listen we recorded this really late at night a few hours before this episode went live. do you really think i'm going to spend any time at all writing a clever and quirky description for this episode AFTER i edited it? no. instead i used chat gpt to write the description this time. i won't edit it a single bit. let's see how it does:

Welcome back to another episode of "Isaac, Olivia, and Walter walk into a podcast studio". Today, the trio is discussing the cinematic masterpiece that is "Facing the Giants" - a movie that makes you want to cry, laugh, and hug your nearest football coach.

Isaac starts the discussion by gushing about the movie's gripping storyline and inspirational message. Olivia jumps in to agree but can't help but point out the awkward dance scene that had her cringing in her seat. Walter then chimes in with his own observation - "Why does every character in this movie talk like they're auditioning for a Southern Baptist church choir?"

As they delve deeper into the movie's plot, they can't help but wonder if the director's intention was to make a sports movie or a religious propaganda piece. Olivia suggests that the main character's miraculous success on the field might have more to do with divine intervention than actual athletic skill.

Isaac then reveals that he tried implementing the movie's famous "death crawl" exercise with his own football team, only to realize that it was a terrible idea and ended up with a bunch of teenagers crawling across the field while yelling "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

The conversation gets more and more absurd as they discuss their favorite quotes from the movie, with Walter admitting that he still yells "You gotta give 100%, and don't you quit!" every time he hits the gym.

In the end, the three hosts can't help but love this cheesy yet heartwarming movie, even if they can't decide whether it's a sports movie, a religious movie, or just a really long ad for football equipment. Tune in next week for more nonsensical discussions and questionable life advice.