned that earlier and

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: don't remember
if I mentioned it or not, if we didn't.

Chris Colo.


Christopher Columbus

also directed

Track 1: Chris Columbus had to keep
telling Joe Pesci Stop stops wearing

because this is the kids' movie.

Which also reminds me, he is like,
like John Malaney is the modern

day Joe Peshy, because he was like

swearing whenever he was doing his
spider ham lines for across the spider

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

Track 1: and then turned to the director
was like, oh, you can't use any of this.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: and he goes
what, what is this movie gonna be raid in?


like, pg,

and he goes, so none of
this is gonna be useful.

And they're like, Nope.


Track 1: I, but those clips of Malaney
saying all that stuff is out there.



I think we've, we've seen it

he was, I think he was on

Track 1: Either

Kimmel or Seth Meyers.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I
think it was Seth Meyers and he

was like, yeah, so here's some
of, here's some of those clips.

And they played 'em and they were
just, yeah, you couldn't hear anything.

But Yeah.

so Columbus was like, Joe,
you gotta stop cussing man.

And he was like, if you're gonna
say the F word safe ridge instead

Which I think is hilarious.

And so also anytime he's like
mumbling or like muttering under

his breath, it's 'cause he is
trying to stop himself from cussing.

Track 1: that's what I wonder.

So like I didn't, I don't know if you've
had the DVD or saw behind the scenes,

but there's shots where it definitely
does not cut away and it is definitely

Joe Pesci who was like falling flat

on his back or like not getting hit in
the face, but like the falling effect

it is definitely him and Daniel Stern
doing a lot of those falls and I know they

probably had padding
underneath their coats, but

I'm, I was kinda like that was
more what I was paying attention

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: this time around.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I.

I did not know, I did not realize they
were doing most of those things because

some of those things that happened
to them in this movie are so painful.

Track 1: And well, and like, I'm trying
to remember, but there, I could be wrong,

but I'm pretty certain it's, it's set up
ins such a way where you see enough of

their face where you're, where I thought
that is definitely Joe Pesci or that is

definitely Daniel Stern.

And I feel like

you, yeah.

Am I right?

I think you're right.

I, I would have to like go back
and look 'cause I don't think I,

I was paying attention to that.

Um, but it wouldn't surprise me

honestly if they, if that
was them, like doing it.

I just gotta say like, the first
time I, I would fall on the ice,

the frozen steps, I'd be done.

I did, I would


Track 1: I'd be like, let's pack it up.

Let's go

vendetta against a

freaking 8-year-old .I

would just be like,
ah, let's, let's leave.

This doesn't matter.

Track 1: Yeah,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So,


Track 1: I have a pretty, pretty
amazing piece of trivia for you.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: oh,

Track 1: So the year, the year that I saw
Home Alone for the first time, I think

it was 2020, middle of the Pandemic,
um, we had gone back to the author.

No, no, it was like the year, it was
like a couple months before the pandemic.

I was just watching tons of
movies for the first time.

And one of them I was watching like
everything, like old movies, new movies.

I watched Heat for the first time.

One of them was this German movie
directed by Fritz Lang who did

a lot of Looney Tunes shorts.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Okay.

Track 1: m just the letter


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah, yeah,


Track 1: do you know about this?

I know, I know of the movie.

I don't know what, why you're bringing
it up, but I know of the movie.

Track 1: So the movie is very, very good.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: old directed in 31.

I think it's like the old two date,
the oldest movie that I've seen.

It's about a serial killer

who's like kidnapping kids and
killing them in a German village.

It's completely in German.

And the dude who is playing the
serial killer is just really scary

looking like, like very good,
very good performances all around.

It's kind of like a mob
justice sort of movie.

I say all that to say the central
thesis of the, or not the central

thesis, but the big iconography of the
movie is the community bands together.

They have a bunch of meetings and
they're like, we gotta find this guy

because he is taken a ton of our kids.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: One guy sees him and they're
able to piece together a bunch of evidence

and he takes some chalk, writes M on
his hand, and then he like pretends

to bump into this guy and presses the
M on his coat to for like murderer

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: the German word is.

So then this chase ensues and it's
about 15, 20 minutes and he finally gets

caught, but it's like really thrilling.

but the, the shot of like the hand with
the M on it and then the guy with the m

on his coat looking behind his shoulder
as he is getting chased is like, it's

like a really like popular image from the
movie that is, that's directly referenced

in this movie when Kevin heats up the
doorknob and Joe Pesci burns his hand

with the M on it for McAllister, like
as they're trying to get into the home.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: that

Track 1: it's just crazy.

that I like, yeah, it's crazy that
I saw that movie and then home alone

in the same year and I was able

to make that connection.


That's awesome.

I, you know what, like, I think that
it's really easy to write off like

old movies because they're old or
whatever, or, and, and some of 'em sure.

Like who Caress.

But I, I think a lot of them,
it's like, man, those movies

are referenced, Constantly


Track 1: I'm sure there's some, yeah,
there's a ton that I'm missing too.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: yeah, no,
like I, I, I think that's, I think one

of my like blind spots as far as like
film watching goes is old movies like

that, like, like movies that came out,
honestly like pre like seven 1970s, right?

Like, I have not, if you were to
look at my, my letterbox, like I

have seen so few before the seventies
honestly probably before the eighties.

When I do watch an old movie like that
and like see, oh, this was referenced

in, I can connect those dots and
see like, oh, this was referenced

in this other film that I love.

No wonder I love that.

Like, no wonder I've been
enjoying this film so much.

It reminds me of this other one
that actually is referencing

this one.

And so I think it is cool when,
when, directors and I, I, I think

like what makes directors so like
the best directors so great is that

they are truly like students of film.

And I think, like, I think it, it would
be easy for you and me to be like,

yeah, we, we are students of film, but
like, we're, we're not, not in that way.

Like um,

I think

it's really

Track 1: like paying
homage in the way that like

all the movies that Greta Gerwig, um,
like pay homage to and Barbie, like

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: It's crazy.

Track 1: and each of those movies
is just incredible works of art.

Like one I You haven't
seen umbrellas of She Borg.


you seen that?

I haven't yet either.

And that's one where I saw kind
of a comp back to back of like,

I think it's the dance se,

I think it's the dance sequence maybe

where she's like kind of pulling the, or
maybe just like the production design.

And I was just like, man, I need
to watch that movie like right now.

And I just haven't yet.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah, I
think, I think there's a whole list.

I think Letterbox actually has a
list of all the movies she like

references or like pulls from, in
some capacity for Barbie that I'm

like, man, I, I kind of wanna go
through and watch that whole list.

And some of 'em I've seen, like The Wizard
of Oz, I've seen, um, I'm trying to think

what else, like what other big ones, but
like, I haven't seen, I think singing

in Lorraine is one of the ones that are


I haven't seen,


Track 1: I haven't seen it either.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So yeah,

Track 1: but yeah, I'm alone.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: How Many
like Chris Columbus movies have you seen?

Track 1: I've seen this.

And then the two Harry Potters and
I don't know what a it, well he

made the Percy Jackson movie, right.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Oh, did
he I don't, I legitimately don't know.

Hold on, let me


Track 1: Yeah.

Good director, very capable.

, he's gotta be kind of getting old right.

He was born in 58,

Track 1: Yeah, so

he is

he's in his sixties,

Track 1: did you ever read the
Percy Jackson, those books?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: No, that was

something that I didn't actually read.

I've, I've heard they're great.

Track 1: The Disney Plus series
came out this weekend and Jess is

always looking for things for her
eighth and seventh grade classes

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: mm-Hmm.

Track 1: to do and, you know, get
them interested in reading stuff

that may be adapted.

And apparently the
adaptation is really good.

Oh, that's cool.


I, I never watched the movies either and
people felt very strongly about those.

Track 1: The, I didn't see the second
one, I don't think, but yeah, those, those

two, I was like, these are not that great.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: yeah.

Track 1: gOod director,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: 5, 6, 7, 8.

I've actually seen eight of his films.

Track 1: what's, what
other stuff has he made?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So
the first two Harry Potter movies,

home Alone One and two, Mrs.

Doubtfire, which was another

movie that

Track 1: yeah.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: we
reference all the time in my family.

He directed the film
Adaptation of Rent, which is a

musical Broadway, Broadway, musical.

He directed stepmom, which I haven't
seen, but I've heard it's really good.

He directed Bicentennial Man,
which I also haven't seen.

And he also directed the Original
Adventures and Babysitting,

Track 1: Oh

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: which is
another, like, it's also John Hughes film.

I think, oh, maybe it's not, I
associated it with John Hughes 'cause

it's a, I think it's a bratt pack film.

Track 1: Oh,


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: anyway.

But yeah,

Track 1: Oh,

so I've seen several.

What about John Hughes?

We haven't talked about
him a whole lot, have you?

Track 1: John

do you know about

Track 1: I've seen, I've seen a
good bit, not like every single

one, but . All like, like I've
seen the big ones, breakfast Club P

and Pink, 16 Candles.

Maybe not p and Pink.

He made trains, planes in automobiles.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: that'S probably my favorite.

. Like, I've watched trains, planes
in automobiles with Will and Gabe,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: I think in 2020
as well for the first time.

And we were like crying, laughing.

Like, it's, it is such a funny movie.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I
actually haven't seen that movie.

Track 1: Oh my gosh.

It is.

That's like, I feel like that has
gotta be one with your parents that


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: my parents
love it We, I just haven't watched it.



Track 1: need to.

I I think, I think you would, I
think you would find it really funny.

Um, so.


No, I, I, I like John Hughes.

Man, I love John Candy

and John Candy in home
alone is really funny.

It has like, that was like the hardest.

I laughed watching it this time around

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yes.

Track 1: I left.

Don't feel so bad.

I left my kid at a funeral
par parlor for an entire day.

He was okay after about
six or eight weeks.

So, So, Columbus.

I guess for the, I, I think for most
of his films, he doesn't really like

a whole lot of like ad-libbing, but
for this film he, he was like, John

Candy, you can do whatever you want.

And so that whole thing he just made
up, I guess they, I saw where they

shot that scene at like four 30 in
the morning and he was just rambling


about leaving his kid.

And Catherine O'Hara just like a
true pro, just stayed in character.

Which Which I love.

I think like that scene is so
funny and I don't think I ever

really grasped what he was saying.

'cause of course I watched it as a kid.

So I'm like, I don't care
about anything that's happening

with this situation right now.

But as an adult I'm like,
this is the funniest thing.

But also, could you imagine how
terrible you would feel if you

were catheter here in that moment?

Track 1: Yeah.


He's, and he was like, he was like, I'm
just trying to make you feel better.

And she's like, I wish I
hadn't have said anything.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

Track 1: Her response is awesome.

I remember when they, they come
in, they can't find Kevin after

a certain point and they're just
like so beaten, beaten to pieces,

and they're

I forget who says it, like, I don't
know if it's Joe Pesci or Daniel

Stern, but they're like, is he?

Maybe he committed suicide.

I think it

was like when they get upstairs and

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Stern.


Track 1: out the

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: They

just think he

Track 1: that also made me
like, lose my, lose my crap.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: and Joe Pesci
just looks at him like he's an idiot.

Track 1: maybe he committed suicide.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Oh my gosh.

No, it is so funny.

It's so good.

Track 1: Bless

this highly nutritious microwaveable
macaroni and cheese dinner, and

the people who sold it on sale.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: okay.

I'm glad you, you brought up that scene.

I feel like on social media, home
Alone has like, just kind of taken

on this whole, it's like having,
I think almost every Christmas for

the past, like several years, it's
kind of had a cultural moment where

people have been like, what does Kevin
McAllister's dad do for, for a living?

Like, why do they have this big house?

And it's like, who cares?


of all, like why does it matter?

Do you guys not know rich people?

And also you know that they're rich?

Because at that, in that scene where he's
sitting down, he's got his silverware.

Laid out exactly like you would
at like a fancy restaurant.


my mom leans over and goes, look at the
way that he's got his silverware laid out.

You know, that kid is rich.

They've, they've gone to Cotillion,
they've done all that stuff.

And it's like, yeah,
this is a rich family.


taking his entire family to Paris for


Track 1: and

and they were able to turn
around and come right back.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

like no big deal.

Als, I realize it was 1990.

Also, the fact that they woke up
and had to be at the airport in

45 minutes i's like, they're all
freaking about, can't make it.

And like, like, well this was
pre nine 11, so if, if this

was post nine 11, there's so many
things about this movie that I'm like,

this movie would never be made today.

Not because it's like crazy,
like it hasn't aged well.

It's just like the
airport wouldn't happen.

That scene wouldn't happen.

tHey would've definitely not made
the plane or made the flight.

They wouldn't have to worry about

landlines 'cause someone would,
everyone would have a cell phone.

Track 1: like, yeah.

I wonder whether or not there would've
stayed in Paris because there would've

been like, I guess more to do or
like the perspective of more to do


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: huh.

Track 1: that's, that's
what I thought, man.

Flying all the way to Paris and they
don't have in-flight entertainment


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

Track 1: podcasts or music or like game,
I guess Game Boys may have started coming

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: They,
they had Walkman so they could


Track 1: were maybe Walkman's, but like
you don't see any of the kids using

Walkman's and it's like, what did they do?

I was cracking up at the line too.

John Herd's like, or one of them says,
I feel, I feel bad flying up here.

And then the kids are all in middle

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

It's John Herd.

Track 1: no, they're having fun.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Catherine O'Hara is like, ah, I feel bad.

And he's like, no, they're fine.

They're in, they're in the back.

I love when they're on the plane and
she realizes that they forgot Kevin

and Uncle Frank is like, well,
you know, if it makes you feel any

better, I forgot my reading glasses,

Track 1: Yeah, I forgot my

reading glasses.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: and,
and he says it so seriously, and

they all just look at him.

Track 1: Yeah.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: We all,
we all have an Uncle Frank, you know,

who would say something like
that and mean it sincerely.

Not realizing that is Not the same

Track 1: Not the

same thing.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Same thing.

Track 1: such a disease, Kevin.

I wouldn't let you sleep with me
if you were growing on my ass.

. That's what,

that's another one of my
favorite lines in the movie.

And he, he like lists off the
reasons A, and then he gets

to B and then his last is D

No, he doesn't even do that.

He goes, I'll give you three reasons.

He goes, A, whatever.

He says


no, he says two.

He doesn't say B.

He says two.

And then he goes, and then D

Track 1: Yeah.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Man,

I loved it so much.

Track 1: Yeah.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So

Track 1: Those are my notes.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: nice.

Solid notes.

Track 1: Thanks.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: yeah,
no, I'm glad one of us had notes

'cause I didn't, I was just ready to

talk about

Track 1: reading from the notes
of the notes of your, your

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: notes

of my memory from watching it yesterday
at like 10 o'clock in the morning.

Track 1: and also like
30 times growing up.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: also,
also a lifetime of watching this

Track 1: Yeah.

, yeah.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So, but no, I
genuinely like, sincerely love this movie.

It's always um, I always laugh
at it whenever I watch it.

There were so many, I had, again, I hadn't
watched it in a long time, so there were

several times yesterday where my parents
and I were laughing out loud at it as

if we've never seen the film before.

And I think that was what was fun for me.

It was like being able to
watch it with my parents.

And also like this movie does have
some really like sweet moments.

Like I

really love the

scene with

him and the



tHat was really sweet.



Track 1: kind of like as a placeholder
for, you know, like you either are

experiencing or know someone who
the holidays are really difficult


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: yeah,

Track 1: or another, and

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: for sure.

Track 1: that resolved, even if
it's from a like through the window

is, is

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.


And I think that's what Home Alone
and Home Alone two do really well.

'cause like there's a similar kind.

Storyline that plays out
in the second one as well.

And it, it does have a really sweet moment
and it, they both end in the same way

where someone yells Kevin and they're
like upset about something that happened.

Like this movie ends with Kevin yelling
about, or buzz yelling at Kevin,

Track 1: destroys Buzz's

what did you do to my room?

Track 1: Yeah.

He took

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So

Track 1: money.

How much money was in there?

Did he count it?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I don't
remember how it wasn't a whole lot.

It, he goes, Buzz's life savings.

And it was


I think maybe 20


Track 1: or $30.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah,

it was not very much.

But also

I'm assuming Buzz is like a 15 or
16-year-old kid, so he probably doesn't

have a whole lot of money anyway.

So anyway.

Track 1: bandits.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: wet

Track 1: I did.

I did think about introducing us
as like, we're the wet bandits

and this is the home alone pod.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Aw, that.

would've been fun.

That's okay.

We were cheap quoting lines.

Track 1: Yep.

It was funny

how they broke into the house, the
next door house, and then there's

like water pouring down the,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Oh my gosh.

Track 1: I I, I had to like do
a double take like, wait, what?

And I was like, oh, because they,
this is the house next door.

They let the water running.

Could you imagine?

They, I think they said that
that family was in Florida.

Could you imagine getting a call
while you're in Florida at some beach

and it's a police officer saying uh,

hi, sir.

Track 1: three feet of water in

There, your house is flooded.

And also you were your house
was broken into, 'cause the

wet bandit struck your house



like, The

the who

Track 1: struck

they have struck again.

Track 1: Yeah.

That WA was a homeowner too.

I was like, that is a true nightmare.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: no, I was, I
was, man, I was thinking the same thing.

Like even as someone who doesn't own a
home, I'm just like, I would be furious.

I don't even know how.

Track 1: that's an one

what do you do?

Track 1: claim.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah,

what do you like?

Track 1: You

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I think I

would just sit there.

Track 1: yeah.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

So anyway, that was crazy.

Couldn't imagine.

Track 1: thoughts on Home Alone?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I, my
closing thoughts on home Alone are,

Track 1: Perfect

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: is

a, I wasn't gonna say
it was a Perfect movie.

It is Legendary.

It is really, it is really funny.

I think, and you tell
me if, if you disagree.

I think that this is a really, like,
it's a good, like, family movie.

I don't

feel like

it's, it's like inappropriate that
like, there's maybe like one scene

that where Kevin is going through
buzzes, like, like box of stuff, um,

And there's

Track 1: What does he say?

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: I
don't, there's something about, he

doesn't ca like call it Playboy,
but he is like these magazine and

he just like tosses it behind him.

He like has no interest
in it 'cause he is eight


so he

Track 1: says something though.

Like, like, like so
distasteful or something

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.



Track 1: That was funny.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: it was funny.

And so he like tosses it aside.

Outside of that though, like I think this
movie is, is a pretty good family movie.

It's great for the holidays.

Track 1: Committed


It doesn't, it's not like, uh,
it's not dumbing down anything.

Like everybody

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.

Track 1: can enjoy it and it's not,
you know, like, okay, this is for kids.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.


Track 1: so Yeah.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So I
think it's the best Home alone movie,

although I do love the second one.

The third one I think is, I haven't
seen it as an adult, but I would

guess it's probably bad, although
it has a young scargo in it.


Track 1: yep.

I've seen like that one scene
where she's acting about like is,

is Macaulay Kin in the third one?

He's not.


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: No, it's,

Track 1: So whoever's
like the Kevin Standin

is, they're trapped, or he's
trapped or whatever, and

Cher's like, what is going on?

And then she, she's the older sister I

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Mm-Hmm.


Track 1: and then she
ends up doing something.

I've seen like that scene on TV somewhere.

So yeah,

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: yeah, yeah,

Track 1: we'll do

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: yeah.

No, Home Alone Three is just
a completely different family.

Track 1: Yep.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: So

anyway, what

are your final thoughts, closing thoughts?

Track 1: Great movie.

We were gonna do a Christmas vacation.

And do you have much of a
relationship with that movie?

I've only seen it once.

I've never seen it.

I've seen like parts of it.

Track 1: decided home alone
because we were like, no, let's

just do home alone instead.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yeah.

Track 1: yep.

Jess likes,

she said, oh, I love Christmas vacation.

And her, she said, yeah, we
watched it like all the time

around Christmas growing up.

And I was like, oh, cool.

And then we watched it and she didn't
like it and she said, yeah, I think

we watched the TV version and all
this stuff was edited out, . And

I said, oh, that makes sense.

'cause I thought it was hilarious.

But she was like, like
not laughing at jokes and

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: When,
well when he said that, I was like,

huh, I don't

everything I know about
Jess that seems Aw.

Like that.

Like that surprises me.

And then the TV version.

Yeah, that would make things,
that would make things different.



Track 1: our next episode is
our top five movies of 2023.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: Yep.

It's gonna

be coming out

Track 1: and it's

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: in

January though in


So this is our

last episode of the year.

Track 1: Last episode of the year.

Thanks for sticking with us.

We got some great stuff coming

next year and catch up on your 2023
movie so you can have that convo with us.

We'll do minor spoilers I guess for,
we can't go through this plot of every

single movie that we're gonna cover

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: No, that would

take forever.

Track 1: but yeah, definitely
catch up on your 2230 movies.

There's a lot of good movies coming out,
like a lot of good movies coming out.

This month we got Maestro, we got
Ferrari, anyone but you Colored

Purple Wonker came out this weekend.

Aquaman was king to this
coming up, this coming weekend.

people are calling it Wonka Man,

and I think

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: no,

Track 1: Um, What else?

There's some other stuff

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: There's
a lot of, I feel like there's a, like

too many


Track 1: so you can, you
don't even have to go to

the theater.

You can just watch that at home

on, on December 22nd.

Here's the thing.

There are, so we're recording
this on December 17th.

There are

so many things between now and December
31st that come out and it's so upsetting.

'cause I just know I'm not gonna be able
to see everything that I want to see,

Track 1: Yep.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: which will
make my list not maybe as accurate as it

would be if I had watched all of it, but.

Track 1: I'm this week alone, I
crammed in I think like two or three

movies from this year that I was
like, I just gotta get these in just

just in case they make my list or just

to be able to say that I saw

Yeah, yeah, yeah.



Track 1: Thank you to Walter
for producing this episode.

Thank you to Macy Lomis for our art.

Thank you to Chordanjdocks for
our music and our theme song.

They are little rock based artists.

They're awesome.

Go check them out.

They're also newly married.

Great couple.

We love them


olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: 10

Track 1: 10

Outta 10 would recommend for
any artistic musical needs.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: mm-Hmm.

Track 1: Our next episode
is Top 10 Movies of


We'll see you then.

olivia_1_12-17-2023_192143: All right.

Merry Christmas.

Track 1: Merry Christmas

y, filthy Animal.

